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Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6rUs9ySh_o



  1. Sisters
  2. DIAMOND (PRINCESS PRINCESS cover with Kaori Kishitani)

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BNUD8toE_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN URrVcLZE_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Je3VR8mX_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6rUs9ySh_t

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you!!!】

at Intex Osaka

M8. Sisters/SCANDAL

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN II30ZoCo_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 9NdrOHPL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 44cbxjCJ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN POrOMiLP_t

HARUNA: 「I wrapped up my singing for this year at RADIO CRAZY🎤 Happy I got to perform with Kaori-san [of PRINCESS PRINCESS] 〜,, She's so energetic and positive, and I have so much respect for her🥹 Thank you so much for this most awesome opportunity!」

BEST★Xmas 2024 - Tue Dec 31, 2024 8:40 am

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN N7la1iIo_o

BEST★Xmas 2024 @ Toyosu PIT


  1. Koibito ga Santa Claus
  4. Hello!Hello!
  5. Yoake no Ryuuseigun
  6. one more time
  7. Chankapana (NEWS cover)
  8. weeeek (NEWS cover)
  9. Prism
  10. Plum
  11. Platform Syndrome
  12. OVER
  13. Take Me Out
  14. A.M.D.K.J.
  15. Shunkan Sentimental

  16. Space Ranger

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN REFsvtOt_t

SCANDAL: 「We received Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt at the "BEST★Xmas2024" venue yesterday!

Please try Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt and find your favorite flavor! 🥄

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN N7la1iIo_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QoXEPDBi_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YG0X7huA_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 10EPqKDF_t

TOMOMI: 「BEST Xmas, thanks so much!
Our last solo concert of the year🎄💘
This year was another fun one〜!!!!!!
I love BEST Xmas because it always feels like a year-end party with everyone🫶

The first half of next year will consist of 3 consecutive monthly releases from 1/1, releasing an EP, and going on a nationwide tour!
Best regards for SCA-chan in 2025 as well!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OXXiaGz0_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Sub8tjWG_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HinkoX7k_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YxmTDIIM_t

HARUNA: 「BEST★Xmas2024🎄 It was so much fun this year as well - thank you so much! Starting in the new year, we'll be doing digital releases, releasing an EP, and going on tourー! Look forward to it all🎁

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN O65TUY0W_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VjqXbArj_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TzRasW42_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SCWeR2i1_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XawRqJX3_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PoMHdpJh_t

MAMI: 「BEST★Xmas 2024 @ Toyosu PIT

Pana🤙, Hello Kitty, and a miracle guitar🚀

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CS9KzAme_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OVQ6q9lq_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PKZ8yPxc_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6faLeUT4_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CD8lwcPq_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PTuNq6VB_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PTsOv9OM_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN V5S4X6gb_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KeDsgQRh_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FMQ7Vyxe_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN T0PJUajl_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Q6oWeOQz_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SkKt1GWB_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN B4VR09o2_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QJ21UoTp_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SG4yYu9G_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DIaf6Que_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Y20GGMhM_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VsTEm6kF_t

RINA: 「Our annual BEST Xmas concert. The fun and sense of accomplishment this year were amazinggg! It was a great way to close out the year with such a wonderful concert. Next year, we will release three consecutive singles starting in January, followed by an EP with those three songs and a memorable cover song. We'll go on tour nationwide from spring, and after that, we’ll have plenty of overseas performances. The past few years have been a bit of a bumpy ride, and there were times when things weren't going so well, but now everything is perfectly in place, and I'm excited that we'll all be able to go to even greater heights in 2025. Thank you so much for this year. It's been a great one. Please continue supporting us. The theme for next year is love and playfulness.」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 8ZnItwFG_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GCuWMQ4L_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN H00ypyr4_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Hgv4wysU_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ICDy4GQ3_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AYgjQAhH_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JvuUNrDg_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2lAzJSNu_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UQnT6Sf3_t

RINA: 「Merry Christmas❤︎」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: BEST★Xmas 2024  Replies: 1  Views: 397

SCANDAL @ Victor Rock Matsuri 2024 - Mon Dec 02, 2024 7:32 pm

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PDI778P7_o

SCANDAL @ Victor Rock Matsuri 2024


  1. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
  2. Masterpiece
  3. Shunkan Sentimental
  4. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto
  5. Take Me Out
  6. A.M.D.K.J.

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PDI778P7_t

SCANDAL: 『【 Thank you!!! 】

「Victor Rock Matsuri 2024」
at Tokyo Garden Theater (Ariake)』

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QExsO25I_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YWDbmDJP_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LiLV5Ree_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Xtstl83w_t

TOMOMI: 「Victor Rock Matsuri 2024, thanks so much!
I'm happy we were able to spend some wonderful time together with bands, comedians, and their fans that we don't usually get to see🌼

We've been at Victor for 6 years🔥
Thank you for always being there for us with love and support🫶
Best regards from here on out as well!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AZFXviAJ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Mqk00ZaN_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 7Js484oI_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ASYc8fei_t

HARUNA: 「Victor Rock Matsuri 2024🔥 Our first appearance in 5 years! I think coming to Victor has given our band a new lease on life and led to us getting a world record, so I was happy to be invited back today. Thank you to everyone who saw us❤

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YuirqgIE_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KoniY2eO_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DEESFFoB_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Yk1eetrk_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SHRg74OL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 0Tg54ZBZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 82enGw5Y_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 8KmxA7us_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Vr8LE6zG_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Mwl2lELG_t

RINA: 「Today we played at Victor Rock Matsuri for the first time in 5 years. It's already been 6 years since we established her (Our imprint label. All of our works are released from here.) with Victor. When we named it, we thought again that we would enjoy our lives to the fullest, being born girls and choosing to be in a band. We started out wondering how to do that, but now we have a clear outline of that feeling. It was fun, & I'm glad we were able to perform today, with the four of us thinking that we can still do it. Thank you♡」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TzwkrZej_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3LLCLe5X_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Sv9ulYaP_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZJsk5TiY_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XqTjfISt_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN O4FBkx6k_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XpFcOesx_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZRD0Om9o_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN W0redfkb_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UbKzGNTE_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN O1kStVoA_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 7NY5VAts_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MKGjSThd_t

RINA: 「We were unsure of the setlist until the last minute today since there were so many songs we wanted to play, but I'm glad we played "Masterpiece." It takes a lot of energy, but it's a good song and I like it. Also, we had some rare equipment trouble, which was a thrill after a long time haha. You never know what's going to happen every time even if you've done it hundreds of times, and even the same song as yesterday is different. A heart of steel that won't give up no matter what happens on stage( ◜ᴗ◝ ) I headed home feeling all soft and fuzzy」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL @ Victor Rock Matsuri 2024  Replies: 1  Views: 433
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OaSXOZqU_o

SCANDAL @ Sayaka Yamamoto × Live Natalie Zepp TOUR「SYnergy」


  1. Shoujo S
  2. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
  4. Ai ni Naranakatta no sa
  5. Plum
  6. one more time
  7. Kagerou
  8. A.M.D.K.J.
  9. Take Me Out
  10. Shunkan Sentimental

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OaSXOZqU_tTopics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LBz8nPhh_t

SCANDAL: 『【 Thank you!!! 】

Sayaka Yamamoto × Live Natalie Zepp TOUR「SYnergy」
at Zepp Namba (OSAKA)』

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MEHm03eT_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN O5ypP364_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RnoRfD6G_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN F2zw1l5J_t

TOMOMI: 『We were invited to play the Osaka performance of Sayaka Yamamoto × Live Natalie Zepp TOUR「SYnergy」🔥
Thank you very much🫶

It was our first joint concert in 16 years, since we were middle schoolers!
It was also in Osaka, just like today🥹
I'm glad we both continued to play music! To think that this kind of day would come!

I'm so happy we got to reunite in a live music club!🌼

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KELMHQIO_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Y8mtWubd_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN N3O1nUxq_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 7VhMHH5k_t

HARUNA: 『Sayaka Yamamoto × Live Natalie Zepp TOUR「SYnergy」🫶 Sayaka-chan invited us to play our first joint concert together in 16 years!
We also got to sing "Rainbow Rose" in collaboration. The audience's enthusiasm was amazing, and it was an emotional and happy night!
Thank you very much❤

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UDdFHOYo_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OVaaoe62_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HfImqEhb_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OaVTbJhf_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN M1gctDIP_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LjQzBbDn_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FVLQFani_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VCYmh2P1_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AeYeFIBO_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HYID2Nd2_t

RINA: 「We played in Osaka today. We were invited to Sayaka Yamamoto's joint-band tour. 16 years ago, we and Sayaka's band often played at Osaka venues together. We've both gone through all kinds of stories, and I was really happy we got to do this again today. It was so much fun. Through Sayaka-chan's performances, both now and back then, you can tell how much she loves music. I envy how she built her career while going through a bunch of transitions and changes, and I thiknk it was the correct answer that we've continued to stay the same for so long. I hope we get to do this again someday! Thank you very much♡」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YeIun3eh_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3qsy95P6_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN P5aAp4vy_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN O1MLXfg2_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Yka6MPI4_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WWAzdFhL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZjeiyTDb_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZtNGw3Nr_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 86JRKxrv_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LazhfxbQ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN U3iR3DJZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YrGp2kRC_t

RINA: 「⋆ . * ☽ * . ⋆」

Sayaka's letter: 「Thank you very much for accepting my joint-band tour invitation!

16 years after first meeting, I never thought we'd be able to perform together again like this, so I feel very emotional and happy. I'm also very excited about how we'll be collaborating today!

It's a one-night-only, emotional special concert.

I will do my best to make it the best concert for all the fans, staff, and everyone involved with SCANDAL.

Have a great day today!!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6lc9uPYJ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Z8hhkQPW_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN G1n1fvpZ_t

Sayaka Yamamoto: 『Sayaka Yamamoto × Live Natalie
Zepp TOUR「SYnergy」 in Osaka
Thanks so much!!

A reunion after 16 years since meeting as fellow all-girl bands.
It was a very emotional and passionate event that was made possible
By the fact that we've both continued to do this for a long time✨

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2T5zbQx0_o

SCANDAL @ Rhythmic Toy World Presents 「Gangu Taisen 2024」


  1. Shunkan Sentimental
  2. Shoujo S
  3. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
  4. Anata e
  5. Take Me Out
  6. A.M.D.K.J.

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VzYdu25C_t

SCANDAL: 「【 Thank you!!! 】

Rhythmic Toy World Presents「Gangu Taisen 2024」
at Tokorozawa Sakura Town, Japan Pavilion, Hall A

1. Shunkan Sentimental
2. Shoujo S
3. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
4. Anata e
5. Take Me Out
6. A.M.D.K.J.

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2T5zbQx0_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN W5cV0cQX_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VMmtKE5N_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NljJN4vd_t

TOMOMI: 『Rhythmic Toy World Presents「Gangu Taisen 2024」, thanks so much🫶

Rhythmic's performance was so cool!
Again, congrats on your 15th anniversary🎂💘

We're both bands that have been around for a long time, but this was our first time we'd ever played a joint concert together properly, which made me really happy〜🦋

Today's performance of "Anata e" was special🌙

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UnHGXsn9_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN C5wZtGzx_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TSI4JEOb_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YcOouCD9_t

HARUNA: 『Rhythmic Toy World Presents「Gangu Taisen 2024」🔥
We were so happy to be invited to this wonderful event by way of the production of "Anata e"!
It was such a warm day, with a view and joy that we were able to see because we've been around for so long,,
Again, congrats on your 15th anniversary, Rhythmic🎉
Your performance was amazing!!』

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BihlgbjR_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HyzhPlC5_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RoSqj6nG_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN U28Zg1IW_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1g9FPzd5_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DA2MMJWi_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CDVKisKZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN M2Sbt6Tw_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XuSr3ssY_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BHYplic6_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN G47EbaiF_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 8DwsduUe_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OjCl5B7i_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SZ89bA3Q_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HFe8nUHZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN B7STNiGg_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN L2DW5mbs_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HUySfdRv_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AqNpJwrF_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 5FbkjM4z_t

RINA: 「Gangu Taisen 2024! Rhythmic, congrats on your 15th anniversary! We were so happy to be invited to such an important day. It was such a great day with nothing but bands that have had long careers, and where you could see the bond between them and the audience. So much fun and so moving. Everyone overcame so many hardships to play live today. I really love bands that communicate with their hearts. Today's performance of "Anata e" was so awesome and special! Thank you so much︎⟡.·」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 0DbUbEeu_t

RINA: 「Each performer was asked to handdraw toys they used to play with as a child and to send it over when ready so that it could be printed on merch. When we looked at the merch today, we were embarrassed to realize we were the only ones who wrote our names on them. We were apparently also by far the first to submit them( ◜ᴗ◝ ) Lovely」

SCANDAL @ Muginotoki Ongakusai 2024 #Seeds - Mon Nov 04, 2024 11:29 pm

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XLHYjwmT_o

SCANDAL @ Muginotoki Ongakusai 2024 #Seeds


  1. eternal (Acoustic)
  2. Very Special (Acoustic)
  3. Ivory (Acoustic)
  4. Pin Heel Surfer (Guest: Sho Wada from TRICERATOPS) [Acoustic]
  5. Tsuki (Acoustic)
  6. Sisters (Acoustic)

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JnGluas7_t

SCANDAL: 「【 Thank you!!! 】

"Muginotoki Ongakusai 2024 #Seeds"
at COEDO Craft Brewery Grounds

1. eternal
2. Very Special
3. Ivory
4. Pin Heel Surfer (Guest: Sho Wada from TRICERATOPS)
5. Tsuki
6. Sisters」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XLHYjwmT_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN H0rc67HV_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CQdPoQvV_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QUr6u365_t

TOMOMI: 「Muginotoki Ongakusai, thanks so much!

Playing an acoustic set after the sun set and has gotten cooler felt great〜🌙

I love the at-home vibe of Mugitoki!
It's such an honor to be involved every year🍺

Tomorrow's the public recording for WILD STOCK!
Best regards🫶🌈

For today's performance, we welcomed special guest Sho Wada from TRICERATOPS and played "Pin Heel Surfer" together for the first time in 12 years!
So happy!
Sho is always so cool, and I'll always look up to him🫶
Big love! Sho Wada!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 8Fgxdvbx_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YzzJMZaT_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Pont50dp_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EIQCNqVn_t

HARUNA: 「At Muginotoki Ongakusai 2024 #Seeds, we did an acoustic set this year as well! Playing in the middle of nature and performing with Sho Wada for the first time in forever were all special and fun〜☺ Thanks so much to everyone who saw us!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 8nCXp3wa_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ui6XJOgV_t

Sho Wada: 「With SCANDAL for the first time in forever😄 It was such a great time performing "Pin Heel Surfer" with them ✨🎶 I was so preoccupied that I forgot to say this on stage, but if I were a woman and a musician, I'd want to join SCANDAL. They're such an ideal band + group. I've known them since they were teenagers, so it was such a touching night🌙

TOMOMI in reply: 「So happy😫💘
Hope we can perform together again!」

HARUNA in reply: 「Wada-san🥹 Thank *you* for a great night and great time〜! So happy we got to perform together again!✨

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 145dCtyA_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OoQRXVY6_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PM63Bm12_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OYG3QOmV_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZRcD0VBk_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3O0ahBFh_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN J0JErp4I_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CJrBPIwg_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN O6GSSROZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Y6fDSoO8_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SgXnoefE_t

RINA: 「Muginotoki had the best atmosphere this year too. This festival really makes you feel happy. I was so glad to be invited for the second year in a row, and to have the opportunity to do an acoustic performance. It was so much fun. It felt so good. Thank you for the wonderful time⟡.·」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN W8c1hv4a_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BDTesTro_t

RINA: 「Yesterday, we also did a collab with Sho Wada-san. When we said, "We'll be wearing red outfits!" during rehearsals, he said, "I found a great t-shirt at a thrift shop!", and showed up also wearing red to the performance. He said so many kind things, and his ability to brighten everyone around him is truly amazing. I was really happy to perform together again after such a long time! Thank you!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XTAYkQ3O_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ACOO2EaA_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Fzehyjnz_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 9qBVVlnm_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TCzyVQiX_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JLzYaADY_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 4JYsktO7_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LymskuQ4_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 9u3TTnf1_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Za1PdfIx_t

RINA: 「Red cardigan draped ver.⟡.·」

SCANDAL @ UNI9UE PARK'24 - Mon Nov 04, 2024 10:54 pm

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XgfkSc1u_o



  1. Shunkan Sentimental
  2. Shoujo S
  3. Yoake no Ryuuseigun
  4. Plum
  5. Tonight
  6. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
  7. Take Me Out
  8. one more time

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WmOab8Jq_t

SCANDAL: 「【 Thank you!!! 】

at Shiokaze Park/Taiyou no Hiroba, Odaiba

1. Shunkan Sentimental
2. Shoujo S
3. Yoake no Ryuuseigun
4. Plum
5. Tonight
6. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
7. Take Me Out
8. one more time」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XgfkSc1u_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FD8x4LZD_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN I2aksRft_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XP9aiMbS_t

TOMOMI: 「UNI9UE PARK'24, thanks so much!

Although it was hot today too, there was an at-home vibe and it felt really nice🌷

It was a festival that had many booths and wonderful merchandise and food, and it was fun just to walk around🌞

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QR90JWs9_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Snugkxz0_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Y0VxPUOB_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FB1d1sEI_t

HARUNA: 「UNI9UE PARK'24, thanks so much☘ We delivered a setlist that lets you enjoy SCANDAL to the fullest amidst some perfect outdoor festival weather! It made me happy that the atmosphere was so warm〜🫶」

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MAMI: 「UNI9UE PARK’24 @ Shiokaze Park/Taiyo no Hiroba, Odaiba

Our first time at this festival!
Thanks so much to everyone who saw us🔥🫶
It's still summer, isn't it🌻💦💦
The festival had a wonderful at-home atmosphere🥹
The pizza baked at the venue🍕 was so delicious that I've been wanting to eat pizza ever since🍕

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BnPEjeZX_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2i9fK82Z_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EJOyddbr_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CbTQnK0R_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AHhrWpvl_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QZqwHpPE_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AwnKlGBP_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CSqfwnM4_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN A6SXtIp9_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Yx5Bj30j_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JjthawZg_t

RINA: 「Today was UNI9UE PARK'24! Our first time at this festival. There were little ones having fun in the front, people grooving along in the back--it had such a wonderful vibe. I love that. It was really hot again today, but it felt good to have a nice breeze blowing on stage. Thank you for spending time with us♡

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ChJp3fXx_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN O2ScgNri_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WqbH6VMx_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DXEGVVpZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UhmVhyVE_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RQO7dZHZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UZQROqZD_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 5fb7VM3s_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Y1Hr5AAT_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JgaAMDaY_t

RINA: 「①Casual clothes
②Stage outfit
③Caught off guard
④Looking for four-leaf clovers
⑤Didn't find any
⑥So hotー
⑦Our routine
⑧Right before
⑨Right after
⑩With some red flowers」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL @ UNI9UE PARK'24  Replies: 2  Views: 529

SCANDAL @ TOKYO ISLAND 2024 - Mon Nov 04, 2024 10:37 pm

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 9eXWVeDh_o



  1. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
  2. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
  3. Take Me Out
  4. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto
  5. Shunkan Sentimental
  6. A.M.D.K.J.

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WHbobxhA_t

SCANDAL: 「【 Thank you!!! 】

at Uminomori Park, Morizukuri Area, Tokyo

1. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
2. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
3. Take Me Out
4. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto
5. Shunkan Sentimental
6. A.M.D.K.J.

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 94GSXSAY_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PzTAlMCO_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MXIUa4G4_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DJkfPme6_t

Thanks so much to everyone who watched us in the middle of a heat that made it hard to believe it's October🔥
I'm happy we got to perform here for the second year in a row!
This a developing festival that Sano-san is building from the ground up!
It's such a wonderful space🫶」

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HARUNA: 「TOKYO ISLAND 2024🗼 It was so much fun this year too〜! The weather was great, and it also felt great! Thank you to everyone who had fun with us☺

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MAMI: 「TOKYO ISLAND 2024 @ Umi-no-Mori Park, Tokyo
Thanks so much to everyone who saw us🙂↕👏
Even though it's October, it's so hoーーーーt🔥
I'm happy we were invited to play this year too🫶♡🫶
We'll do our best so that we can be invited again‼‼

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN L8H1IS9A_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6PmwWfW2_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ON6HutLO_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Wqfbnzvz_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZdLTDQOB_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FtUnHsg7_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AxLNW3yv_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BQaptcrn_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HCx4m95c_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN IvNwWibs_t

RINA: 「Today was TOKYO ISLAND! With a zone where you can relax in a tent and enjoy the view, and a zone where you can go wild and have a blast, it's a festival that combines serenity and intensity. Lots of freedom, and it's awesome. It was fun again this yearー! Thanks so much to everyone who came out. We always appreciate it. It was so hot today, it felt like we were still in summer festival season. We did our best in the scorching heat in the afternoon again today! haha」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL @ TOKYO ISLAND 2024  Replies: 2  Views: 696
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GbGNyPkZ_o

SCANDAL @ CHOSHIDO_CAN 2024 〜umeda TRAD Last Season〜


  1. Shunkan Sentimental
  2. Shoujo S
  3. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
  4. Yuugure, Tokeru
  5. Plum
  6. one more time
  8. A.M.D.K.J.
  9. Take Me Out

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2Xpd5fZZ_t

SCANDAL: 「【 Thank you!!! 】

at umeda TRAD

1. Shunkan Sentimental
2. Shoujo S
3. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
4. Yuugure, Tokeru
5. Plum
6. one more time
8. A.M.D.K.J
9. Take Me Out

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GbGNyPkZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN D3fWPsXL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NR46ER6h_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QuCsnqgC_t

TOMOMI: 「CHOSHIDO_CAN, thanks so much!

We played a joint concert with culenasm, who covered our songs when they were students🔥

I was really happy that they performed their own arrangement of "HARUKAZE," and I was also really happy to hear the stories they told during the MCs - It was a night that made me glad that we've been a band for so long🌙

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HARUNA: 「CHOSHIDO_CAN and the joint-band concert with culenasm was awesome🔥 Their cover of "HARUKAZE" was dazzling in my favorite kind of way, and also getting to hear their fantastic stories made for such a happy time,,, Thank you so much🫶🫶」

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MAMI: 「CHOSHIDO_CAN 2024 ~umeda TRAD Last Season @ umeda TRAD

Thanks to everyone who came out🍣🌸
We played a joint concert with culenasm🪇
culenasm told us how they've always looked up to us🥹 And they covered HARUKAZE during their set🥹
It was all so moving - Thanks so much😭‼

When you're around for a long time, you meet a lot of different people and have a ton of experiences, but it's rare for a band to cover a song with their own arrangement, so it made me really happy‼‼
(Our outfits were all-black and all-red - Nice, nice♠♥)

We'll do our best to play together again😍✨‼
Thanks so much😍‼
Also so grateful that we got to perform at TRAD before it closed🥲🌻
The fourth picture
#My head is a shuriken

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MDxh0R4w_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YEaOIQvt_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN L7HVcHM9_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 19T0NtlH_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZLCSHIZk_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VySa4gbL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3MswapQK_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CdN6Jll5_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WbVKmgM0_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DImcd2Cm_t

RINA: 「We played with culenasm at umeda TRAD. They told us about being a SCANDAL cover band when they were students & their enthusiasm and memories of seeing us live for the first time, and they performed HARUKAZE with their own arrangement - a concert filled with love. It really made me happy. They were so cool. It was a day that gave us more confidence and love for our own music. It was great to spend a good day at TRAD, which closes at the end of this month, and to be able to play a joint concert here at the end. Thanks for coming to see us on a rainy Friday!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 7gC8Hc3R_o



  1. GIRLism
  2. Orange Juice
  4. Graduation
  5. Plum
  6. Very Special
  7. Shining Sun
  8. Tsuki
  9. eternal
  10. one more time
  11. OVER
  12. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
  13. A.M.D.K.J.
  14. Take Me Out
  15. Taiyou Scandalous

  16. Kagerou
  17. DOLL

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 7gC8Hc3R_t

SCANDAL: 「【 Thank you!!! 】

SCANDAL MANIA TOUR 2024 "Light&Shade"

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PieSKvFU_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6GZzCr1U_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GBDJV8wE_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1yjBzobP_t

TOMOMI: 「SCANDAL MANIA TOUR 2024 "Light&Shade" finale in Tokyo!

It was the 16th anniversary of our major debut!
Everyone in MANIA, thanks so much as always🥺💘
Having you guys at festivals and events is so reassuring!
This tour was a gathering of only MANIA members, so although it was short, we performed with the intention of delivering it with care🫶

Best regards from here on out, too!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 279oBpIp_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN H14OZafl_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Xr99ihfa_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PihtxBQb_t

HARUNA: 「The finale of our fan club tour in Tokyo was so awesome〜🗼 Our first Club Quattro tour in forever was a lot of fun! We felt how amazing and reliable MANIA is again! Thanks for spending the 16th anniversary of our debut with us☺

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 01t0uBta_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HUrtkMJI_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Olha8uAM_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PVuAZABk_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Pqqgs1NC_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HHxMFbeh_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN POBKqzqM_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LIb5h1yw_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OyQyi4Zg_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XjB1csGZ_t

RINA: 「We successfully wrapped up the final show of the fan club tour in Tokyo. It was so much fun! It was an amazing tour. We named it "Light & Shade," mixing classic and rare songs, along with happy and painful moments, truly covering songs from various eras. This tour made me realize how much fun being in a band is, how much I love music, and how incredibly important all our fans are. I wonder if everyone noticed that we didn't play Shunkan Sentimental haha. Let's keep doing lots of fun things together! Let's live a great life together. Thank you so much♡」

HARUNA @ Katari no Bandman 2024 - Sun Oct 20, 2024 7:23 am

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ox8e2rWj_o

HARUNA @ Katari no Bandman 2024


  3. Hello,Again〜Mukashi Kara Aru Basho〜/My Little Lover (cover)
  4. Prism
  5. Sisters

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OlH3X7Vg_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TcRsPTI0_t

SCANDAL: 「【 Thank you!!! 】

"Katari no Bandman 2024"
at Hattori Ryokuchi Outdoor Music Hall

3. Hello,Again〜Mukashi Kara Aru Basho〜/My Little Lover (cover)
4. Prism
5. Sisters

support on keyboard: Kouhei Munemoto」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ox8e2rWj_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZsBcdP0D_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UwUTuYiI_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HOyDdERS_t

HARUNA: 「"Katari no Bandman 2024" was my first solo performance! As a nice breeze blew, getting to sing with Kouhei Munemoto's instrumental accompaniment felt really nice🍃 I'm also glad I chose to play a cover song unique to this kind of occasion! It'd be great if I had another opportunity to do this again. Thank you very much☺

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN K6TWrrGF_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TcIyAWZj_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VY1uWD7v_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MSYtJOnU_t

Kouhei Munemoto: 「Today, I had the honor of performing with HARUNA from SCANDAL!
I have arranged SCANDAL songs before, but this was my first time performing live with them! I was so happy!
It was a memorable day, marking HARUNA's first solo performance!」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: HARUNA @ Katari no Bandman 2024  Replies: 2  Views: 721
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OzQIxZ6B_o



  1. GIRLism
  2. Orange Juice
  4. Graduation
  5. Plum
  6. Very Special
  7. Shining Sun
  8. Tsuki
  9. eternal
  10. one more time
  11. OVER
  12. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
  13. A.M.D.K.J.
  14. Take Me Out
  15. Taiyou Scandalous

  16. Kagerou
  17. DOLL

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OzQIxZ6B_t

SCANDAL: 「【 Thank you!!! 】
SCANDAL MANIA TOUR 2024 "Light&Shade"

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KylOj74J_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN R7jsa0XG_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 90Ujwluq_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XC63zOTo_t

TOMOMI: 「MANIA TOUR day 2, Nagoya!

It was such an exciting time from start to finish🔥🔥🔥

Next is Tokyo! Best regards🫶」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN V4LIcxdl_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN N2WfpU4P_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KX0EDV8j_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EfwZqfnT_t

HARUNA: 「MANIA tour at Nagoya Club Quattro, thanks❤ The vibe in Nagoya was amazing,, Our MANIA members are so encouraging! It was an amazing night🔥 So much fun〜!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KCWTBMRJ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Fcbio0re_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN F4omB87I_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WbuCuj5T_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Y9dXxrpu_t

Day 2 of our MANIA tour!
Thanks so much to everyone who came out🚀✨
🌺yummy🍤 was delicious…🥲」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LiKpRbED_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6w2gH035_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN F5QnnuAg_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YuirpwYd_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NaP5O5Se_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Jq5y7hNV_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WMGDWTnv_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OqUGOonp_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN IWrYYe5f_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN G6EAUSFa_t

RINA: 「Performance #2 of our fan club tour, Nagoya. It was a great concert! I'm happy we got to perform a bunch of my favorite songs. On this tour in particular, I feel that we have been able to create the atmosphere that we currently have over the years, with new fans joining, leaving, and returning each time. It's truly amazing to see everyone get excited to intros of songs we haven't played in years. Thank you for loving us through all the different eras and turning our music into memories. Let's get through ordinary days and meet up over and over againー!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN IIDUZqTd_o



  1. GIRLism
  2. Orange Juice
  4. Graduation
  5. Plum
  6. Very Special
  7. Shining Sun
  8. Tsuki
  9. eternal
  10. one more time
  11. OVER
  12. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
  13. A.M.D.K.J.
  14. Take Me Out
  15. Taiyou Scandalous

  16. Kagerou
  17. DOLL

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN IIDUZqTd_t

SCANDAL: 「【 Thank you!!! 】
SCANDAL MANIA TOUR 2024 "Light&Shade"

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XhONqrLF_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SnTS9jVr_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DIbax7ir_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 0Xptu6VV_t

TOMOMI: 「SCANDAL MANIA TOUR 2024 "Light&Shade" Day 1, Osaka!

It was a night that felt like we had stepped into a time machine🌙
Thank you🌙

Today's Nagoya! Best regards🫶」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RHxpkJpU_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Yy2jzWl7_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN I3HP73EU_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Q1TKpEbd_t

HARUNA: 「Umeda Club Quattro, opening day of our MANIA tour, thanks so much🫶 We put together a setlist unique to a fan club tour of songs we haven't played in a while! It was such a happy atmosphere!
We kicked off to a great start with opening day in Osaka❤
Looking forward to today's concert in Nagoya too😌

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YpRHAQqy_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HPzjR4tF_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN J2ydBxJ2_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GcorxbUm_t

Opening day of our MANIA tour!
Thanks so much to everyone who came out🫶✨

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WjnCCAbE_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN J12tlVJ8_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Xa3AokyQ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KUdR3LGV_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 5WhmJ0N0_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CrwnmPNG_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OjT0wZpL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VnqgbMM5_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 4XprfY2y_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PSRpNCxd_t

RINA: 「Our fan club tour has begun! Yesterday was opening day in Osaka. It was so much fun. Such a happy space. Getting to be with all you guys makes us happy. It's awesome to have something you love that makes you feel fulfilled. I want to keep being a good group while getting charged up by it. I feel like this tour is a reminder of all the great songs we've created. I'll do my best today too. Happy!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 5mNatB9w_o
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RrJF47pU_o
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN IGkK36Zm_o

SCANDAL will be performing at THE ORAL CIGARETTES's event/festival on October 6 at 2:30 pm.


  1. Shunkan Sentimental
  2. Take Me Out
  3. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
  4. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto
  5. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
  6. A.M.D.K.J.

Due to an incident that happened at this festival where a camera crane fell and injured four people during the band that performed right before SCANDAL, the band has decided not to post any media from this performance.

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EVGjKQcf_o



  1. HARUKAZE (Instrumental)
  2. LOVE SURVIVE (Instrumental)
  3. Shunkan Sentimental (Instrumental)
  4. STANDARD (Instrumental)
  5. A.M.D.K.J. (Instrumental)
  6. VALENTI (BoA cover; HARUNA's karaoke song)
  7. Dance Hall (Mrs. GREEN APPLE cover; MAMI's karaoke song)
  8. Ojaremajo Carnival!! (MAHO-DO cover; TOMOMI's karaoke song)
  9. Genki wo Dashite (Mariya Takeuchi cover; RINA's karaoke song)
  10. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto (Instrumental)
  11. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne (Instrumental)
  12. Hachigatsu
  13. Yoake no Ryuuseigun (Instrumental)
  14. one more time (Instrumental)
  15. SCANDAL BABY (Instrumental)

*This event features the audience doing karaoke to SCANDAL songs while the band performs live instrumentals

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EVGjKQcf_t

SCANDAL: 「2024.08.21
“KARAOKE Night vol.2”
at Zepp DiverCity

The first KARAOKE Night in 5 years🎙
We were able to have another successful 8/21 this year as well.
Thank you very much to everyone who came out!!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Fg3uR8ZX_t

SCANDAL: 「We were gifted Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt at SCANDAL SCANDAL MANIA presents “SCANDAL KARAOKE Night vol.2” yesterday! 🍑

We hope you'll also enjoy Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt! 🥄

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SlGksUO0_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NDSQUCQ8_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UDHJuNFr_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DW8okhOI_t

Heavy rain pushed the start time back an hour and so many unexpected things were going on, but thanks to the swift efforts of our staff, we were able to successfully hold the performance🥲🫶
You guys too, thanks so, so much for waiting amidst all the difficulties!
It was so reassuring🥺
Don't catch a cold!
Our 18th anniversary was a day we'll never forget🎂

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MTbQWLLj_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KMWNAOOI_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1pXlkV1j_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Fmdcjcb4_t

HARUNA: 「KARAOKE Night vol.2 was so much fun🫶 Thanks so much for coming despite the heavy rain!! And thanks as well for celebrating our 18th anniversary☺
Looking forward to seeing everyone again!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Rt8qSHgT_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TP1ZKAKL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 7roEQys5_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NDCPZrpd_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN I5fmW5Gz_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN IFUBoP1A_t

MAMI: 「SCANDAL KARAOKE Night vol.2 @ Zepp DiverCity Tokyo
I didn't post about KARAOKE Night, did I‼💦💦💦 is what I thought💦💦💦
And so, thanks so much again to everyone who came out💗
Did you sing your hearts out⁉⁉ Were you able to sing⁉⁉⁉
And we celebrated our 18th anniversary & our 19th year✨we've now entered🔥
It was great to spend another year with you guys like this😍✨
Thanks for your continued support🙇‍�🙇‍�🙇‍�
🌹______???????????? ???????????????? ______🌹
During the segment where we simply did some karaoke,
I enthuasiastically sang💃 Mrs. GREEN APPLE's "Dance Hall"🥵💦
And then I swallowed a whole takoyaki ball on stage💦💦🐙
Thanks so much for listening🙇‍�💦

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RINA: 「8.21❤
Our concert to celebrate our 18th anniversary was karaoke night with our fan club! We played the instrumentals while the audience provided vocals! The setlist was decided on the spot by everyone, and there was a festive atmosphere in the small venue. Having so much fun together, and just spending our anniversary normally. After such a precious time, I am filled with gratitude and love. It was truly the best night.

Karaoke in a small venue once every 5 years

Don't think too much about the distant future, we'll enjoy each year that comes and have fun moving forward❤
Please continue to support SCANDAL in our 19th year!」

SCANDAL @ ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2024 - Mon Aug 05, 2024 6:50 am

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VLoAIsGR_o



  1. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
  2. Take Me Out
  3. Plum
  4. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
  6. Shunkan Sentimental

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Q1xWil2h_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ld9jfgCU_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 0w6ZCbnm_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GXSjCBJz_t

Thanks so much to everyone who saw us during the hottest time of day😫❤🔥
We both did a great job!!!!!!!!
It was fun!!!!!!!!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KfKRlcQr_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN U92q3Nxc_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3TgAoyzN_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VLoAIsGR_t

Thanks so much for coming to see us when it was super hot! It might have been the hottest day ever,,!? But it was amazing how excited everyone was〜 As expected👏 Are you guys feeling okay? Make sure to get lots of rest after you get home today!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1YarlJMb_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN B61SgCFI_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN T39sebVC_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3y6EJiVg_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Y3EXLQS9_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZeCNfZhl_t

MAMI: 「ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2024 @ Chiba City Soga Sports Park
Thanks to everyone who came out🔥
So hot‼‼‼ So hot‼‼‼ I seriously couldn't have managed it without you guys - Thanks so much😭😭😭
Were you guys feeling okay after⁉⁉ Did you manage to cool down⁉⁉💆‍�
That was the sweatiest concert in our 18 years‼‼ I felt like I was under a waterfall‼‼ LOL
But I'm happy that so many people came to see us😍‼‼‼‼
Thanks so much‼‼‼
(There are a lot of photos of me being affected by the heat)
Now then, tomorrow is finally KARAOKE Night vol.2🎤✨
This concert won't work unless you guys sing‼‼
Looking forward to it‼‼‼‼
Let's have fun〜〜〜🎤🎤🎤

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RINA: 「Today was RIFJ! We performed during the scorching 2 pm block. That was the peak of the heat. Thanks so much for seeing us during that. We're really happy that you guys chose to see our set at this festival. I'm glad we made it to the end haha
Good work, everyone, and see you later!」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL @ ROCK IN JAPAN FESTIVAL 2024  Replies: 2  Views: 929

SCANDAL @ LuckyFes’24 - Sun Jul 14, 2024 5:22 am

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MYTREqn1_o

SCANDAL @ LuckyFes'24


  1. Shunkan Sentimental
  2. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
  3. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto
  4. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
  5. Take Me Out

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN T7WVCwhm_t

SCANDAL: 「【 Thank you!!! 】

"Lucky Fes'24"
at Hitachi Seaside Park

1. Shunkan Sentimental
2. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
3. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto
4. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
5. Take Me Out

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MYTREqn1_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TssLIAhv_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Z7EuZS3h_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HYKYYJ2C_t

TOMOMI: 「Lucky Fes, thanks so much!
It was such a wonderful festival🔥
Everyone who saw us in the heat, please take care of yourselves and enjoy the rest of the festival🫶」

Show from Kishidan: I saw SCANDAL-chan for the first time in forever, and they were 200 million times brighter than when I first met and had thought, "What? What are these insanely cute creatures?" I was so shocked. They didn't eat mermaids--they became them. What's more, they performed so well on stage that I thought, "The world doesn't need Kishidan anymore!" But we'll hang in there just a little bit longer.

TOMOMI: For us, Kishidan will forever be our seniors two grades above us😫🫶
You guys are eternally cool😫🫶
The mermaids here are Kishidan😫🫶

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN O0lEjvFT_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GUMIoNtN_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZCdoaeRB_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RYoGsFzo_t

HARUNA: 「LuckyFes'24 was so much fun〜!!! I'm so happy it was our first time being invited, and that we met so many people☺ Such a great festival〜🍈 Thanks so much for coming to see us in the heat!!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 13A5yl5W_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KkakX7Vl_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GJCn641Y_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Sg6RVzEx_t

MAMI: 「LuckyFes’24 @ Hitachi Seaside Park
Thanks so much to everyone who came out🙇‍�
Although it was hot, it felt pleasant🍎
This was the start of fun summer festivals🌻
It's already August in no time at all
In August we're playing both festivals and solo concerts🙂↕
I'm so surprised by the temperature bug every day‼‼‼‼
Take care of yourselves, and let's meet again in good health🙂↕🙂↕🙂↕

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN IqVg8ldM_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ny4BczGW_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6XvSNpZV_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XZE5Uw12_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HGfmgJjk_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BKHGTxh0_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RxTKgRST_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AJSs7iyS_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QWx3FSRj_t

RINA: 「Today was LuckyFes'24! I'm so happy that so many people were able to see us perform live today. The forecast of rain turned into sunny weather, the scorching heat settled down for a bit, and it was like everything was on our side. I'm happy that the four of us were able to play to our hearts' content today, too. I love this time. We still have a lot of live performances planned for the second half of the year, so we hope to see you again somewhere. Make sure you get plenty of rest. Thank you very much!」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL @ LuckyFes’24  Replies: 1  Views: 828

SCANDAL @ FLOW THE FESTIVAL 2024 - Mon Jul 01, 2024 2:02 am

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KO021Fbk_o



  2. Shoujo S
  3. Gunjou pleats
  4. Plum
  5. Fanfare
  6. Take Me Out
  7. Image
  8. Shunkan Sentimental

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YwqLGNG6_t

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
at Pia Arena MM」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KO021Fbk_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ENr6o5ms_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PIlAk72H_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Pp4HTJO2_t

TOMOMI: 「FLOW THE FESTIVAL 2024, thanks so much!
We hadn't seen FLOW since Brazil last year, and it had been about 10 years since we last did a joint-band event in Japan with them😫🔥
They've always been such cool, kind older brothers!
I hope we get to see them again somewhere in the world soon🫶」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN J2vQeRgu_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN V8WEtAvd_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN S4M6fP32_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XTKIDA9u_t

HARUNA: 「FLOW THE FESTIVAL 24🔥 It was such an awesome, warm, kind, passionate festival! Can't believe it had been about 10 years since the last time FLOW invited us to play an event in Japan?! I'm glad we stuck around,,🥹 The view from the stage was so beautiful〜 Thanks so much!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KyERbhiG_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WZP7Je0O_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EDOUAyKa_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VattPBel_t

Thank you so much
To everyone who watched SCANDAL's set❤🔥
And FLOW, thank you so much for inviting us🥹✨
We got to take part in the after-party for a bit, and we could see how FLOW as a band is so loved and trusted by musical artists,,,😭 It was such an honor to have been invited to this important festival🔥
※This is my specialty, time-delayed post🙂↕
Tomorrow is LuckyFes 2024 🌱
Don't forget to take precautions against heat stroke! And the weather looks unstable, so please watch your step!🥹✨

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FCo3QCSD_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 06vUBzS3_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RGjueaFm_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Aow6neFL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AeXLlcnO_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TQFM2P7u_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FQibwwuy_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN F24fe2XL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XEitEXT9_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Iw5wawyW_t

RINA: 「FLOW THE FESTIVAL 2024 at Pia Arena MM. A wonderful festival that only FLOW could create. It had been 11 years since we last performed together in Japan. I'm so happy! The audience response was great from the beginning to the end. There are so many unconditionally exciting anisongs, and I was reminded once again how great they are. It was funー! Thank you very much︎⟡.·」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL @ FLOW THE FESTIVAL 2024  Replies: 1  Views: 1521
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 65HQpaiz_o

SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" @ musinsa garage, Seoul - Tour Finale


  1. Gunjou pleats
  2. Koisuru Universe
  4. Watashi-tachi
  5. 1:47
  6. Ai no Shoutai
  7. Plum
  8. LOOP
  9. Take Me Out
  10. Fuzzy
  11. Anata e
  12. Fanfare
  13. Line of sight
  14. Shunkan Sentimental
  16. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto

  17. Shoujo S
  18. one more time
  19. Sisters

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KAJbgJdX_t

SCANDAL: 「The finale of SCANDAL's Asia tour in Seoul.
The fans we met in Seoul after 10 years were so beautiful!
We will definitely come back again.

And this concludes all performances of the LUMINOUS tour.
It was such a great trip!
Thank you so much to everyone who came out to any of the 23 performances!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 13ZrAdES_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 0P25V0I3_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JfBXf5Ep_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UqjY99hE_t

TOMOMI: 「Thank you to everyone who came to our Seoul concert❤🔥

This was actually our first solo concert here🥺🫶

We'd love to see you guys again🌈

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QiGUa9Ta_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YaT87Hkl_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZkZv2HDB_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN B1xi2a2Q_t

HARUNA: 「Thanks, Seoul💕 It was great to have the finale of our Asia tour in South Korea, and everyone was so excited! I'd love to come back soon🫶
And thanks so much for the LUMINOUS tour that ran for about 3 months!!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 65HQpaiz_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1jFdGdi7_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TMZBECh3_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Cek9WfLz_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GNjbEZnP_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Q1GIsXZC_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JMOiUDNz_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 8WhBlVac_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZZx7nX12_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SpNqBlrB_t

RINA: 「Seoul, performance #23 of our tour. The finale was so awesomeee. The crowd was so energetic that I was so moved the moment we stepped on stage. I almost cried. We had only been to Korea 10 years ago for a festival, and our planned solo concert was cancelled due to the pandemic, so this was our first solo concert that finally came to fruition. It was a day that made us feel like there were more possibilities to come. Thank you for loving our music. A perfect ending. This marks the end of the LUMINOUS tour! I had so much fun today. See you again soon!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WQXPOHUL_o

SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" @ Bandai Namco Dream Hall, Shanghai


  1. Gunjou pleats
  2. Koisuru Universe
  4. Watashi-tachi
  5. 1:47
  6. Ai no Shoutai
  7. Plum
  8. LOOP
  9. Take Me Out
  10. Fuzzy
  11. Anata e
  12. Fanfare
  13. Line of sight
  14. Shunkan Sentimental
  16. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto

  17. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
  18. Sisters

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JjiJWODs_t

SCANDAL: 「Performance #3 of our Asia tour is done.
We felt the warmth of our friends in Shanghai whom we met for the first time. Thank you!
We'll definitely see you again!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GrVyf9He_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3SZTMDXl_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 26S2cQiH_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LnOmknNt_t

TOMOMI: 「Thank you for coming to Shanghai🏮

This was our first concert in Shanghai, and it was a wonderful night🌙

Thank you for waiting so long🥲💘

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OvHRXoni_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Z7VxuQmA_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WQXPOHUL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TRiOFZk3_t

HARUNA: 「Thanks, Shanghai😍 This was our first concert in Shanghai - thanks for waiting for us all this time! It was awesome thanks to you guys! Best regards from here on out🫶」

[quote]Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6cEuEF4i_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HREqO5y3_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 5j7Rqoxf_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZyiUfbj5_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QTzLhnKN_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 7rz9F30f_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RtjD4JrY_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 7zdyqJBN_t

Thanks for your continued support.✨❣
Last up is South Korea✈!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JUJwpYi8_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NuSK75bO_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CSPDuvOa_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Vhlu9b8K_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN F6y5GF62_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN X7coJOED_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Di2iF0J4_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JrGeUqOT_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN I2F7v1Cc_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WPpbCwGe_t

RINA: 「Shanghai, performance #22 of our tour. The atmosphere was so lively that I couldn't believe it was our first time there. I was so happy. It really made me realize how many people listen to our songs. When we're overseas, we have a meet-and-greet with VIP ticket holders after the concert, and there was someone who said, "I've been waiting for more than 10 years!" and were glad they finally got to see us. It was a night filled with gratitude for those who have been following us to this day.

My body in the last photo is really condensed」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Tm7Fnjnk_o

SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" @ Tai Space Livehouse, Guangzhou


  1. Gunjou pleats
  2. Koisuru Universe
  4. Watashi-tachi
  5. 1:47
  6. Ai no Shoutai
  7. Plum
  8. LOOP
  9. Take Me Out
  10. Fuzzy
  11. Anata e
  12. Fanfare
  13. Line of sight
  14. Shunkan Sentimental
  16. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto

  18. Sisters

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TtWBXLTK_t

SCANDAL: 「Performance #2 of our Asia tour was held in Guangzhou!
This was our first time Guangzhou in six years.
Thank you for coming to our concert!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Tm7Fnjnk_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Hf0mmQa6_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BM8hQrrN_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YUWg4ZvA_t

TOMOMI: 「Thank you for coming to Guangzhou🫶

Some people watched the concert with tears in their eyes, which made us very happy🥹💘

Tomorrow we'll be playing in Shanghai✈

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RD204I3s_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 41xlfpIy_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 4mmLML3O_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 2HjFzTgg_t

HARUNA: 「Thanks, Guangzhou💕 It had also been 6 years since our last time in Guangzhou, and it made me happy that so many people came to see us for the first time this time〜!! Let's see each other again〜!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN T8zFNS9Q_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ZuKLYSdo_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PORO3BGK_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FrmBie33_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Tv3SyEjs_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RZ29QBFN_t

MAMI: 「SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" in Guangzhou
Thanks, Guangzhou✨
It was fun🔥♥
Next is Shanghai🦀

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FIqeBrWA_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CDrnpKIK_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN KOP60Cjh_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 9wUesqCL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WZHkTnp0_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EHCKJwWK_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6ecsR2iV_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FXZ8m2bz_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3cOpWvla_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN FKK7mCLv_t

RINA: 「Guangzhou, performance #21 of our tour. I was surprised at how many people came to see us for the first time. I'm so grateful that they made time on a weekday evening to come and see us, and waited for us for so long. I want to be able to surprise and entertain everyone even more. I used up all my energy on this day as well. I'm so happy that I can still be this frantic and serious with my band members and team. Thanks for the great time」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN AltRZeUm_o

SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" @ Legacy Taipei, Taiwan


  1. Gunjou pleats
  2. Koisuru Universe
  4. Watashi-tachi
  5. 1:47
  6. Ai no Shoutai
  7. Plum
  8. LOOP
  9. Take Me Out
  10. Fuzzy
  11. Anata e
  12. Fanfare
  13. Line of sight
  14. Shunkan Sentimental
  16. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto

  17. Tonight
  18. Sisters

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SN6fHu8B_t

SCANDAL: 「SCANDAL's Asia tour has begun!
Performance #1 was our first time in Taiwan in 6 years.
Thank you for the love!」

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TOMOMI: 「Thank you to everyone who came to Taipei❤🔥🫶

We hadn't been there in six years, and I was very happy so many people came out to see us🥲🔥

It was a great night🌙

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN MRjXuNM0_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3wF1diz4_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN UvZbHAMd_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 1AfjHwcE_t

HARUNA: 「Thanks, Taiwan🫶 Taiwan, performance #1 of our Asia tour and our first time here in 6 years, was so much fun〜! Thanks for waiting for us! Hope we get to come here again☺

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YaTERuPj_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CoOCcrSn_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6wbgp1OM_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN W9gQSKXo_t

Our Asia tour has begunー‼
We kicked it off from Taiwan🛩️!
Taiwan, thanks♡
Tomorrow's Guangzhou✨

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN HX6mxI3b_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 4a45ZKsW_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ctv7IheH_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6l0XRNFe_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN CwZVkAOD_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XwFD6vfD_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ChvXsBg2_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JZkaaRnZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 3HC8pe3c_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ALUbB1I5_t

RINA: 「Taiwan, performance #20 of our tour. Our first time here in 6 years. It was so much fun. Glad we got to see you guys. Performing overseas, getting to know the cities, and feeling the enthusiasm have all had such a positive impact on my band and myself. Every time we're inspired by something new, it makes us want to create something, and it extends our lifespan. Thank you so much for your support over the years. Thank you to everyone in Taiwan. Let's meet again.」

SCANDAL @ MORI, MICHI, ICHIBA 2024 - Wed May 29, 2024 6:10 am

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN E04w1rHn_o


May 26, 2024


  1. Gunjou pleats
  2. Plum
  3. one more time
  4. Ai no Shoutai
  5. Ivory
  6. Fanfare
  7. Shunkan Sentimental
  8. Take Me Out
  9. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JAS4vGYH_t

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DF7iwecj_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 6EvsZmDH_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 0ZP7NFAo_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN E04w1rHn_t

TOMOMI: 「Our first time at MORI MICHI festival! I fell in love!
I definitely want to come back! I'd even want to come back as an attendee!
Thanks so much to everyone who came out early in the heat🥺🔥

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN XCH4dQpj_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 7JgxeLZz_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Ram0hD8h_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN IJbzNfBr_t

HARUNA: 「MORI, MICHI, ICHIBA 2024! Although it was our first time performing here, it was so much fun〜! The audience, venue, and vibe were all way too good👏 Thanks to everyone who saw us〜!!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BUvnnI2W_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RVbI5S6n_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EhWCk7s5_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Whe4m3pZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WG0FnubG_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Bd4sYH18_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NNmetw9X_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BeXbmF0o_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JfChHtmL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN NHUZhOkw_t

RINA: 「Our festival performances have begun. Today, we played at MORI, MICHI, ICHIBA for the first time. A stage with a view of the ocean and a Ferris wheel behind it. The festival was as peaceful, stylish, and fun as it was rumored to be. The audience was relaxed, and the feeling of music floating in nature was heavenly. We were really happy to be invited to the festival, and I think we'll be able to increase the number of songs that suit us in the future. After our set, we went out and enjoyed the shops. It was a productive day with so many people seeing our performance. I hope to see you guys again. Thank you so much︎~⟡.·」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL @ MORI, MICHI, ICHIBA 2024  Replies: 1  Views: 1179
Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN A80MevBu_o

SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" @ Zepp Haneda - Tour Finale


  1. Gunjou pleats
  2. Koisuru Universe
  4. Watashi-tachi
  5. 1:47
  6. Ai no Shoutai
  7. Plum
  8. LOOP
  9. Saishuuheiki, Kimi
  10. Take Me Out
  11. Fuzzy
  12. Anata e
  13. Fanfare
  14. Line of sight
  15. Shunkan Sentimental
  17. Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto

  19. Awanai Tsumori no, Genki de ne
  20. Sisters

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 5UkDzanm_t

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
at Zepp Haneda

Performance #19 of our tour, the domestic tour finale in Tokyo.
Thank you very much to everyone who came out + watched the live broadcast.
The best finale to the best trip!
Heading to Asia next✈︎」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN JZ2rtNXa_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN DHGJOD2u_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GhWbhXmn_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN A80MevBu_t

TOMOMI: 「The finale of our domestic tour!
Thank you so much to everyone who came out to Haneda, and everyone who watched the live broadcast🔥
This finale really did make it feel like LUMINOUS reached everyone🥲🫶
We'll be taking these sparkling feelings to Asia next✈

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 460g1YAW_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 5Z9TW8vI_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN ILPmGx4h_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN 5b0lY5Pu_t

HARUNA: 「Tokyo, the finale of our domestic tour, thanks😉 That was the best wrap-up! Looking forward to seeing you guys again at a festival or event✨ We'll also do our best on our Asia tour next month🫶」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN O2mnWYqZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YtQ8du60_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN GipOhEdG_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN BIF0aaqP_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN OoyBztlf_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RrlS0YqP_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Wl8GneMZ_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WkMXpKvh_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN TLoIuqKX_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN S2OeBXuU_t

RINA: 「Tokyo, performance #19 of our tour. With this being the finale of our domestic tour, there was a special sense of tension and excitement. The energy of the audience was palpable, and it was truly amazing from beginning to end. The longer we continue to be a band, the more the weight of each live performance becomes incredible. It takes a lot of energy, but it feels so good, and the moments when we can feel that we have reached the audience make us too happy to give up. I think there's still a long way to go for us. I want to discover many new things and live happily with everyone! Thank you so much for today. Love you guys.」

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MAMI: 「SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" 🪼 Tokyo - Zepp Haneda
The tour finale was the other day‼‼
Thanks to everyone who came out🗼✨
※Apologies for the time delay.
I'm so grateful to everyone who participated in all 19 performances in various places‼‼‼‼
It's not about selling a million copies or getting 100 million views--I feel like I've given it my all for the first time in our 18th year‼‼ We can't write better songs than these‼‼ I was happy to be able to share these songs, which I truly felt couldn't be any better, in the same space as everyone else😌😌
I can only write songs about my own life, so even though in reality it would be natural for one to think, "You don't know anything about my own life‼", I'm very grateful to everyone for listening to these songs🙇‍�🙇‍�
I'm indebted to you all🙇‍�🙇‍�🙇‍�🙇‍�🙇‍�
Once again, I felt that we exist because of everyone who listens to our music😌😌😌
Thank you so, so much😌✨
#Sanrio Character Rankings
The voting period began with the start of the tour and ended with the finale☑
Thank you so much to everyone who voted🙇‍�
The results will be announced at SANRIO FES on 6/16…
Let's wait with baited breath😍♥
We'll be delivering these albums songs to Asia next😌
Let's have some fun〜」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" @ Zepp Haneda  Replies: 44  Views: 15656

SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" @ club COCOA - Thu May 23, 2024 11:00 pm

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Vf9fLVpH_o


Supposed setlist: (if you wish to discuss any part of it, please put it under a spoiler)


Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN LC1i1lEl_t

SCANDAL: 「【Thank you】
at club COCOA

Performance #18 of our tour, the semi-finale in Hakodate! It had been 10 whole years since our last concert here! Happy we also got to celebrate MAMI's birthday on stage🎂
Thank you very much.」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN EoDNiGFo_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN VjddlOeL_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN WGPkqVHc_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Vf9fLVpH_t

TOMOMI: 「Thanks, Hakodate!
It was so exciting that it didn't seem like it had been 10 years since we were last here, and such a fun night🥹🫶
Although a bit early, I'm happy we got to celebrate MAMI-chan's birthday with everyone🎂

Now then,
Next up is the finale of the tour! Tokyo!」

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PfsFqKeW_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN YGp1bhjc_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN SYAkND8s_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN QTm37XX0_t

HARUNA: 「Thanks, Hakodate😊 I'm happy we got to come here for the first time in 10 years! The semi-finale of the tour was a great night!
Let's have fun at Haneda, the last stop of our domestic dates, too✨

Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN PjcZcJw4_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN RNLvo2Gs_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Rg24ZFDd_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN Bs986hD1_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN P4RwM5lw_t Topics tagged under setlist on SCANDAL HEAVEN S7Sonjmc_t

MAMI: 「SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" 🪼 Hokkaido - Hakodate club COCOA
Thanks to everyone who came out😍‼
Unbelievably, during the encore on this day💦
‼‼‼A surprise‼‼‼‼
……🎂A cake appeared🎂……
As my birthday is 5/2, everyone celebrated it Makoto (Nonomura [pun/reference to a comedian of the same name]) I was so happy✨🙇‍�
I went "Ohhh" with my mouth, and then "Fooーーーーーーー:‼‼‼‼ and blew out the candles all at once🥵💖 Thanks so much🙇‍�🙇‍�🙇‍�
The cake was gigantic❣ so we all shared it💃
Thank you♡
Today's the finale in Haneda, Tokyo‼
My first concert of my 34th year🙇‍�🙇‍�
And since it's another birthday week,
We are looking forward to your votes for the Sanrio Character Rankings🙇‍�🙇‍�🙇‍�(※So greedy)
Thank you for your continued support🙇‍�
【※I apologize for the inconvenience.】」

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RINA: 「Hakodate, performance #18 of our tour. It was a very pleasant day. It had been 10 years, but we're back with the same members and the same band. A full house again tonight. It's truly amazing, like a miracle. Big thanks. It was a day filled with various emotions. Stay healthy by having fun, resting, and recharging yourself. Thank you for coming to see us from all sorts of places.」

Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL TOUR 2024 "LUMINOUS" @ club COCOA  Replies: 44  Views: 15656

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