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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Dobondobondo LOL

1. I don't usually like rap but this is so easy on the ears
2. This new sound is hilarious for Tomomi / Mami
3. Tomomi and Mami just seem to have more chemistry here than Haruna and Rina :X

Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 61185
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
i'll go for almond crush LD

.1 rina is singing :D and its my first time hear her sings *faints*
.2 because haru is there also i like them both
.3 because the music is so cool Happy

SCANDAL is .love. .love. 
Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 Cover11
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Almond Crush Desu!!!

1. Koi no hajimari wa diet~
2. Rina/Haruna Collab kills meeeh~ ♥
3. i love both of them from the start ^^

Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 Images+%25283%2529
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International Performer
International Performer
Almond Crush!!

1. RINA!!!
2. HARU!!
3. i don't like rap

Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 2d0ylnt
Asia Tour 2013 (Singapore) - 16/03/13
HELLO WORLD (Singapore) - 08/05/15
PERFECT WORLD (Budokan) - 12/01/16, 13/01/16
YELLOW (Singapore) - 04/06/16
10TH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL (Osaka Izumiotsu Phoenix) - 21/08/16

Discovery of SCANDAL - 22/07/11
First SCANDAL Concert - 16/03/13
First Banner Chosen and Displayed On SH - 29/04/14
First SCANDAL Concert in Japan - 12/01/16
First Time to Photograph SCANDAL at a Concert - 04/06/16
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
dobondobon do!

1st.. they're much cuter compared to haruna and rina duo(what can you say?)
2nd..damn.their voice complements well in that genre of rap.
3rd...they show the moves men!

People who misunderstand my fascination to Japanese Music are no different to those who really don't understand that MUSIC is a UNIVERSAL language.

Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 530278_518239518200301_1411499125_n

Men 7900 lp battle damage received but in my turn? .cool.
OTK! I drained 8000 before the BP comes! GG
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International Performer
International Performer
Almond Crush for me !

the reason :
1. Rina is my fav. member while Haruna has up to my #2 fav.
2. both of them have cute voice , i like cute voice and the music too LOVE
3. dobondobondo is good , but cherry jam minus of music Hehee
4(optional) . koi no hajimari wa diet is what i'm listening right now Hehee

after all , i prefer cute voice rather than rapping Hehee

Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 400px-TentChu
Kimi dake ni . . . Chu! Chu! Chu! LOVE
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer

1. MAMI is my fav member
2. Duo Dobondobondo more match than Almond Crush

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Caless Student
Caless Student

1.Tomomi is there :D
2.They are funny especially in the pv
3.I like their rapping

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International Performer
International Performer

~My fave member is Mami
~I always laugh when they're together and their pv is so funny Hohoho Onion Onion Wahaha
~I love Mami LOVE .love. Onion Love Onion Love Love Onion Shy

Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 Tumblr_mhs6ngVNFm1qinf53o1_400

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Caless Student
Caless Student

1. tomo..
2. they make SCANDAL more unique..
3. the name (dobondobondo) is so catchy..

Ho Onion

Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 0301090569v1_WEB
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International Performer
International Performer
even though i'm a HaRina fan i'll go with Dobondobon

they're bubbly
i like their chemistry
and they're hilarious XD

"For us, the band is more like "life" to us than it is a "job." We're wonderful friends who are sharing life that only happens once." -Rina
Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 Zd1XFwZ
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International Performer
International Performer
Even though I LOVE Koi no and can hear it anytime...Im going with DOBONDOBONDUO

1: Top Favourite Members
2: Hilarious
3: Random

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Dobondobondo duo

1. Tomomi and Mami have really good chemistry
2. the PV for Dobondobondo no theme was funny .lol.
3. They're the funniest member of SCANDAL...especially Tomomi

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Caless Student
Caless Student
Mommy, Daddy, don't make me choose! Q_____Q


But after careful deliberation, Almond Crush!
1) Because RINA! <3 We don't get to hear her voice a lot, this was a nice outing for her.
2) Also, the funny conversation bits. "Just go running, then!"
3) I can sing along with it. I've almost got the convo part down, too. :D Conversely, I have a hard time keeping up with rap most of the time. Tongue
4) I can dance (embarrasingly) along to it. Mostly while washing dishes.

Still love Dobondobondo though. I can at least keep up with the M.A.M.I.T.O.M.O.M.I part. Hehe.

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My Sakura

My Sakura

Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I choose Dobondobondo even Haru's in Almond crush

1. I love the personality of Tomo - chan and Mami - sama
2. they love to goof always and i like their song Cherry jam (i'll probably kill someone if they dislike it)
3.I love the voice of this two when mixed

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International Performer
International Performer
Nothing against Almond Crush, but I'm picking Dobondobondo on this one. Wink

#1 Tomomi and Mami have this inexplicably weird yet somewhat effective chemistry between the two of them.
#2 They're freaking hilarious.
#3 They can actually rap!

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International Performer
International Performer
I guess it's just a matter of preference. I do love them all, but the two units are of different genre so I choose:


1.) I dislike rap in general but I must admit Dobondobondo and Cherry Jam are easy in the ears;
2.) I have a thing for electro-pop; and
3.) I love ToMami's goofiness but I love Haruna's calm behavior more and how she scolds Rina in Koi no Hajimari wa diet; so much like her. Hahaha XD

Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 Haruka10
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Caless Student
Caless Student
Team Dobondobondo!

1. Because I sometimes start singing "Cherry Jam, Cherry Jam" unconsciously.
2. Because screaming M.A.M.I.T.O.M.O.M.I D.O.B.O.N.D.O.B.O.N.D.O is just the best thing ever.
3. I love this sudden rap-song ROFL

Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 Anigif
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Caless Student
Caless Student
tho I LOVE our guitarist,MAMI
here I prefer, Almond Crush!!!!

1.RINA's singing :D This one reason is enough ! because We can hardly hear her voice in SCANDAL's song :/
2.The conversation is sooooooooooo funny! I just can't stop repeat it! hahahaa
3.The song's cute and easy to sing along Happy (Did I tell you I'm trying to sing Dobondobondo for a month now hahahahaha IT'S SO FAST XD)

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Almond Crush! .love.

3 reasons... hmmmmm...

1. It's composed of HARU and RINA, my top 2 favorite members. Love Struck
2. I have a taste for electro-pop. And I prefer it more than rap music. xD
3. It makes me smile to see them both together, they really look like an older and younger sister pair.

Last edited by mc~ on Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 Download
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer

1. Cant stop laughing hearing them LOLOLOL
2. i dont like electrial song.. but i dont hate almodcrush at all.. i only prefer dobondobondo
3. ToMami are freak LOL

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International Performer
International Performer
Almond Crush !!!!!!!!!!~


1. coz of Haru ♥

2. coz of Haru ♥

3. coz of Haru ♥

nuff said ~

Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 1y9gb
Eki x Tomia x Miyuko ♥
Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 F3crb7

userbar by reo (y)
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Caless Student
Caless Student

1. Despite my obsession with Scandal, I'm also a rap/hip-hop fan
2. Mami is favorite
3. Tomomi is just adorable

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International Performer
International Performer
Almond Crush

- Haruna!
- More Rina Singing!
- I love their combination!


Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 Tumblr_nozfepuWf31tc12aio1_540
~ Morning Musume '15 ~
Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Im not a fan of rap/hiphop but still Dobondobondo ftw!

- I love their combi. they are fun to watch and I love their PV's! so random haha
- Mami is my fav.
- their rapping sounds nice for me.

Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 1-11
Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 2-14Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 Joanah009Almond Crush or Dobondobondo ? Give 3 reasons why! - Page 2 4-11
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