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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Wow so many of you want to be in Japan.. I hope you guys can go there, so you can enjoy..  Nice one




はんたーねえむ は


What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Tumblr_mptb64mzq01s4uarco1_500

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International Performer
International Performer
Is there room for one more ?   Happy

What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Sig_sc10
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International Performer
International Performer
S type wrote:Wow so many of you want to be in Japan.. I hope you guys can go there, so you can enjoy..  Nice one

I was there last week for hanami. 日本がだいすき。本当にだいすき。But I really need to know nihon-go to be in Japan to work. Can't be a tourist for the rest of my life, can I? ^^

What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 SCANDALCOLLE-2020-SIG

~ CHECK OUT MY 「感謝祭」ŌSAKA 2018 VIDEO! 見てください!  ~

16-17/3/13 *SCAPE Warehouse | SIN • 29/1/15 たましんRISURUホール | 立川市、日本 • 31/1/15 ベイシア文化ホール | 前橋市、日本 • 26/4/15 O2 Academy Islington | UK • 12-13/1/16 日本武道館 | 東京、日本 • 10/9/16 Melkweg | AMS • 17/9/16 Szene | WIEN • 24/9/16 O2 Academy Islington | UK • 10/6/18 MacPherson Stadium | HK • 10-11/11/18 ZEPP Ōsaka Bayside | 大阪、日本
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Caless Student
Caless Student
Obviously Japan, It's my dream :3 
And I'm getting closer, soon I'm going to Australia Happy

What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 I7mPuJapC7ZQ5
I ♥️ 小川 ともみWhat Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 911293
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I've always wanted to go to New Zealand and I could easily imagine living there too. I could also see myself living in the UK or Canada. Japan... no. As much as I love the place, it's still hard to be a working woman there when it's expected by the time you turn thirty you should be married and be a mother and leave your job.

But at the moment I'm happy to live in Finland. I'm only considering leaving if Timo Soini (the head of True Finns party) becomes Prime Minister xD

What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Afb8d165-1aae-4355-8a7b-a9aa5ab09590_zps5e685cc0
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
There's honestly no place like home, I would consider going overseas for a couple of years or even as part of my job but I will always return Toronto.

What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 SaberLily-Sig_zpsb97a97a6
--------This Sig is done by me, uploaded on DA as kisuke-matamune------
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Caless Student
Caless Student
Maybe Japan Why ? i just want to see sakura trees in japan , maybe in osaka i'll stay , japan also a wonderful countries

What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Dxm6wYN
clap clap ~ .clap.
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Ive got one per continent:

If its in America, Argentina is my fav place (Ive already been there, and it was wonderful)

If its in Europa, tough cookie, Switzerland because of good people Ive met from there.

If its in Africa, Madagascar has always caught my eye.

If its in Asia, Philippines for being the most similar to latin americans in the east. Plus the Pacman Pacquiao!

If its in Oceania, New Zealand looks like a fun place to live with the maori.

What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 The_legend_of_giant_dad_by_theblasianbruski-d6sotfu
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
@CounterClock Yay people want to come to New Zealand! I'm Maori so hello~~

@ErinacchiLove Yeah you should come over!

Right now I'm learning Japanese so I guess Japan would be the obvious answer, hopefully next year or the year after I can go on an exchange to Japan. I want to work out of New Zealand most of my life and maybe return when I'm old to be with my family when I die.

What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Mami_zippo_a__stamp_1_by_haritomi-d5tg64b What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Tomomi_zippo_a__stamp_1_by_haritomi-d5tg6x5 What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Scandal_fan_stamp_by_haritomi-d5it3x6 What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Rina_zippo_a__stamp_5_by_haritomi-d5tg6fz What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Haruna_zippo_a__stamp_4_by_haritomi-d5tg5m4
Credit to: HaRiToMi or d3nise
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Most of the pips here wants Japan, yes I want to go to Japan to see the beauty of my favorite band's country. But I'm not planning to stay there for life. vacation will be fine, but for a lifetime stay, I choose New Zealand. 

me want you..
What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 248620_543230782354814_1332185272_n
What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Scandal_logo_stamp_by_haritomi-d5it41eWhat Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Mami_stamp_4_by_haritomi-d5iskhe
(c)d3nise or (c)haritomi
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International Performer
International Performer
Japan would be nice, but it wouldn't be bad to serve my hometown, so I think I'll be spending the rest of my life here in the Philippines.

In the morning, let the sun give you enough warmth which my love fails to do. And at noon, let the wind carry my felicitations and bring it to you. With louder sounds, bury it more, until only our hearts can hear that song which plays only between the two of us. If possible, make the night darker until our emotions are radiant enough to be seen. 

This clock which ticks differently on the two of us, hasten its pace so that our paths may converge in the future. This clock which fills me with sorrow as it reminds of how impossible it is for me to even see you, hasten its pace so that my sorrows would be drowned. Let me sleep therefore, so that I could prepare for tomorrow, as I did today, in making these thoughts and aspirations materialize. So let me sleep then, so that your presence would give me hints in accomplishing these goals.

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International Performer
International Performer
Japan or Korea

              What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 RV9kkiW
                                                    ♫ "Life is a waste when you're all alone 
                                     My smiles and tears shine brighter because I have you" ♫ 
                                                                -Everybody Say Yeah!
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Most definitely Japan. I like how they're respectful and polite (I haven't been there, but from what I heard, Japanese people are famous for being polite ^^ and having manners!)
I'd also want to enjoy great views everyday. Just by simply walking in the streets of Japan would make me happy lol. I want to spend a peaceful life there~

and most of all, i'd get to see SCANDAL Lives, go to SCANDAL shop and stuff like that haha

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Caless Student
Caless Student
of course i want to spend the rest of my life in my home country - philippines
but in case i have the chance to go back and forth it will be in japan and some european country

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International Performer
International Performer
Still in the Philippines but not in Manila. Maybe in Cebu (my adopted hometown) or La Union (my father's hometown) where I can maintain a farm and drive to a beach nearby to go surfing.

What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Tumblr_pe1dui3Jru1qdewlro1_400

Sing it Back, Bring it Back, Sing it Back to Me... Wait, WRONG SONG!

Do you believe in life after love? (after love, after love)... STILL WRONG, D****T!!

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Caless Student
Caless Student
Japan :3 politics in our country is a mess compared to Japan I guess?

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Japan is a big dream

What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 W
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ryoseki kun

ryoseki kun

Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
1. Japan
2. USA
3. Korea  
 Nice one

What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRMfYSiqCkx0BfnkrexrjlO2bRSkAthIuNxCX-rlRiy3-WUKca1

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Global Moderator
Global Moderator
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USA, greatest country in the world full of Freedom.

What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Slide-13
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Caless Student
Caless Student
Europe - Germany - Low cost of living!
Asia - Japan - Love the culture and the people.

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Caless Student
Caless Student
none? My dream is to be a nomad Wink
but I still want to experience living in Japan for 5 years or so Happy

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Jose Manuel Cortes

Jose Manuel Cortes

Caless Student
Caless Student
Hmmm I would like:
1-Japan its my dream.
2-USA I guess is not bad.
3- I don´t know I think this third option is for any country I would visit, but for now is not in my objectives.

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Caless Student
Caless Student
JAPAN (osaka)
CHINA (guangzhou)

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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
-my own is Given, others are


What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 AYUQAuy
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Japan would be a country where I would spend the remainder of my life.
However there is also Mauritius, Palau and Seychelles.
There is also Maldives. I would really want to live in Maldives.
But I probably won't because Maldives might disappear soon due to rising sea levels.

Sukyandaru desu~!
What Country you want to spend the rest of your Life? - Page 2 Siggys11
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