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Electric Mami

Electric Mami

Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
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Hello there ! Here's a tab I made by ear of what may be my favorite Scandal song ! It's Mami's part, as you may have read in the title. I spent around 5 hours to understand differences Mami could play from one measure to another, the exact strumming patterns etc. This song really reveals the precision in her wrist, her creativity in terms of writing as well. I hope you'll take as much pleasure learning it as I did tabing it ! I'll upload a video at 4 PM CEST on the 22th August (Saturday), so you'll be able to see me playing it too. I can't handle Guitar Pro yet, so a tab like that is the best I could make... Hope you'll enjoy it :3
Anyway, here's the tab ~ – Forget that link, I've made something much better and more accurate than this below !
And here's my cover of it, hoping it can help ~
Oh, I nearly forgot : I saw someone ask it, so I'll try to make a tab for Tomomi's part too. I'm not a bassist, but I'll try my best ! – Edit : It's done ! See below too

Last edited by Electric Mami on Wed Dec 21, 2022 5:44 am; edited 3 times in total

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Thank you! Both the guitar and bass on this song are really smooth NEON TOWN ESCAPE (Live Version) [Guitar Pro + Tab Videos + PDFs] 1f60a

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Electric Mami

Electric Mami

Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
My pleasure ! Both are indeed delightful, it was such a pleasure to tab it, and I'm really glad to share it there :3

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Electric Mami

Electric Mami

Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
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Hi there!

Forget my tab above lol, I've came up with something much better and more accurate! I reproduced the Kiss from the darkness Livestream version of the song in Guitar Pro! Yes, I've finally learned how to use it haha.

Information about the mix for the GP transcription:

Information about each member's part




I think everything was already said above in the spoilers, whether it was for the mix, or each member's part. I'll just add that I'm pretty satisfied of how the ending sounds like a genuine sort of grand finale to the song in its live version. I'm very glad I've come to complete this transcription in around a week (well, to finish tabbing everything, and around another week to bring the slightest corrections lol), and to now share it.

I will definitely do and share other transcriptions like this one later. The next one will most likely be “Ai ni Naranakatta no sa” (I've only tabbed the guitar solo so far), since I've received some requests for it, and I wanted to do it anyway. I'm also planning to do more “MIRROR” songs, to redo my “Masterpiece” tab but in Guitar Pro, to figure out the drums for “Tonight”, etc… I'm excited about completing more transcriptions like this one ^.^

Sorry for the long texts, I'm just so enthusiastic to share this haha. If you notice any mistake or have any edit suggestion, please tell me, and I'll update the files that need it!

Here's the folder containing all the files of the transcription (Videos of isolated parts, PDFs, Guitar Pro file):

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