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【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Apollo』 - Episode 152

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 HPCNi9N
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 LNQujSN

•The episode starts with this.

•The rest of the episode is of them continuing to talk more about the 'recording field trip' and possible things they could do to communicate with the audience (sounds like they're reading from a list that the staff prepared), such as learning what area the listeners are from and talk about dialect words used there; or doing "Kyoukai-sen Kyoukai" (Fine Line Association) by taking in more opinions than usual and drawing where the fine line is on that topic; or a Valentine's version of "Smental." They laugh at the Valentine's version of Smental and wonder how that could work. MAMI says that it could involve chocolates, which the others go, "Aah" in realization to and say that sounds good.

•Another thing could be a Valentine's version of a program jingle. RINA wonders if they'd use instruments like they did for the previous jingles they've done. MAMI says that they could have the audience make the jingle/the melody for it instead. The director says, "Approved!", and they all laugh again. TOMO asks if the audience would have to bring along ocarinas. MAMI says no, and that they could hum instead. They all laugh and say that sounds hard. TOMO says that they won't get anyone to apply in that case.

•They also say that listeners are free to send in anything messages they'd like to ask SCANDAL, or would want SCANDAL to talk about. TOMO says that they're relying quite a bit on the listeners for this field trip, which makes their staff laugh in the background. She then says that they're having everyone send in messages regarding three things: a melody for the jingle, anything related to the program's segments, and anything they'd like the band to talk about. The band and staff all laughs at this..

•They then close out the episode. They talk a little bit about "Line of sight" and say that what they were recording at the end of last year was this song. They say it's a pretty intense song, and that it's their first dancy rock song in a while.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here. I've made a guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 6WYlmoJ Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 WvLQhcz

*A list of all episode summaries can be found here

#front-page #catchup
Holding the program's first public recording! What they'll be doing is something they'll only find out on the day of!?

Episode #152 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 NtKxGbe

HARUNA: This episode will be brought to you from the Hanzomon TOKYO FM studio.
Oh! This is sudden, but have a big announcement!! San-chunen... (HARU misspoke trying to say 'san-shuunen' = 3rd anniversary)

TOMOMI: What??

RINA: You said there's an 'important announcement,' but are you okay?? That was kind of clunky.

TOMOMI: Let's go back in time.

HARUNA: I'll pull myself together... We'll be holding "Right before the 3rd anniversary! SCANDAL Catch up's first recording field trip"!

All: Yayー!

MAMI: How auspiciousー!

HARUNA: We already announced this a little while ago, but we'd like to explain it again. At any rate, this is a 'recording field trip.' It seems to be a little different from a 'public recording,' which is the term normally used.

RINA: What's the difference?

HARUNA: We will record as usual, and have people observe that.

TOMOMI: Eh, isn't that what a public recording is?

HARUNA: That seems to be the difference...

TOMOMI: What's the difference??

(*Staff "It's not a public recording; it's a recording field trip")

TOMOMI: You're stubbornly saying it's 'different'... But you can't tell us what's different.

HARUNA: Maybe we won't know until the day comes...

RINA: I see...

HARUNA: I'm not used to saying 'recording field trip,' so I'll probably fumble the words...

RINA: That's why I fumbled at first...

(*Staff: "There's never been a recording field trip before.")

RINA: I've never heard of such a thing...

TOMOMI: Is this 'recording field trip' actually different from a 'public recording'?

(*Staff: "...It is")

HARUNA: It's an event for fans where they can enjoy "Catch up" in real life, right?
It seems that it will more compact than a 'public recording,' right?

MAMI: Then, during a recording like today's...

TOMOMI: (*Crash)


RINA: Hm? Did TOMOMI's headphones just fall off?

HARUNA: Eh? So many surprises are happening...

MAMI: What's wrong with today?

HARUNA: Anyway, it's not that kind of 'public recording,' but we are holding a 'recording field trip'... It seems that the main content will be decided later...

RINA: Nothing has been decided!!??

HARUNA: We can be like, "Let's do itー!!", but...

RINA: Does that mean that we have nothing we can talk about??

HARUNA: We're going to do a 'recording field trip'...

RINA: We've confirmed that.

HARUNA: It seems that we'll talk about the main content today.

TOMOMI: Eh, what are we talking about!?

RINA: We're being tested...

MAMI: It's like, "We're going to show *this*", right? Doesn't that mean that people will be observing it?

HARUNA: Well, that's what it is.

MAMI: I mean, everything [for this program] is almost always undecided.

RINA: True. We do free talk every time. Everything's mostly undecided.

TOMOMI: Is there a topic to stick to?

RINA: We want to read messages, too. I think it'd be nice if we could communicate with the audience since they're coming all that way.

MAMI: But wouldn't that be a 'public recording'??

RINA: Ah, I see... That's no good, then.

TOMOMI: Eh, it's not!?

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 GHLflid

The 'recording field trip' will be held on February 12th somewhere in Tokyo. People who wished to attend were able to fill out a form until February 2nd.

#front-page #catchup

Hurry〜! - 2023-02-03 (RINA) - Sat Feb 04, 2023 5:45 am


Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 6T6Vyon

Today I went from training
To meetings.
This year, I want to give shape
To all sorts of things I want to do, and things that come to mind☺
I can't wait!

Now then,
The second round of fan club presales for our spring tour
Is closing at the end of the day (February 3rd)!
Those in MANIA,
You haven't forgotten to enter, right?

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 9VW96Ju

It'd be great if right now we could make something fun for spring
And tie it in to keep ourselves motivated until then〜,
Is what we're thinking☺

If you miss this chance,
Your next one will be the general sale, so keep that in mind, okay?
Please make the most of
Your fan club benefits
When we go on tour!

Let's make it the best tour ever!
We'll be waiting!


2023/2/3 20:45

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Hurry〜! - 2023-02-03 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 650
【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Apollo』 - Episode 151

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 5816u7c
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 0O3wYai

•No blog post about this episode was posted beforehand. Guess they forgot to write one lol

•HARU reads the first message from a listener who writes hello to both the band and the radio program director Ono. The listener says that they're probably wondering why they addressed Ono as well, and that they did so because they have a story that they'd like for him to hear too. They bring up how during the Mystery Tour last year, Ono said to everyone that they should exchange contact info with the people they were grouped up with. The listener got the courage to ask this particular person in their group and then hung out together afterwards. They also attended BEST Xmas together where they got to see Ono yet again. Then, the day after on Christmas, the two of them started dating. They both wanted to tell the band and Ono about this, which is why they sent in the message. They also say that there's actually another coincidence that happened back in October 2020 when there was a fan club-only screening event in theaters to watch the Kiss from the darkness livestream before it came out on Blu-ray/DVD with only a few people being selected to attend. It turns out that they both had won entry and sat in back/front of each other. The band congratulates them and TOMO thanks Ono, who laughs at that. They say that at first Ono wasn't going to make an appearance on stage at the Mystery Tour, and it was only decided on the day of. They say that this whole thing was truly all about fate. TOMO says that she wants to give them all the sweets, which the others laugh at.

•TOMO reads the next message from a listener who has been dating their boyfriend for three years and living with him for two years. He said that he'll likely have to move to Tokyo since he's being transferred there in April. The listener is 28 while the bf is 25, and the listener would like to get married eventually to him. The bf also wants to get married, but ideally when he's 30--he apparently wants to play around a little more without being tied down. The listener says that they don't want to tie him down too much, but they're wondering if it's okay to follow him to Tokyo without promising to get married to each other yet. The listener says that they don't want to be separated from him so they want to go with him, but they also like their job and are enjoying it = they don't want to quit. The bf says that he doesn't really mind if listener stays where they are or goes with him to Tokyo. They ask the band for their opinion. The band basically says that the listener probably would have been more inclined to go if the bf had asked them to go with him, but since he didn't, the listener has a choice in what to do. Since they like their job, the band says that they don't think they need to give it up for this. They could stay behind for now and perhaps decide later if moving is something they'd want to do, and to not worry about age since they're both still young.

•RINA reads the next message from a listener who basically asks how the crowds are like at SCANDAL's overseas concerts. They mention how the crowds in Japan almost all do the same thing and it's like the entire venue is unified. They think that it's due to the collectivism (fitting in with others) that is unique to Japanese people. They also ask if there's a big difference due to how people eat and drink at concerts overseas. The band says that it's completely different overseas, and agree that pretty much the entire audience does the same kind of thing, which they say is impressive. They also mention that people do eat and drink (usually alcohol) while watching concerts, and there are also servers that are walking around. MAMI says that there are specific spaces that have tables to sit down and eat/drink at, and that the overseas crowds are more rough around the edges + have fun however they'd like. RINA says that everyone doing their own kind of thing gives a sense of unity, in a sense. They say that everyone's free to do whatever they want. A staffer asks a few things to them, such as if photo/videos are allowed overseas. The band says they are. The staffer then asks if there are people who mainly focus on recording and not enjoying the show. The band says that that's not quite the case (lol nah, I can definitely think of some who fit the bill 🤡), and that usually it looks like having fun comes first and recording is secondary. They say that you're free to enjoy yourself/have fun however you'd like.

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener who is a "silent listener" who has been listening to "Catch up" from the beginning and is sending in a message for the first time. They say that they've lived in the Kanto region since they were born, and that ever since liking SCANDAL they've admired Nagoya. They also can't help but wonder what kind of place Mie is (referring to how they talked about in a previous episode that Mie can be considered to be part of several different regions). The band wonders if the listener has ever been to Nagoya before, and that they can't really help out with the Mie thing since they don't really know either. They do know that there are a bunch of fun places like amusement parks and such, though.

•HARU reads the next message from a listener whom she says is in their teens; however, they are writing in for the "Life before SCANDAL segment" where people talk about their favorite bands before discovering SCANDAL. The band is really surprised since the listener is still only in their teens. The listener says that they got hooked on SCANDAL last year, and that their favorite bands before that were Fuji Fabric and Akai Koen. In particular, they listened to Fuji Fabric since their mom also listened to them. They ask SCANDAL if there are any artists that they've been a fan of since they were kids. TOMO says that her parents love Keisuke Kuwata and so she's been listening to him ever since she was little. CHARA's another one, although she wasn't that young when she first started listening to her. MAMI says that she's been listening to JUDY AND MARY and THE BLUE HEARTS since elementary school [because of her mom]. HARU says that for her it might be Hikaru Utada. RINA says that mothers/parents have a big effect on them in this regard. The others immediately agree. MAMI says that they'd have music playing at home and in the car, after all. RINA says that it's YUKI and Ayumi Hamasaki for her, and that she still likes them and thinks they're amazing even now. HARU wonders how young the youngest people listening to their music are right now. TOMO reminds them of how there was a five year old at their Paris concert (she's also briefly featured in the MIRROR documentary).

•As they're about to close out the episode, they're told they have one more message to read. MAMI reads the message from a listener who wrote in for the Power Word Awards and says that a definite contender happened during episode 118 when HARU said, "Its name...what is its name?" when asked what her childhood pet turtle's name was. The band laughs at this. The listener then says how they have a cat and it's impossible to live with it without calling it by its name. They ask if the turtle did have a name after all. HARU says it didn't have a name and was referred to as "Kame-chan" (Turtle-chan). They laugh at this and RINA says that was cold to not give it a name. HARU says that they didn't give it a name when they first got it, and so the timing to name it kind of slipped away.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here. I've made a guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 6WYlmoJ Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 WvLQhcz

*A list of all episode summaries can be found here

#front-page #catchup

I want to be swayed - 2023-02-02 (RINA) - Thu Feb 02, 2023 7:34 pm

I want to be swayed

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 9pa3BlM
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 KMBUuIX

At a flea market
There were many kinds of
White lace roughly stacked on top of each other,
The delicate patterns, unique to something made by hand, looking ephemeral

This was something I was drawn to
When I found it at a small shop in Paris
On our world tour last year

Curtains made of thin lace
Are like something found in a young girl's room in a movie,
Full of cuteness and intricate emotions

Blocking no light,
In the morning is when light spills through
And creates lace-patterned shadows

Always feeling a little gloomy for no reason,
But making sure to have fun living the repetitive days

Envelop those people, including yourself,
In a faint, slight warmth,
Like the light of the sun hidden behind the clouds.
Don't let go of the feelings you can't explain,
Because that intricacy is your prism - That's what we sing in our song.

We put together live footage from different places
And finished it in a form
That can be enjoyed along with the lyrics. By all means.


2023/2/2 21:37

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: I want to be swayed - 2023-02-02 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 618

Pre-production - 2023-01-31 (RINA) - Tue Jan 31, 2023 7:46 pm


Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 DoZr0bI

Yesterday, we were in the studio all day,
Making a demo for a new song

How should we arrange it?
What kind of sounds will we make with what equipment?

A time for trial and error
While working steadily and meticulously

Even though we're creating a story that only lasts three minutes,
Just how much time and heart+soul should we useー!?
Is what happens every time,
But because we know that a good time is waiting
Ahead of steady work,
We can hold out and do our best over and over again

The vectors of the songs we've written
Have naturally matched up with each other,
Even if we didn't plan so in advance.
It's mysterious how we'll read the lyrics, listen to the melody,
And be like, "Yeah, that's it."

To hear more about how songs were made,
They almost always come out in post-release interviews.
What kind of music will be born next?


2023/1/31 21:01

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Pre-production - 2023-01-31 (RINA)  Replies: 1  Views: 773
A ticket full of memories

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 JaX0k7X

Are photo books
Continuing to reach you guys?
Thank you
For sending us your thoughts via social media♡
I'm reading them all! It make me happy,,,

This original sticker
That is inspired by Paris subway tickets
Will come with orders
Placed until the end of tomorrow☺
Might as well get the book during the period
When a bonus item comes with it◎

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 Rfg64iw

After flipping through the back shots on page 59,
It really feels like there's a story
In so much of the scenery -
It made me go, "Wow"
The power of photography is so powerful that it makes me flutter
I'm glad all of it is preserved


If you check the book against my YouTube video,
It might be interesting to see some corresponding pages
That'll make you go, "Ah! This was taken during this moment!"
That's one way of enjoying it like a pro
Feel free to do so when you have time◎

English subs:

I wonder what kind of story awaits
In the sequel☺


2023/1/28 18:00

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: A ticket full of memories - 2023-01-28 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 679

Somewhere in Tokyo - 2023-01-27 (RINA) - Sat Jan 28, 2023 6:27 am

Somewhere in Tokyo

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 GyUdq5K

We have a new announcement☺
We will be holding
A field trip where we'll be recording for "Catch up,"
Our podcast that comes out every Monday〜!

While eating Meiji sweets,
The four of us will be talking about
Topics that we don't discuss anywhere else

We'd also like to do our usual, popular segments
And something that's special for this day only
Since we finally get to record in front of you guys,
We want to talk to everyone at a close distance
And create this program together☺

We think that it'd be nice
To be able to communicate frankly
Rather than doing an uptight recording...!

I'm sure it'll be a day
With a completely different feeling of satisfaction? A special feeling?
Than when we see each other for concerts,
So if you're interested, please come out〜!

We're accepting applications on our fan club♡

It'll begin from
16:00〜 JST, somewhere in Tokyo on 2/12! ㊙

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 GHLflid

Let's have a fun time
Before we see each other on tour♡


2023/1/27 20:24

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Somewhere in Tokyo - 2023-01-27 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 643

"MIRROR" MV hits 1 million views - Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:00 am

The "MIRROR" music video has surpassed 1 million views!
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 G0Drkos

The "MIRROR" MV has surpassed 1 million views!

Thank you very much for watching it! 🪞

As of yesterday, one year has passed since our 10th Album 『MIRROR』 was released. We hope that these songs will remain close to your heart💫

#front-page #mirror
Posted in: Official Releases  Topic: "MIRROR" MV hits 1 million views  Replies: 180  Views: 20473

Now then, - 2023-01-26 (RINA) - Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:50 pm

Now then,

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 1TcLKBO

MANIA members〜!
The second round of presales for our tour has begun☺
Those who couldn't get any last time,
Take this chance to try again, okay?
(Anyone in the fan club can apply◎)

It makes us happy
To see everyone calling it
The "UU Tour" on social media
And using the #SCANDAL_UU hashtag☺
It's kind of cute,,,

Can't wait for April!
It feels like spring will be here in no time
The days we get to see each other are getting closer

Today, one of our female managers
Invited me to a restaurant
We were interested in☺
I'm grateful
That she continues to support us each and every day.
It was fun☺

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 16 XE0uHRS

Such a great time♡


2023/1/26 20:32

Posted in: Blog 2023  Topic: Now then, - 2023-01-26 (RINA)  Replies: 0  Views: 898

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