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【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 15

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 Rw9Toxd
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 JgcYE6b

•The episode starts with this.

•Ono says that HARU's guess of "A lot of rain" was the closest so far. HARU asks if it's weather related. Ono says no. MAMI guesses "High temperature" (*bzzt). TOMO guesses "Where lots of plants grow" (*bzzt), but HARU goes, "Eh?" and TOMO goes, "That's close?", inferring that they were told that was a close guess. RINA guesses "Easy for animals to live in" (*bzzt) and then she laughs. HARU guesses "There are a lot of flowers" (*bzzt). RINA guesses "___ is pretty" (can't tell what the first word said is) (*bzzt). Ono says they're on the right track. MAMI wonders if it's plant related. TOMO guesses "Seeds flying in the wind" (*bzzt), which makes the others laugh. HARU guesses "Lots of greenery" (*bzzt). MAMI guesses "Lots of mountains" (*bzzt). Ono says that 'greenery' is close. MAMI guesses "Country of trees" (*bzzt), then "Lots of parks" (*bzzt). The others laugh at the park one and say that was a cute guess. TOMO guesses "Vegetables high in beta-carotene (ryoushoku yasai)" (*bzzt), and then jokingly says "Ryoushoku Shakai" (the name of a Japanese band that, like her previous guess, starts with the word 'ryoushoku' and sounds similar lol). The others burst out laughing at her second guess. HARU says that that band should really go to Anime Friends, then. MAMI guesses "Lots of specialty vegetables" (*bzzt). TOMO guesses "Coffee grows well" (*bzzt), then "Beans" (*bzzt).

•Ono asks another staffer what they should do. MAMI and HARU say to give them hints. Ono says that he can't give them any hints because they're close to the right answer. TOMO guesses "Lake in the forest" (*bzzt), then "Spring/fountain" (*bzzt). HARU goes, "'Forest' is part of it?" They then all go, "'Forest'??", as the staff probably hinted that that part is correct. TOMO guesses "Forest spring" (*bzzt), which the others laugh at. Ono confirms that "forest" is part of it. TOMO then guesses just "Forest" (*bzzt). MAMI guesses "Lots of trees" (*bzzt). TOMO guesses "leaves" (*bzzt). MAMI guesses "Planting lots of trees" (*bzzt). Ono says that that's not correct, but it's on the same track. RINA says that that probably means it has something to do with lots of greenery. The others say they already guessed that. Ono says they're overthinking it. TOMO then guesses "Trees," which is the correct answer. Ono says that it means "Lots of trees on this land" (Wiki says specifically, "The name Brazil is a shortened form of Terra do Brasil ['Land of Brazil'], a reference to the brazilwood tree"). MAMI says that the origin is the same as Japan's name ("origin of the sun"). RINA wonders if you can see a lot of trees when you go to Brazil. They say that learning stuff like this is really interesting. HARU says that "I see - The Catch up" is really beneficial, and that she's glad they decided to keep this segment. The others laugh and agree.

•Next, they start talking about Sao Paulo where the convention is held. HARU reads off that about 1 million Japanese-Brazilians live in Sao Paulo, which has strong ties with Japan. In the center of the city is the largest Japanese community in the world outside of Japan, called Liberdade. MAMI says that Nagoya has a very strong connection with Brazil and that probably more Brazilians live there than anywhere else in Japan. RINA wonders why, and if they feel comfy living there. MAMI says she doesn't know, but there were some Brazilians that had transferred to her school. She also mentions that a hairdresser friend told her that many of their clients who are models are Brazilian Japanese, and when they say they're going back home, they all mean that they're going back home to Nagoya.

•HARU says that now they've talked about that, they'll be going to the next question: "Where is Sao Paulo's sister city in Japan?" MAMI goes, "It's not in Aichi [Prefecture, where Nagoya is]?" (*bzzt). TOMO guesses Chiba (*bzzt), then Saitama (*bzzt). MAMI guesses Shizuoka (*bzzt). HARU guesses Tochigi (*bzzt). TOMO guesses Okinawa (*bzzt). Ono says that it was the first area that he thought of. HARU asks why, but RINA immediately guesses Osaka, which is correct. She then also asks why, which makes the others laugh. Ono says, "Don't you guys have ties to this place?" There's a pause before HARU goes, "That's what you meant by that??" RINA asks why they're sister cities. Ono says that there's no real reason, but Osaka is in fact a sister city of Sao Paulo. RINA says that she feels an affinity to it all of a sudden. HARU says that that probably means that a lot of Brazilians live in Osaka as well. TOMO and HARU say that there could be people doing homestays or studying abroad there. Ono says that he wants them to include this info in their MCs they'll do in Brazil. TOMO wonders if people in Sao Paolo know that Osaka is a sister city to them. Ono says that there are 45 sister cities of theirs around the world, though. MAMI says that she checked and Aichi Prefecture and the state of Sao Paulo are sister cities (or states?). Ono says that he was talking about cities, not states. MAMI says that this is all very detailed. Ono says that 2019 was the 50th anniversary of Osaka and Sao Paulo being sister cities. The band says that's a long time.

•Next, HARU reads info on the con/anime. She says that Japanese anime is so popular in Brazil that Anime Friends is held there. The most popular anime there are Naruto, Dragon Ball, Inuyasha, Bleach, Rurouni Kenshin, Saint Seiya, etc. RINA says that those series are really popular everywhere they go, including Europe. TOMO says that a lot of people cosplay. RINA says that Bleach really is popular. Ono says that there was no real data for this info, so he used four different sets of data to come up with it and thinks that Bleach is definitely one of the most popular. The band agrees. Ono says that SCANDAL did songs for the series as well. HARU says yes, and that they did two songs.

•The next thing is to learn some everyday words used in Brazil that the staff has selected. Brazilian Portuguese is spoken there, which is a little different from Iberian Portuguese spoken in Portugal. "Good morning" is "bom dia." "Good afternoon" is "boa tarde." "Good evening" is "boa noite." HARU says that even these seem hard to pronounce. RINA wonders how Rs are pronounced. MAMI says that there are some countries where you can pretty much read things as is. TOMO says one of those is Spanish, and is katakana-like. They say that "bom dia" sounds European-like. RINA says it's kind of like French. HARU then reads that the ending of "thank you" changes depending on the gender of the speaker. Men say "obrigado" while women say "obrigada." RINA says that this kind of thing is also similar to French. HARU then says that "yes" is "sim" and "no" is "não."

•Then they move on to phrases that the staff has chosen. The first one is "I'm hungry" = "eu estou com fome." RINA says that might be the phrase they use the most, which makes them laugh. The second one is "I'm sleepy" = "eu estou com sono." RINA says that she doesn't want to be one of the appearing artists at the con that only uses these phrases. They all laugh at this. MAMI says that it seems that "estou com" means "I'm ___." RINA then jokes that they could use these on the plane and eat udon a bunch of times. TOMO says that they should keep saying this while eating churrasco. HARU says that she would have liked to have learned a few more positive words. RINA says that these are positive words, which they laugh at. TOMO says they probably shouldn't say these on stage, though. As for traveling to Brazil, RINA says that she hopes they'll get there safely and in good health, and to survive the 30 hours of travel time each way. TOMO says that she'll download some things to watch/do.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here. I've made a guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 6WYlmoJ Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 WvLQhcz

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup
The 92nd upload from RINA to her YouTube channel:

English subs:

It's a little embarrassing to make a training video,
But I tried doing it( ◜ᴗ◝ )
Thanks for coming to watch this video today!
Good work todayyyyy

If you enjoy my translations, please consider leaving a tip! Happy

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 FdtTi4P

Links to English subs for all of RINA's videos can be found here:

#front-page #tinychannelbyrina
Posted in: Other News  Topic: tiny channel by rina #92 - "Pilates training day"  Replies: 199  Views: 20889
Special edition of "I see - The Catch up"! A study session on Brazil before going to Anime Friends 2023!!

Season 2, Episode 15 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 O9ZRAqh

HARUNA: This time...we're doing a special edition of "I see - The Catch up"! Brazil edition!
That's right - We will be appearing at Anime Friends 2023 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, held July 13-16.

RINA: This'll be our first time thereー

HARUNA: Anime Friends is not only a celebration of Japanese culture in Latin America, but also the main event for all anime, manga, and video game fans. Every year, there are a total of over 120,000 participants from Brazil, other Latin American countries, and Japan.

TOMOMI: People come from Japan!?

HARUNA: ...that's what it says.

RINA: People from Japan take part in in - That's impressiveー

HARUNA: You can tell that Anime Friends is a worldwide eventー

RINA: That's awesome.

HARUNA: To begin with, this is our first time in Brazil... There are so many things we don't know. Do you guys know anything about Brazil??

RINA: About Brazil, huh...

TOMOMI: Like, the seasons are reversed?

MAMI: That's right.

TOMOMI: And Carnaval in Rio?

RINA: And we have the impression that we have a lot of fans there.

TOMOMI: Since our early days, we've gotten messages every day on social media and such saying stuff like, "From Brazil with love."

HARUNA: It's been more than 10 years.

RINA: That's true.

HARUNA: This year will be our first time appearing at Anime Friends, but let's do some thorough preparation about São Paulo, Brazil, where the event will be held... So, even our staff who have absolutely no knowledge about Brazil dug deep and prepared this... First, here is our profile as it appears on the official Anime Friends site, as it was when we ran it through the translation software.

The best female Japanese pop rock! The band SCANDAL is scheduled to perform on the main stage of Anime Friends 2023 on Sunday, 16/07. Formed in 2006, the superpowered quartet will shake up the structure of this 20-year edition. Characterized by their multi-faceted vocals that do not concentrate solely on the main vocalist, they are also responsible for a number of sensational songs.

HARUNA: "Superpowered quartet"!

MAMI: Wow, that's the first time we've been called a "superpowered quartet" instead of an all-girl band or the like.

HARUNA: Now then, here is the Brazilian version of "I see - The Catch up"!
It's quiz time.

What is the origin of the country's name?

All: Ehー!

MAMI: I've never thought about that..! I wonder...

TOMOMI: A country of passion?


HARUNA: A warm country?


TOMOMI: Soul-stirring.


HARUNA: A lot of rain.


RINA: I don't know...

17th Anniversary Project for SCANDAL - Mon Jul 31, 2023 9:20 pm

Update on the project:

The book has officially been ordered!

Thank you so much to everyone who submitted something for it and/or donated!

Here is a preview of the book:

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 N1e6LXC

Due to not receiving that many messages, my friends and I decided to primarily focus on doing a book that looks back on SCANDAL's releases/tours/events that also includes photos from our travels to see SCANDAL on said tours/events. Of course, though, the messages that we've received are in it too, in the middle of it! Can't wait to see what the entire thing looks like in person!

【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 14

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 4HEEpbW
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 XaJ4C7W

•The episode starts with them eating the top 6 yogurt flavors in the Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt popularity poll that was currently going on (this part lasts for about 9 minutes lol), and then this happens.

•TOMO is still really confused about the "A.D.A.N.A." segment and asks what it was. HARU and RINA say it was about peoples' unusual nicknames (they even read my message for it back in 2020 lol). Their program director Ono mentions "A.M.D.K.J.", which is what the segment is styled after. TOMO asks if that means this segment started around when the song first came out. He says yes. TOMO asks if any messages for it have come in recently, which the answer is no to. TOMO says they should get rid of it then (even though they did technically cut it back during episode 21 lol). The others agree. HARU says there's another segment, "Shunkan Plain" where you send in messages about moments that have no words to explain them. TOMO says it was a vague segment. RINA says that they only did it once, but that was when Ono wasn't there and they didn't quite know how to do the segment. Ono says that they have received messages for it. They decide to keep it. TOMO then brings up the theme park one and wonders if they only did it for a single theme park. The others say no, and that it was mainly about people writing in about their local theme parks. TOMO asks if they've gotten messages about it. Ono says no. They decide to cut this one as well.

•MAMI asks if they had ever done an onomatopoeia segment, which is one of the segments listed on this clean-up list. RINA says they should cut it. HARU says that they've done it a few times. TOMO asks if they should cut it. Ono says that he doesn't remember it. The band laughs and says they'll get rid of it. TOMO then brings up the "Consult SCANDAL" segment and says that it wasn't originally planned to be like that, giving people pep talks. HARU says that the listeners decided that on their own. RINA says they haven't read any messages for that recently. Ono says they haven't gotten any messages for that, but they have gotten ones for advice. RINA says that they should just get rid of the name then. HARU laughs at this. They rename it to just "Messages seeking advice" (相談メール). TOMO then asks if they've gotten any messages for GyouColle recently. Ono says they haven't. TOMO says that this one was the first segment they did on this show along with "Life before SCANDAL," the latter of which they occasionally still get messages for. RINA says it's interesting and should be kept. TOMO says that the band wants to learn about info like that. HARU says that they must not have gotten messages for it recently. Ono says that they have but they're long messages. TOMO says that they won't read them on air but will read them off air. RINA says that if they keep this segment going, they can see how peoples' former favorite musicians change. HARU asks if they're getting rid of GyouColle. RINA says they should.

•TOMO says that they love "I see - The Catch up" (where they read messages from overseas listeners and do quizzes based on the countries they're from) and ask if any messages have come for it. Ono says that a lot have. RINA says that it connects their overseas fans with them. They agree to keep it. TOMO brings up "Kyoukai-sen Kyoukai" and that they've even made stickers for it. RINA says that they're obviously keeping it. Next, TOMO mentions the dialect one and RINA immediately says to get rid of it. HARU is surprised and goes, "Get rid of it??" RINA say yes. TOMO goes, "Even though we all love it?" RINA says that they talk about dialects at times even when it's not for the segment specifically.

•HARU says that they're cutting a lot of segments. TOMO goes over a few of the ones they're cutting: theme parks, onomatopoeia, Consult SCANDAL. HARU asks about the Bulgarian quiz one. RINA laughs and says they can't cut that. HARU laughs and Ono says too that they can't cut it. HARU asks about ShunkanPlain. They say they'll keep it for now. TOMO says that's good enough for now. HARU says that they'll have around 5 segments left now. The others say that's good. The segments left are "Life before SCANDAL," love advice, "I see - The Catch up," "Kyoukai-sen Kyoukai," "Last-minute cramming! Bulgaria quiz!", and ShunkanPlain. HARU says that these are pretty much what recent messages have been sent in about anyway. Ono then brings up the "MAMImume, uninhabited islands" segment and say that they're waiting for someone who owns an uninhabited island to write in (but they did back during episode 57 lol). MAMI wonders if there's anyone like that [that listens to this show].

•TOMO brings up the "Catching up under the blue sky" episode they did where they played Molkky and says that she really liked doing that. HARU says they've talked about doing it again several times, but it's been raining and they haven't been able to do it. Ono then mentions the magic shows they did. HARU and MAMI wonder if they were conveyed via just audio. Ono laughs in the background. RINA says they probably weren't. TOMO says that in that sense, their Molkky game probably wasn't either. MAMI says they'll do something else if they do another recording like that. TOMO then says that they last did an original jingle about a year ago. HARU says yes, with unusual instruments. RINA says that the Power Word Awards at the end of the year are exciting. TOMO says that talking on the phone to listeners was also fun. She then brings up the "ONE MORE TIME...STUDY!" segment and she researched kokeshi dolls. Now, whenever she sees those dolls, it makes her smile. The others laugh. RINA says that she's fallen in love with them. TOMO says she has.

•MAMI says that she likes the one where they get one shot to successfully do something. The others also say they like it as well. TOMO asks what they had done for that. HARU and MAMI say they've done it a few times. They say they've done kendama, snapping, recorder. MAMI says they have fun doing this, but whether or not these are translated via sound is another matter. TOMO says that "Smental" is fun.

•They then close out the episode. They say they've cleared out a lot of segments and HARU laughs at this line written on the script that says to not write in anymore for the segments that were cut. Again these are the segments that are still being kept:

-Life before SCANDAL
-Love advice
-I see - The Catch up
-Kyoukai-sen Kyoukai
-Last-minute cramming! Bulgaria quiz!

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here. I've made a guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 6WYlmoJ Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 WvLQhcz

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup
A general election to declutter the ever-increasing number of segments! Will your favorite one survive...?

Season 2, Episode 14 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 MBfI0aa

HARUNA: We'll be doing this project...
"A general election to declutter Catch up segments!"

RINA: What is that...?

MAMI: Ah, it's a general election for survival...

HARUNA: "Catch up" is now in its fourth year...

TOMOMI: That was fastー!

MAMI: Really...?

TOMOMI: Four years??

HARUNA: Yeah, really.

MAMI: I see... That's right.

RINA: We've been doing this for so long...

HARUNA: As you'd expect, the number of segments has grown too much...

RINA: Even though we've been doing this for four years, do we still have that many segments and projects?

HARUNA: I mean, sometimes there are more added every week.

RINA: It's an abnormal speed.

TOMOMI: There are a lot of times when we just do something and then don't do it again.

HARUNA: We must have done a cleanup about two years ago.

RINA: Yes, we did.

HARUNA: We did, but they just keep increasing.

(Staff note: Sorry for making more and more...)

HARUNA: Let's declutter some of them here and now! And that's the general election for decluttering. In the document I have with me, the "segments we've made so far" are listed, and there are about 13 of them. At the top of the document is "GyouColle."

TOMOMI: Yes, I remember that one.

HARUNA: "Life Before SCANDAL" (listeners' favorite bands before SCANDAL).

RINA: We know that one.

HARUNA: "Hey! Teacher!"

MAMI: Yeah.

HARUNA: And "A.D.A.N.A."

TOMOMI: ..."adana"? What was "adana" again? (adana = nickname)

RINA: Yeah, we did do that once.

HARUNA: There's also "Love Advice" and "I see - The Catch up."

TOMOMI: That's my favorite one.

HARUNA: "Kyoukai-sen Kyoukai" (Fine Line Association).

RINA: That's a popular segment.

HARUNA: "Talking about dialects" (Staff note: It's called "Yappa Hougen, Suki ya Nen")


MAMI: "Interesting Theme Parks" and "Consult SCANDAL"...?

HARUNA: Wasn't "Consult SCANDAL" about us giving people pep talks?

MAMI: What? Was it about that...

TOMOMI: There are a lot of ambiguous ones...

RINA: At any rate, let's sort them out in order!

TOMOMI: Is "Hey! Teacher!" a segment?

MAMI: A shoutout?

HARUNA: It's not even a segment anymore!.

TOMOMI: When people say they're a teacher, we say, "Hey! Teacher!"

RINA: There are fans at M&Gs that tell us they're teachers, right? They want us to say "Hey! Teacher!"

MAMI: There are!

TOMOMI: There are also fans that say, "I'm a doctor, so please say 'Hey! Doctor!'," right?

RINA: There are!

【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 13

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 EJzfUOQ
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 ZQUm7cn

•The episode starts with this.

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener who says they became a new employee in April and met one their classmates there. They became very close since they live close to each other. The listener's friend had started dating a guy and they wanted to congratulate the friend for it, but the listener found out that the guy has a 9-year-old kid (the guy is only 23 years old) and he used to do some bad things. The listener then distrusted him. If he was just a loser, the listener wouldn't stop the friend from dating him, but he seems dangerous and the listener wants the friend to get away from him before something happens. The listener talked to the friend recently about this, and she said that she still loves him, and that she knows in her head that she should break up with him, but she can't do it. The people around her are just watching from the sidelines, thinking that it's a life experience and that it would be better if she herself realizes the painful situation she's in. The listener understands what they're saying, but the listener would feel sorry if something happened to their friend and would regret that they couldn't stop them. They ask the band what they think they should do. They end the message by saying it's a "warui mushi" situation (literally means "bad bug," but it actually refers to being in a situation with an undesirable lover). RINA goes, "Ah, again." HARU and TOMO aren't sure what she means by that. RINA mentions that the "bug" topic was brought up again, which MAMI laughs at. TOMO says that she doesn't remember asking people to send in messages about bugs. The staff says something and TOMO and HARU make a sound of recognition (maybe they didn't know the phrase "warui mushi"? lol).

•RINA says that the listener's a nice person who's considerate of their friend. TOMO wonders how "bad" this guy has been. MAMI says that the listener's very distrustful of the guy and keeps referring to him in the message as "that guy." The others laugh at this. TOMO wonders if the listener was told a story about why he's bad. MAMI thinks so. RINA brings up the fact that the guy has a 9-year-old son even though he's still young himself, so there are a lot of question marks about what kind of life he's led so far. MAMI brings up how the friend says she just can't break up with the guy, and that is understandable to not want to leave someone you love. HARU says that it's hard to stop things when you feel so passionate about someone. RINA says that people can get angry when someone else is telling them to stop doing something that makes them happy, even though it's from a place of kindness. That's why she says they should keep an eye on the situation. MAMI says to let the friend know when they think she's really in danger and perhaps talk to her more often. RINA says that rather than talk about the guy a lot, she thinks it would be better if they could continue to be friendly with them normally. If they can maintain a relationship with the friend so that she can talk to them if something dangerous happens, they can help protect her at that time. MAMI agrees that they should keep an eye on things and help them out if something happens.

•RINA reads the next message from a listener who says they've been a picky eater since they were a child, but recently they found they they could now eat/drink things that they couldn't before (such as coffee). They ask the band if there are any foods that they're now able to eat or like since growing up. TOMO says she's exactly the same and can drink coffee now. A few years ago she used to almost throw up when drinking coffee because the aroma was too strong and she didn't like it. HARU says that that's why she couldn't go to cafes with her. RINA says that things like your tastes change, and for her it was natto. A day suddenly came where she thought it looked good and she'd now be able to eat it, so she did and found it to be delicious. TOMO says that there's a theory that your taste buds become dull after you become an adult so you're able to eat things that are normally bitter, and that children's tongues are so sensitive that if something doesn't taste good, it really doesn't seem good to them. She says she hates that theory, and then laughs. HARU laughs and asks why. TOMO says that she doesn't know about senses getting dulled or whatever, but good food is good food. MAMI says that she thinks green peppers are very bitter. RINA says that although she likes those, she understands why people don't. MAMI says that she also doesn't like carrots nor green peas. The latter are beans, which she usually likes, but she doesn't like those. RINA says to each their own, and that she still can't eat shellfish. HARU says that she can't eat boiled eggs. RINA says that everyone has something they can't eat. TOMO says that she doesn't think she has any. HARU says that that's the best. She then asks about things that have a strong aroma, like things with leaves. TOMO says she prefers if it's not there, but it's not like she wouldn't eat it; she'd allow it. MAMI says that it's great she can do that. HARU says that on the contrary, there are more and more things that she doesn't like now that she's grown up. One example is liver. When she was in her 20s, she thought it was good because everyone said it was, but the moment she thought it wasn't good was when she realized she couldn't eat it anymore. TOMO says that she was overreaching.

•HARU reads the next message from a listener writing in about that 113 thing. They say if you add up the nine numbers associated with SCANDAL, you get 113 (8, 10, 5, 31, 5, 21, 8, 4 for the four members). TOMO goes, "That's 109! Why does 4 have to be added?" MAMI says that that's impressive the listener thought of this.

•TOMO reads the next message from a listener who says that MAMI is the number one person they'd like to meet at the supermarket. They laugh and wonder what this all about. RINA asks if there's any explanation. TOMO says there isn't--the rest of the page is totally blank. TOMO asks MAMI what she thinks. MAMI goes, "Uh, let's meet" and laughs.

•HARU reads the next message from a listener whose previous message was read during episode 6 (the person who's been posted to the Japanese Embassy in Bulgaria). They thank them for reading their message and say that they sincerely hope that many more Japanese people will become familiar with Bulgaria through this program. They bring up how SCANDAL talked about some Bulgarian words on the program before, and then they talk about body language: In Bulgaria you shake your head horizontally to say yes and shake your head vertically to say no, which is the exact opposite of the Japanese way and why they can't get used to it. They say they'll send them more info about Bulgaria. The band thanks them and says how the body language thing seems very confusing. TOMO says that if Bulgarians were to watch Japanese programs, they'd probably think it's unpleasant.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here. I've made a guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 6WYlmoJ Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 WvLQhcz

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup

17th Anniversary Project for SCANDAL - Sun Jul 23, 2023 10:08 pm

Thanks to everyone who has sent something in for the anniversary project!

Since there's been a good increase in letter/fan art submissions, we will 100% be going ahead with the book! Thanks again! (The video project will be canceled instead due to lack of submissions)

Today is the deadline for letter/fan art/photo submissions (11:59 pm PDT), so please make sure to get them in on time!


SCANlover wrote:When you ask for the mail, it's in case some re-submit is needed. In the case that it happens, would it be sent back using the same form? I don't have much idea about those things, I just have to cross my fingers that it turns out perfect.

The "resubmit" line was mainly added in regards to videos since there usually aren't any problems with letters/fan art, but if ever we do need to contact someone to resubmit something, we would send a brand new email to the person's listed email address.
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 5IGYdLX

On October 4th, SCANDAL will be releasing their new single Highlight no Naka de Bokura Zutto (ハイライトの中で僕らずっと; We're Always In the Highlights)!

It will be available in 3 editions: Regular, Blu-ray, and DVD.

The title song, written and composed by MAMI, is a song that expresses the wish of the four band members that the moments spent with listeners are always the best times of their lives, and that each moment will be the highlight of their lives so far and in the future.

Preorder from CD Japan
(includes A4-size clear file + Original Sticker D bonuses):




#front-page #highlight
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 YdnReev

The title of SCANDAL's 17th anniversary concert has been announced:

SCANDAL 17th ANNIVERSARY 『Sekai Ichi』 (世界一; best in the world)

On August 21, 2023, SCANDAL, who is currently seeking to establish GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for “Longest-running rock band with the same musicians (female),” will announce the results of their challenge at Namba Hatch in Osaka, the venue where they held their first-ever live concert.

The merch lineup has also been released, with the online presale period running from 7/22, 12 pm JST to 8/2, 11:59 pm JST.

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 Qryj7gl

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Posted in: Live Performances  Topic: SCANDAL 17th ANNIVERSARY 『Sekai Ichi』  Replies: 18  Views: 1673
Someone has inherited the "sixth sense" of MAMI's ex-boyfriend from middle school?

Season 2, Episode 13 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 VZlQp9y

HARUNA: We'll be reading a bunch of messages today. Let's get started.

Fukuoka no Nikuyakisuto

I have a good female friend at work. She may be a little perverse, but she's a wonderful woman who is adored by everyone. She also told me about SCANDAL!

I went to see fireflies with her. We were walking along a route where we could see more and more fireflies little by little, and at the end we could see many, but because it was in the countryside, there were bugs other than fireflies and spider webs.

She hates insects, so we walked while avoiding the insects that were attracted to the light, and I was inwardly wondering if it was a bother that I invited her to see fireflies even though she doesn't like insects.

I wondered how I could break out of this situation and find a way to get out of it. I thought desperately. It was then that it came to me! A new sensation came from within me! A sixth sense!!

I fended off insects that suddenly appeared in the dark night road, ripped through spider webs, protected her while sacrificing myself a bit, and was able to reach a place full of fireflies!

The light of fireflies have a fleeting beauty to them, and the sight of so many glowing fireflies was truly beautiful.
It was a tough road, but I was glad I came to see them with the girl. It was tough to get there, but I was glad that I came to see them with her.

We are both going to the concert on August 21 for the first time!

MAMI: That's not the boyfriend I dated in middle school, is it? He would be like, "Sixth sense!" and he would walk down the mountain path, shooing away grass and cobwebs with his hands.

HARUNA: ...then, maybe it is him?

TOMOMI: Isn't this message from him? This person is currently in Fukuoka...

MAMI: I don't knowー; I have no idea where he is now.

TOMOMI: Behaviorally, this is him, right?

MAMI: Well, that's what I mean...

RINA: You can tell by his message that he has a great personality.

TOMOMI: He's really adorable.

RINA: They must have had a lot of fun when they went to see fireflies together.

MAMI: And they're coming to the concert together.

HARUNA: That's rightー

RINA: August 21st will be their first concert. That's special.

HARUNA: Indeed. It's a special event and will be different from the usual concert atmosphere.

RINA: She must have a strong character. And a beloved character.

HARUNA: I hope they get along with each other.

TOMOMI: That was a cute story.

(Staff note: Please check out this past episode for the sixth sense story about MAMI's roundoff-doing boyfriend she dated in middle school)

TOMOMI: Next...


I have been alive for 38 years, and am raising beetle larvae for the first time. I have hated bugs since I was a child. I never wanted to do such a thing because I didn't want to touch even the smallest insect.

During Golden Week in May, my wife's parents took our five-year-old son alone to the countryside for four days and three nights, and when he got back:

Son: "I bought souvenirsー♪"
Me: "Thank you. What did you buy me?"
Son: "Here you go!"

And with a wonderful smile on his face, he showed me the beetle larvae in his insect cage.

I decided to be hands-off...

A little while later, the soil had to be replaced, and for some reason, that task fell to me. My wife and child, who were just as scared as me, said, "If you don't do it quickly, we'll feel sorry for the beetles!" I steeled myself, put the larvae in my hand, changed the soil, and put the larvae back in the cage. Then my son squirted mist into the cage and the larvae moved. I was kind of shocked when I saw that.

Then one day, when I was casually tapping my one-year-old son on the side of his stomach, he wriggled his body. I discovered that the way he moved was almost the same as beetle larvae!! haha

I started to think the larvae were kind of cute, so I watched them every day. Now they're pupae and are starting to look like beetles.

I think my eldest son will be happy when they turn into beetles, so I'll do my best just a little bit longer.

TOMOMI: Why are you all talking about bugs!?

HARUNA: Isn't this the same as the previous person??

TOMOMI: Are they the same person?

HARUNA: Isn't the vibe the same?

TOMOMI: This is a rare type of vibe for our program. It's fine, it's fineー. We're suddenly getting all these bug stories. Did we ever talk about bugs?

Staff: We haven't.

TOMOMI: So that's the mood we're in now...

MAMI: Fireflies and beetles.

HARUNA: Maybe because it's getting warmer?

RINA: But these are heartwarming stories.

【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 12

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Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 Sd35t6Z

•The episode starts with this.

•HARU comes back rather fast from eating the yogurt. TOMO asks her if she knows what flavor she ate (since the staff isn't letting them know which flavor they eat). HARU says she does. MAMI laughs that HARU is covering her mouth. HARU says that she's doing it because the scent of the yogurt is pretty strong. TOMO goes next. HARU says that eating the yogurt is so surreal since just one cup of yogurt is set up for them each to try, and then each person is to just eat it and come back to the recording booth. RINA asks if it's a single spoonful, which HARU says it basically is. MAMI goes, "I don't want to doubt you guys!" The others laugh and RINA says it's okay since it's a game. HARU says that this is difficult and she doesn't know what questions to ask. RINA says that the others were just talking about that, and that there are a lot of questions they could ask that'd be fitting. MAMI goes, "Let's just all eat the same flavor of yogurt, okay!" and laughs. TOMO comes back and MAMI leaves to go eat. Pretty soon after she comes back and RINA leaves to eat. TOMO says that she doesn't think that she herself is the Yogurt Wolf. Program director Ono laughs in the background and HARU says no one knows if they are or not.

•After RINA comes back, they start the game. TOMO says that the yogurt has a bright taste to it. The others agree. HARU says that it's also refreshing. The others also agree with this. RINA says that yogurt itself can be eaten any time of the day, but it's great when you eat it in the morning, flavor-wise as well. The others agree. MAMI says that there are so many different flavors of yogurt, and of course she loves the one she just had, but she might not usually choose that one. The others go, "Aah." MAMI asks what the others think. TOMO and RINA says that it's one that they do select quite often. HARU says that she may not choose it often, but it's a pretty standard flavor of yogurt. She also says that she thinks TOMO really likes this flavor. TOMO does confirm that she really likes it. RINA says that she and TOMO have similar tastes, so in that sense, RINA also really likes it. HARU goes, "Eh, didn't we all get the same flavor, then?" MAMI laughs and says that can't be right. TOMO asks how the texture of it was. MAMI goes, "Aren't you happy with the texture?" TOMO says that she is happy with it. HARU laughs and says, "Happy?" RINA says it's has a "texture of happiness," which they laugh at. HARU says that it was juicy. MAMI and TOMO agree while RINA goes, "Hmm..." TOMO goes, "There's a lot in there. It has a strong presence." The others all make sounds of agreement without actually saying anything, which makes TOMO then go, "...right?" in an unsure and quieter tone. The others laugh at this and HARU says that that "...right?" was very faint. They then all agree with TOMO.

•HARU again says that it seems like they all ate the same flavor. MAMI asks Ono if he has any questions for them. Right away he asks how many they could eat. They're kind of confused at first, and RINA asks if he means how many pieces of fruit (that correspond to the flavor they received) they could eat. He says yes. They say that's a good question. As RINA says that she could eat a lot of them, a whistle sound is played and Ono says they should answer one by one and says to start from HARU. HARU says that this question is hard to answer, which RINA agrees with. She goes, "Ehh..." and RINA says to just say how many she could picture herself eating. HARU says in that case, it'd be one. RINA says that that's totally possible. TOMO is to answer next, and she says 50. MAMI says that she'll eat as many as she's confident she could eat, even if it's only a few. RINA says she'd eat 5-6 of them. After, they're all kind of quiet and go, "I see" while then laughing.

•Question time is then over. They all say that they think they know who the Wolf is. RINA says that she's pretty confident. They each say all say the name of the person they think is the Wolf at the same time, but it doesn't sound like they all say the same thing. There's a pause before TOMO and MAMI, "Eh?" RINA says she said HARU. MAMI says the same. TOMO says the same. HARU also says the same. There's a pause before they all laugh. They ask the staff what the correct answer is, and it is HARU. RINA asks her when she noticed. HARU says at the end with the "How many could you eat" question. TOMO goes, "Was it peach?" HARU says that it was. RINA laughs and says that eating 50 of them would be a little hard. HARU says that it'd be impossible, and why she thought she must have had a different flavor when TOMO answered she could eat 50 of her fruit. MAMI says that the other 3 had strawberry. MAMI says that these two flavors are similar in regards to how they both have lots of pieces of fruit in them. HARU says that that's why they were all in agreement when they were asking each other questions. MAMI says that if the last question wasn't asked, then they would have all keep thinking they ate the same flavor. RINA says that MAMI had mentioned that she might not usually choose this flavor, which made her think that MAMI had strawberry as well. She also says that when HARU said the flavor was very "juicy," she thought that she might have a different flavor since "juicy" isn't really how you would describe strawberries.

•Then Ono says they could change things up for the second round and asks what they want to do. RINA says that everyone asked good questions when they had started the first round, so they could probably keep going as is. They decide to do so. They then say that the second round seems like it'll be harder than the first. MAMI says that they're not trying to deceive each other but telling the truth. TOMO says that rules say it's okay for the Wolf to lie, though. MAMI says that the moment HARU realized hers was different during the first round, she could have started saying the same thing as everyone and it'd all turn into a huge mess. RINA says that if HARU had been the last to answer Ono's question, she might have lied. Ono says that HARU didn't lie and said one, which everyone laughs at. MAMI goes, "So cute!" RINA says that listeners could easily play this game. Ono says that it's probably exciting to play overseas since flavors are probably different.

•The band takes turns to eat the yogurt in the same order (HARU, TOMO, MAMI, RINA). When MAMI's gone, RINA says that MAMI is the most knowledgeable about games since she plays them often with friends when drinking and such. HARU says that she can't play deduction games at all. RINA says she can't either and has never played it with friends. HARU says that she's not able to lie. RINA says that she doesn't have any friends that ask her to play games with them, which HARU laughs at.

•After RINA comes back, the second round starts. RINA says that she really likes the fruit itself. The others say they do as well. TOMO asks if they eat this fruit frequently. HARU says that she doesn't really eat it frequently. RINA says that she's a little happy to buy it when she spots it. Ono asks if it can be picked (as in fruit picking). They all say that it can. He then asks if it can be written in kanji. After some thinking, they say that they think it can be. RINA says there are a lot of ways to write it. MAMI says it can be, but she herself probably wouldn't be able to write it if you asked her right then and there to write it. HARU says that she wouldn't be able to write it if she wasn't already looking at the word. MAMI says that the kanji used is hard for her to write. HARU says that it comes in various colors. RINA goes, "It does...come in various colors...yes." TOMO says the same thing in the same way, which makes them all laugh. HARU says that rather than 'various,' there isn't just one main color that it comes in. RINA says that you could eat 50 of them. HARU agrees. MAMI laughs and says that everyone's just saying the same things.

•Ono asks what season it's picked in. MAMI says that yesterday she heard someone talking about this fruit when eating with a friend, so it's probably almost the season for it. RINA says that it's during a warm season, then. MAMI says that she might not have known the definite season, so she remembers thinking, "Oh, I didn't know that." RINA says that she guesses she's never thought about it that way because it's already so easy to get. MAMI starts to say something but trails off. RINA goes, "Please go ahead and talk," which they all laugh at. MAMI says that everyone's looking at her so intently. Ono says that it can be bought at the market, which they agree with. Ono asks how many they could eat. RINA says 50. MAMI and HARU laugh at that. TOMO says 50 might not be doable. MAMI keeps going, "How many, huh?" RINA goes, "You're that conflicted?" HARU says that she herself isn't the type to eat a lot of fruits. RINA says she gets it and says that both she and HARU get full right away when they go fruit picking. HARU says that that's why she probably can't eat too much of this fruit. RINA then jokes and says one, which HARU laughs at. MAMI says that she could probably eat around 10 of them. HARU says that that's probably as much as she could eat as well. TOMO says the same. RINA says that everyone's answered the same for this.

•Right as RINA wonders if it's been three minutes yet, the whistle sound is played. MAMI says it's really difficult to remember you need to doubt the other players while also protecting yourself. RINA says that it's difficult to tell this time around. Then then all say their answers, and they all seem to be different. RINA answered HARU again, HARU answered RINA, TOMO answered herself, and MAMI answered RINA. It turns out that MAMI was actually the Wolf this time. MAMI says that she realized this halfway through. RINA says that MAMI really is good at playing games. HARU says that she had no idea and thought it might have been herself at one point. MAMI says that everyone was thinking it was them as they played. HARU says that that's why she lied the entire time. RINA says that she was also doing the same. TOMO says that she thought hers was different from everyone else's, and that everyone else had the same flavor as RINA. RINA says that she had green apple. HARU and TOMO say they did too. MAMI says that she had lemon. RINA goes, "That's completely different!" and asks what it was that MAMI mentioned about her fruit earlier. MAMI says she mentioned the season for it. When she went to eat yesterday, she had a lemon in her drink and that the staff said it's not the season for lemons right now, which is why the lemon was hard. RINA says that she's never thought about how lemons are put in alcoholic drinks. TOMO does say that lemon gives off a summer vibe. RINA asks when the season for green apples are. The others think it's fall. MAMI says she has memories of going picking for those in October or November. TOMO says that MAMI's mention of the season made her think that they ate different yogurt flavors; she figured hers was different from MAMI's and RINA's, which made her think that she was the odd one out.

•RINA says that trying to tell lies about something you don't know about made it all confusing. MAMI says that everyone's looking for allies, but they're struggling with lying, but if they don't tell the truth, they're not going to find allies. RINA says that after you've figured out your allies, then you decide to lie on purpose. HARU says that that's why you have to tell the truth at the beginning. MAMI says that when the "various colors" thing was mentioned, she thought about how apples come in various/different colors. She lied about how hers (lemon) come in different colors, and she says she's glad she did. TOMO says that she thought everyone else had grape since those do come in different colors and it is feasible to eat 50 of them. They laugh and HARU says that that's when she thought RINA had a different flavor from the rest. RINA says that she'd want to play this game again somewhere. MAMI says that she was really bad at this. RINA says that she wants to improve. HARU laughs and wonders if there's a merit to improving with this.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here. I've made a guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 6WYlmoJ Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 WvLQhcz

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup

17th Anniversary Project for SCANDAL - Sat Jul 15, 2023 8:15 am


Due to how few submissions we've received for the Fan Letter Project so far, it's likely that we will have to cancel it.

We'll consider still going ahead with it if we get enough submissions, but we have no idea how many more people were planning to submit something for it. If you have been working on something to send in, please leave a reply and let us know!

We will still go ahead with the video project and also extend the deadline to August 4th, though this is also in danger of being canceled if we don't get enough submissions.

Even if the projects do get canceled, we are 100% still going to send flowers to the band on the day of their anniversary (using the donations we've generously received so far) - Don't worry about that!

Looking for the "Yogurt Wolf" eating a different flavor of Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt!

Season 2, Episode 12 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 OMnpYNt

HARUNA: We'll be bringing you a "Food Report Word Wolf" this time.

RINA: "Food Report Word Wolf"??

HARUNA: We won't know until we try it... Each of us will get a container of yogurt. Only one will have a different flavor. In other words, they will be the "Yogurt Wolf." This is a test project to find the "Yogurt Wolf" who got a different flavor of yogurt.

*Staff note: This is a food report version of Word Wolf, where everyone is eating yogurt (only one person has a different flavor), they discuss the flavor, and guess who has the different flavor.

RINA: At any rate, let's try it!

HARUNA: We played Word Wolf all the time when we were on the bus during our European tour.

RINA: We didー.

MAMI: We sure did.

RINA: We did it with the local staff. We did it in English, Japanese, and French. It was really interesting since the reactions varied from country to country.

HARUNA: We played it with quite a large groupー.

MAMI: But I'm not good at games like Werewolf or Word Wolf.

HARUNA: Ah, me neither.

RINA: Really?? MAMI seems like she'd be good at it.

TOMOMI: Eh, MAMI wasn't good at it?

MAMI: Well, I used to play with my friends, but I couldn't put on a poker face...


MAMI: Also, I can't lie.

RINA: I get it.

MAMI: I end up saying it.

HARUNA: In that sense, all four of us aren't able to tell lies.

RINA: That's why I think we're all around the same level... It's been a while since we've played a game like this.

HARUNA: At any rate, let's give it a try.

Here are the rules.
★The time limit is 3 minutes. During the 3-minute discussion, look for the person who has the different flavor of yogurt (the Yogurt Wolf).

★Each person must ask a question twice. Everyone must answer the questions. Questions must be about yogurt and its flavor (fruit) only.

★No questions about specific fruit names or colors.

★Of course, it's okay to give false answers in order to deceive the other three.

★Staff members may submit a talk theme. In that case, the staff will nominate who will answer first.

★The three win if they find the "Yogurt Wolf." If the "Yogurt Wolf" gets away, they win.

HARUNA: Each person will go to a separate room and eat yogurt.

RINA: Eh, really??

MAMI: Oh, because if you don't, they will see you, won't they? The color would give it away.

RINA: So we can't make a sound while eating?

HARUNA: They said no.

RINA: Is this okay?? Really??

MAMI: While one person is eating, the other three will talk to each other. They'll connect.

RINA: ...this is new.

HARUNA: So let's take turns eating the yogurt. I'll go first!

All: Take careー

HARUNA: I'll leave the studio and eat the yogurt.

RINA: This sure is new...

TOMOMI: It's hard to ask questions.

【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 11

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 A61p15w
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 PzQF9xH
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 98yqdu5

•The episode starts with the band announcing that they now have a refrigerator specially for storing Bulgaria Yogurt, and that they have a new "Catch up" sticker that resembles Bulgaria Yogurt that they'll be giving out to listeners.

•Then this happens.

•RINA reads the next message from a listener who is sending a message to ask if the band can help them with their hazy feelings. They had attended a friend's wedding and gave a speech on behalf of all of the friends. After, they went to an after-party with the bride and a few of their mutual girl friends. They went home happy and full of love. 6 months later they were hanging out with the bride and she started talking about how on their wedding day she was asked by the friend of the groom to introduce the listener to him. The listener was thinking how their time to be popular has finally come, but also why they were being told this so late. They were told that he and the groom got into a fight over it, which confused the listener. Apparently, at the after-party, the groom told the bride that the girl who gave the speech was cute and wondered if she had a boyfriend. The groom was making sure that the listener didn't have a boyfriend before introducing her to him, but after that he kept digging and asking questions about her, which rubbed the bride the wrong way. After the after-party was over, the bride was crying as she told the groom she was divorcing him and threw the ring at him. Upon hearing that, the listener couldn't keep their mouth from dropping open in surprise. The bride laughed the whole time and said that it wasn't the listener's fault, but the listener felt like she must have been unconvinced for 6 months before she told them about it. They honestly didn't want to know about this, and they haven't been able to vent their frustration. They ask SCANDAL if there's anything that happened to them that they didn't want to know about. They also say that the bride and groom agreed to reconcile if they erased the messages between them on the day of the wedding.

•MAMI summarizes the message to clarify what was said. HARU sums it up as the bride not liking the groom asking her a ton of questions about the listener. RINA says that the combination of the time gap and the details of the questions made things a little messy. HARU says that the listener also has a sense of bewilderment that the bride didn't have to go through the trouble of telling the listener about a fight that almost ended in divorce six months after the fact. TOMO says that the bride is basically telling the listener that it's their fault they fought. The others laugh and agree with that. TOMO says that that's awful and the listener didn't do anything. HARU says it's a situation where it's like, "Well, what do you want me to do about it?" MAMI says that since the bride was laughing while telling the story, then it's already a funny story to her. So although it was a little hurtful and shocking for the listener to hear it, they could just be like, "Oh, I see" and let it go. But if the bride was still a little angry and told the listener that she was, then it would be awkward. RINA says that that the latter probably is the case since this message was sent in to them after all. If it was a funny story to them, then the listener wouldn't be feeling this way. HARU says that there's really nothing that can be done about it.

•A staffer in the background says that the groom was at fault. The band is confused and asks why. He says that it's because it inconsiderate to say to the bride on the day of their wedding that the listener's cute and if they had a boyfriend. HARU says that if that is how it was phrased, then he probably is at fault. MAMI says that it'd be fine if he had just said something like his friend is interested in the listener. The staffer says that that might not have happened. HARU and MAMI say that if the former did happen, then it probably sounded like the groom was interested in the listener and implying that he thinks they're cute. The band says that it sounds like the friend said via text that the listener was cute and wondered if they had a boyfriend. TOMO says that it seems like the groom wasn't at fault. The staffer disagrees and says being told someone else is cute on the day that the bride gets the most dolled up she's ever been is something the bride didn't like. The band discusses more and HARU says that maybe the groom just blurted out something like, "[Listener] is cute; do they have a boyfriend?" instead of saying something more standard like, "My friend thinks [Listener] is cute." MAMI brings up how the listener mentioned that they thought their time to be popular has finally come, and RINA says that that it's important to be cheerful. RINA tells the listener to go vent by listening to some intense SCANDAL songs.

•TOMO reads the next message from a listener who attended the Yokohama stop of the UU tour and also went to the pop-up shop at Tower Records Shibuya. They went alone and was planning to ask someone to take a photo of them, but when they got there, there were only foreigners and not a single Japanese person there. They realized again how SCANDAL is popular all over the world and that they're proud of that. Although they didn't get someone to take their photo, they did get to see all of the items and such on display. RINA says that SCANDAL having a lot of overseas fans is an all-too familiar thing for them, and also that a surprising number of those fans understand Japanese, so she says that next time they should be brave and try talking to them. TOMO wonders if those people the listener saw were actually SCANDAL fans. RINA says that it's possible they just happened to stop by the pop-up shop area. HARU says that both are possible. RINA says that the shop was impressive, after all. MAMI says that the exclusive coasters and tumblers had sold out. TOMO says that when she was at a festival and shooting something where she talked to people camping there, there was a couple there who were using those tumblers as camping gear.

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener who attended the Tokyo stop and also one of the signing events in Shibuya. It was their first time attending a concert. When they were in elementary school, they first heard SCANDAL via an anime and was drawn to how cool they were, but they never had a chance to go to a concert due to their club activities at school. They became a college student and thought they'd finally be able to go now, but then the pandemic happened. They also talk about how they were really happy to be able to talk to the band at such a close range at the signing that they were able to forget about all the bad things they'd been through. They say that when they told HARU that their birthdays and zodiac signs are the same, it made them really happy when she smiled and said, "Let's do our best!" The others burst out laughing at this and MAMI says, "That's so cute!" HARU says that they remember this person. RINA says that it's just a brief comment, but you feel it deeply. HARU says that it's not often that you find someone who has the same birthday and zodiac sign as you. TOMO says that your horoscopes are probably the same as well. They say that maybe the listener has the same fortune as HARU. HARU says that that's why she said for them to do their best, which the others laugh at. TOMO says that HARU's pretty lucky, which HARU agrees with. A staffer mentions something about the fans that are finally coming to see SCANDAL after 10+ years of being a fan, and also how the pandemic derailed at least some of those fans in coming to see SCANDAL. HARU says that there were a lot of 22 to 34-year-old fans who came to the signing events that were like that, and a lot of them were around 24. MAMI says that there were a lot of new graduates who told them they started working for the first time this spring. RINA laughs and says, "Let's do our best!" MAMI says, "With a smile on our faces, right?"

•HARU reads the next message from a listener who says that their middle daughter joined the light music club in high school and started playing the bass. She also is hooked on SCANDAL and practices every day, wanting to be able to play like TOMO. The band says that's cute. TOMO goes, "Do your best!" HARU laughs and MAMI repeats, "With a smile on our faces, right?" RINA says that it's fun when you're first starting out on an instrument. HARU says that it's sure to be fun if she takes part in a school festival. RINA says that they'll make a lot of memories with music. HARU asks TOMO what recent SCANDAL song she thinks would be good to play on bass. TOMO says "DOLL" (although that's not a 'recent' song lol) and says that it's easy to understand for a first-time bass player.

•HARU reads the next message from a listener who is writing in for the "Kyoukai-sen Kyoukai" (Fine Line Association) segment and says that they love natto. They ask if there's a definite line between kotsubu (small) and ootsubu (large) beans, and also ask which ones the band prefers. The band talks A LOT about this topic (like 7 straight minutes lol) and I don't think most people would want to hear it/understand the differences, so I'll try summing it up in a few sentences. They discuss how there's apparently a size in between small and large, which is chuutsubu (medium). MAMI says there's also a very small size called "gokusho," which would make kotsubu the "standard/regular size" of natto. RINA, HARU, and TOMO say they prefer kotsubu while MAMI says she likes gokusho. That's all I'll be translating for that topic lol

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here. I've made a guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 6WYlmoJ Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 WvLQhcz

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup
The 91st upload from RINA to her YouTube channel:

English subs:

These two days were so fulfilling.
Those who came to see it, and those who wanted to see it,
Thank you so much( ◜ᴗ◝ ) It was so much fun〜!

The time to try, fail,
And cheerfully do something is fleeting.
To be able to photograph my 30-year-old self, to have my 31-year-old self make a collage of it and leave it as a work of art, to meet the talent that is Kina Hiraki, and to have someone who enjoyed it, were all special experiences.

I love creating things! I want to live my life feeling that many times( ◜ᴗ◝ ) Thank you

If you enjoy my translations, please consider leaving a tip! Happy

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 FdtTi4P

Links to English subs for all of RINA's videos can be found here:

#front-page #tinychannelbyrina
Their kindness took an unexpected turn... RINA says about a listener's heartrending story, "People like this will end up being the happiest!"

Season 2, Episode 11 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 UpHFuXb

HARUNA: We're going to be reading a bunch of messages today. Let's get started... It's been a while, hasn't it?

RINA: Yeah.

Dropkick Namena

Thanks for reading my message on episode 153. I'm the one who pointed out to my female friend that she had visible nose hairs, and she got angry and left.

I'm sending you another message because last time you said, "If you have any stories like this one, send it in to us."

This took place 15 years ago, when I was 18 years old. A girl I was good friends with at the time invited me to go out with a mixed group of 6 people to karaoke. During it, I noticed that one of the girls (whom I had never met before) looked a little pale, so I asked her if she was okay, and she said, "I have a headache..."

I went with her out of the room and I had her sit down and relax while I went to a convenience store and bought her a hot drink and painkillers. The medicine worked, and I was relieved to see that her complexion had improved considerably, but she said, "I'm heading home now, and I'd like for you to take me there." I sent a message to one of my friends who was at karaoke and said that ___ isn't feeling well so I'd be accompanying her back home.

When we parted, she asked my contact info and I gave it to her. Later that day, she suddenly texted me saying, "I'm never going to like you because you're not my type, even after what you did." I didn't do all that because I liked her; I was just worried about her. It made me feel really sad, but I replied, "That wasn't my intention, but I'm sorry for making you feel bad," and the conversation ended.

When you guys read my previous message, RINA had said, "I think this person is the kind of person who keeps finding themselves in this kind of position," which you're totally right about. I have these experiences very often for some reason. I believe that what I did was not wrong, but sometimes I almost waver.

By the way, when I heard that the girl was getting married two years later, I thought about saying things to her like, "Oh?", or "Eh...", or that I'd say something harsh. My happiness and desire to congratulate her inevitably got the better of me, and I was unable to give her the cold shoulder. But even now, more than 10 years later, I am glad that I was able to say congratulations to her. I still feel that it was a good thing that I was able to say congratulations to her at that time.

RINA: He really is kindー.

HARUNA: You didn't do anything wrong at all.

TOMOMI: You didn'tー

RINA: The unexpected turn of events surprised me.

HARUNA: I thought maybe the girl who got sick was the one who fell in love with him..

TOMOMI: She asked him for their contact information, after all.

HARUNA: She asked him to take her home.

RINA: Maybe she was just feeling bad and wanted to rely on anyone, which is when the listener appeared?

HARUNA: ...yeah, isn't that what happened?

RINA: Anyway, he did nothing wrong.


RINA: I thought he was really kind and nice.

HARUNA: But that was the star he was born under...maybe. I think that's fine!

RINA: People like him will end up being the happiest.

MAMI: But does this mean that he found out through friends that she was getting married?

RINA: Don't they run in the same friend groups?

MAMI: I might not have told her congratulations...

RINA: That's also a normal response.

MAMI: I thought it was great of him to contact them and say congratulations.

RINA: Yeah, he's very open-minded!

【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 10

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 1boz7lT
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 6rdTm04

•The episode starts with this.

•TOMO then mentions how HP movies 1 + 2 are very fantasy-like movies, and from 4 onwards, the movies are too dark (as in the lighting). HARU laughs at this and says that it's fine when you watch them in theaters, though. TOMO says that they had watched the movie yesterday in the afternoon so it was too bright and the movie was hard to see. If they had been watching it on a phone, she would have upped the brightness. HARU says that it's because the movies were moving towards being more on the dark side. TOMO says that the directors kept changing as well. HARU says that TOMO's now halfway through the series as there are 8 films in total, and they just finished watching film 4. TOMO asks which one is next. HARU says the "Order of the Phoenix." TOMO says that she's looking forward to it.

•TOMO then starts talking about their program director Ono and says that she heard he started working on Mezamashii TV recently (an early morning TV show). HARU laughs and says that he did mention it to them before. TOMO says that she's always seen him as someone who does music-related and late-night shows, and that he also works on stuff that airs at midnight and 3 am. HARU says that's why they've asked him when he has time to sleep. TOMO says that today he had come to record this episode after Mezamashii TV was done. He had been up since 11 pm the night before and still hasn't slept. She says she hopes he doesn't pass out from exhaustion. HARU says that he's really something. TOMO goes, "Go to sleep! You can sleep now!" and laughs. They then mention how they've known him since before "Catch up" started.

•It's then time for them to take a yogurt break. TOMO says that they made plans to go eat after, though. After TOMO opens her yogurt and says that Aladdin is on the packaging, a recorded question is suddenly read: "Now that you've chosen your characters, the talk theme is: If you had a tool that could understand people's feelings, would you use it?" TOMO says that that sounds scary since you'd be able to know exactly what people are feeling. HARU asks her if she would use it. TOMO says she wouldn't. There's a pause before she again goes, "That's scaaaaary!", which makes HARU laugh. HARU says that there are sure to be times when you'd understand what someone else is feeling without having to use something like that. TOMO agrees and says that you could use it when you want to know what someone truly wants as a birthday present. HARU says that maybe she'd use it only to that extent and might not need it for any other times. TOMO says that HARU probably wouldn't need it because she's an understanding type of person. She also mentions how she asked MAMI what she wanted for her birthday. MAMI never used to wear accessories in the past, but for the first time she said that she wanted them. HARU wonders if MAMI had a change of heart. TOMO says that both gold and silver seemed like they would look good on her so she picked out one that had both, which did in fact suit her. HARU says that she saw it, and that it was cute and dainty. TOMO says it made her happy to give MAMI her first accessory. HARU asks if it was her first necklace. TOMO says that it was her first kind of accessory overall. HARU is surprised and goes, "Seriously?" and that MAMI must have been looking forward to turning 33.

•HARU says that the character on her yogurt is Rapunzel, and a recorded question is then played: "Now that you've chosen your characters, the talk theme is: The two of you 17 years ago." TOMO laughs and says that that has nothing to do with the character HARU chose. HARU agrees that there's no connection there. TOMO asks what the question was again. HARU says it's about them 17 years ago. TOMO then talks about how when they first met and how they were at different branches of Caless (Nagoya = HARU, Osaka = TOMO), so they weren't close enough to talk to each other on a regular basis. They basically only saw each other once a year at a school recital or the like. Although they didn't really talk much, they were both cast in the same role in a musical put on by the school. HARU says that although the band formed in August of 2006, they had a sudden connection before that. TOMO asks if the musical did happen in 2006. There's a pause before HARU says it probably was, around spring of that year. She says that that sudden connection brought them closer together. TOMO says that HARU played that role during the day shows while she played it during the night shows. She doesn't remember what the musical was about. HARU tries to think of it and then says it was "TenLove." TOMO then laughs and clarifies that they're not talking about "Tenshi ni Love Song wo..." ("Love Song for an Angel," which is the Japanese title of Sister Act), and are instead talking about an original Caless musical that was called "Tenshi ga Love Song ya de" ("An Angel is a Love Song," which has a Kansai dialect spin on it). HARU clarifies that it was a parody of the original movie/musical. TOMO says the story was completely different and was written by the school's principal. They laugh about how they played the role of a young lady that was probably considered to be a C-list role, with 5-6 other 'young ladies' in the story.

•They then talk about the first impressions they had of each other. HARU says that TOMO was a little different from how HARU pictured people from Kansai to be, and thought that she was a rather demure type of Kansai girl. TOMO says that she's still demure even today, which they both laugh at. HARU then says that once she got to know her, she found that TOMO was a little more energetic/full of spirit than that. TOMO says that there was a time when she was like that, and laughs that she's not quite like that now. She mentions that the teacher that helped them form the band told her and MAMI that they would be in charge of doing MCs at concerts, so she figured that she'd have to shift a little more into high gear. HARU asks if she worked hard to do that. TOMO says that she was a teen at the time and so had fun without particularly working hard, but thinking about it now, she wasn't a natural at it. She wasn't trying too hard nor forcing it, but she was trying to shift a gear up and have fun with it. She thinks that how she's like right now [during MCs] is probably how she's always been. HARU says that her voice used to be fainter, which they both laugh at. It would be like, "What did you say, again?" TOMO says that she's always had a small voice. HARU says that she can hear her voice better on the phone now, though. TOMO says that she thinks it's because HARU's ears have adapted to her voice. HARU laughs at this. TOMO says that if she's talking to someone outside of the band, they usually ask for her to repeat what she said. She says that her audio most likely has to be turned up for this radio program. HARU says she doesn't think so. There's a pause during which the staff most likely also says that's not the case, since TOMO says she's glad and feels relieved.

•TOMO then talks about her first impression of HARU. HARU was one of the ones selected among the students of the Nagoya branch to participate in one of the Osaka branch's recitals, with her unit group she was in called "4-SON" (read as "SEASON"). That's why her first impression was that she was one of the chosen members of the Nagoya branch. Before they had gotten acquainted with each other, TOMO would think of her as "HARUNA from 4-SON." She says that HARU was a very tiny, petite girl even back then. They both laugh at this. TOMO goes, "17 years ago, huh - Such a long time ago." HARU goes, "To think we've spent almost every day together since then..." TOMO says that they seriously are together every day, which is pretty crazy. She then mentions how they've even talked about moving in together in the future. HARU says that that was just the other day, and it totally could be a real thing that could happen. TOMO says that that's who they are, and asks if that's it [for the segment]. HARU says that there's really nothing more for them to talk about. TOMO agrees, and says that they should just pass around voice memos when they go out to eat after this. HARU says that maybe they'll talk about stuff that's more hobby-oriented, like who their biases are.

•When HARU mentions biases/oshi, TOMO talks about how apparently their fans voted a lot of TOMO's favorite Sanrio character Pokkyokuten in the recent Sanrio Character Ranking that's held every year. She says she didn't say to vote for that character either, but then isn't sure if she did or not. She says that maybe she did. She hopes that with all of the votes the character might make it into the top 30. HARU says that she went to a Sanrio store the other day to vote since the votes there are equal to 3 online votes. TOMO wonders how it'll go [The results were recently announced and TOMO's character made it to 43th place]. HARU then talks about how MAMI recently found a new "oshikatsu" with Sanrio this year. TOMO says that she hasn't done much oshikatsu-ing in her life, so it's been a lot of fun and really fulfilling. She also says that since becoming an oshi of something, she's come to understand/feel really grateful for the people who do the same for her. They both laugh at this. HARU says that if their fans felt the same way as they do about their own oshi, they'd really appreciate it. They say, "Thanks as always!"

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here. I've made a guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 6WYlmoJ Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 WvLQhcz

*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup

17th Anniversary Project for SCANDAL - Thu Jul 06, 2023 3:00 am

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 PGSTWBM

We are doing a Fan Letter Project as well as a video project for SCANDAL's 17th anniversary!

As always, SCANDAL fans worldwide can participate!

  1. The Fan Letter Project will be like our previous FLP: A hardcover, professionally printed photo book that will be delivered to the band ahead of their anniversary in August.

    Like last time, the project will be paid for with the donations that have been generously given by SH members and the like (thanks so much!).

  2. Also, for the cover of the project, we will be making a collage of photos from fans taken at SCANDAL concerts, post-concert hangouts, album/merch collections, etc.!

  3. The video project will be a compiliation video featuring short clips of fans congratulating SCANDAL.

  4. Additionally, we will be sending flowers to the venue where SCANDAL will be performing on their anniversary, like we did for a few past events such as their 10th anniversary and their 15th anniversary! These will also be paid for with donations that we've received.

    If you would like to contribute towards the project + flowers, please feel free to do so here:

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 KTaQ9Ti

Letter + Fan Art Guidelines:

• You may submit things such as, but not limited to, letters, drawings, collages, and fan art.

• You can submit as many items as you want.

• For letters, you can either submit plain text, or design a page on a program like Photoshop.

• Letters must be written in English or Japanese.

• Everything must be family-friendly.

• Type of files accepted: .jpg, .pdf, .doc/.docx

• If you are designing pages, the size of each page must be 8.5 x 11 inches, vertical, with an image resolution of 300 DPI.

Compilation Video Guidelines:

• This will strictly be a congratulatory video for the band.

Please only say a short congratulations to the band, as well as where you're from. Example: "Congratulations, SCANDAL! From New York."

• You may speak in any language you want to.

• Do not include any other messages or any other information such as your name.

• Please film your video in front of a plain background or with outdoor scenery.

• Please film your video HORIZONTALLY.

Videos should not be longer than 5 seconds.

• Type of file accepted: .mp4 only.

If your video does not follow these guidelines, it will be rejected and you will be asked to resubmit.

• Those under 16 need parent/guardian consent to submit their video.

Collage Guidelines:

All photos must be SCANDAL related. This includes, but is not limited to, photos you've taken at SCANDAL concerts, M&G photos, post-concert hangouts, wearing SCANDAL merch, ticket stubs, autographs, etc.

• You may submit as many photos as you'd like. However, a max of 10 photos can be accepted per form submission. If you have more than 10 photos you'd like to submit, please fill out the form again.

• You may only submit photos that you have taken yourself, or have permission to use.

• Everything must be family-friendly.

• Type of file accepted: .jpg only.

Submit your messages here:

Sun. July 23, 2023 - 11:59 pm PDT

*Convert to your time zone

They may live together in the future!? What do HARUNA and TOMOMI talk about every day together?

Season 2, Episode 10 blog

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 Vnxg8sl

HARUNA: Good evening, everyone. This is SCANDAL's vocalist HARUNA, and...


HARUNA: The two of us will be bringing you this episode!


HARUNA: This is part 2 of the pair episodes. Part 1 was brought to you by MAMI and RINA. We were observing the recording and thought, "They talk so much!" There was no script and we wondered what they would do, and they were unexpectedly very excited...

(*At this point, MAMI and RINA had to leave first due to their schedules. Outside the studio, watching them leave...)

TOMOMI: Oh, good workー.
But you know, HARU and I are together on our days off except when we're working, so we don't really have much to talk about, right?

HARUNA: That's why I think these pairings were a mistake...

TOMOMI: That's true. We don't have anything to talk about.

HARUNA: Not at this point.

TOMOMI: I mean, we were together yesterday, weren't we?

HARUNA: That's right...

TOMOMI: We had lunch yesterday with Pika of Hump Back (the bassist). Pika said she likes pasta, so we went to a recommended pasta restaurant. Then we watched "Harry Potter"... We're going to see the "Harry Potter" stage play soon, so we met up to rewatch it...

HARUNA: TOMO has never seen these movies. Actually, to be precise, I don't remember if you have or not.

TOMOMI: I've seen 1 ("Sorcerer's/Philosopher's Stone") and 2 ("Chamber of Secrets"), but I don't know what else I've seen.

HARUNA: We once went to see "Half-Blood Prince" (6) together at a movie theater.

TOMOMI: At any rate, we're meeting up to watch them together for study purposes. This was the second time.

HARUNA: I think we've been doing it since last month or so.

TOMOMI: Yesterday it was "Goblet of Fire" (4). I really love Cedric (Diggory)!

HARUNA: Cedric is like a tragic hero.

TOMOMI: ...this isn't a spoiler, right? It's an old movie, right? Despite being the first time Cedric appears in the series, he dies. I hadn't found my Harry Potter bias and thought Cedric was really good, but then he dies... He died right away. But anyway, he's cool.

HARUNA: Robert Pattinson as Cedric is cool, isn't he?

TOMOMI: There's another guy, that one from the all-boys' school.

HARUNA: Yes, Viktor Krum (*Bulgarian-born wizard).

TOMOMI: Yes, Krum is cool. The actors were all kids up until the one before this - What was the previous work?

HARUNA: "Prisoner of Azkaban" (3).

TOMOMI: They suddenly looked all grown up.

HARUNA: They entered puberty and became a little more conscious of the opposite sex. Many people stop watching after "Chamber of Secrets" without knowing the changes in the cast over the course of the series.

TOMOMI: Is that me?

HARUNA: That's what I mean.

【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 9

Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 HSd42eP
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 KqxrpUv

•The episode starts with this.

•RINA gives MAMI a coffee base (as in a base you use to make coffee-based drinks such as cafe au lait). MAMI thanks RINA and says how she's been drinking oat milk at home lately. She says she bought a big box by mistake and now has a ton of oat milk. It's unsweetened and can't really be drank as is, so she's been drinking in in portions with tea, coffee, etc. RINA says she's glad she's giving her this at this timing. She then mentions that MAMI is now 33. MAMI says that she received a lot of congratulatory messages from fans on her birthday, and some said things like, "You don't look 33; you look like you're in your late 20s," which she says made her kind of happy.

•MAMI and RINA wonder what they're going to talk about for this episode. MAMI starts off by saying that they have have mentioned this a year ago as well about how the band goes to the studio to practice once a week and they talk about random things, then they all drive to the office in HARU's car. It's like they're constantly talking about random stuff all the time. RINA says that she thinks that they've been talking a lot about random stuff in the last 2-3 years, especially about work-related stuff, and they don't share their private lives with each other as much as they did in their teens and 20s. She's not saying it's a good or bad thing, but she feels like they've grown up and are spending time together at a better distance. Their anniversary is coming up and people are again asking them what their secret is for staying together for so long. RINA has been thinking lately that the key is being able to find a good distance between each other.

•MAMI agrees with what RINA says and says that she thinks it's important for them to have a good sense of distance between each other, not just because they're band members or because they're part of their team, but because it's important for them to stay together. She gives an example of how when they played a joint concert with Hump Back back in March, they were all in the same space but each were doing something different, and sometimes they'd be completely silent. She felt that they were comfortable even in the silence, and that the atmosphere was really good. She guesses that that kind of atmosphere becomes comfortable after being together for a long time.

•RINA says that she really thinks that MAMI has always been the type of person who adjusts her sense of distance with people outside of the band, her friends, and friends outside of the entertainment industry. She says that people nowadays often say things on social media like how it's important to not expect things from anyone, which has become more common in the past few years, but MAMI had been saying this before it became popular. When she saw people saying things like that, she remembered what MAMI had been saying and thought that she's the type of person who can adjust such things unconsciously. MAMI says that she probably does that unconsciously as a human being, and that she's probably thinking that if she does something for others, they might expect that she wants something in return. But she thinks okay to be selfless and not ask for anything in return, and to more or less not have any greed in her--she's trying to live unselfishly. RINA says that that's MAMI's concept, and when MAMI had first said that, RINA felt as if she had been given an idea that inspired her. But RINA is also the type of person who thinks that that way of thinking is kind of sad. She also wants to hope for the best while also getting hurt a little, but never stopping to hope for the best. MAMI says that you can't help but hope, but if you know that somewhere along the line you'll end up expecting something, so if you don't get your hopes up, you won't get angry and won't get hurt--it's an assumption to protect yourself. She was a little more expectant when she was in her early 20s, but now she's as calm as a flowing river. When she talked to her friends about stuff like this, she found out that there were a lot of people who feel the same way. RINA laughs and asks if one of them is Amirin (MAMI's hometown photographer friend who often shoots photos of SCANDAL modeling their merch). MAMI laughs and says yes. She then says that she wonders if there's a certain age that people reach where they decide to live with that kind of mindset. RINA says it's people who have reached a certain point in their lives, and that it depends on your generation. RINA then says that it's not very good to speak about a big topic, but she thinks that as more and more ideas are being shared, you start to think that all of them are okay in various aspects. MAMI agrees and says that she thinks that we're living in an age where people are becoming more and more unaware that their hearts are being worn out by caring for others, and they're suffering because they forget to protect their own hearts. That's why she thinks it's becoming more and more important to protect your own heart.

•RINA then asks MAMI if she has any worries right now. MAMI pauses and goes, "Worries?" RINA says that maybe she doesn't have many due to her state of mind. MAMI then says, "Sleeping on the floor" and laughs. RINA jokes how troubling that is and says that MAMI often dozes off like that. MAMI says that she know it sounds gross, but she'll totally fall asleep without washing her face. RINA says that she's probably shocked when she wakes up. MAMI says she is, and apologizes to her skin. RINA says that there are times when the band sends messages to their group line late at night after work, like about what's happening the next day, and MAMI will be the only one who didn't read the messages. When that happens, she's sure that MAMI has fallen asleep at her table. MAMI says that she threw away her low table recently since she thought she didn't need it anymore. RINA says while laughing, "What?? Because you've used it a lot already, or what? Or you didn't think you need a low table at your place?" MAMI says that it was kind of big and she always thought it was too wide for the size of her place and the living room. She decided she didn't need it and got rid of it. There was then a lot of space between the sofa and TV so she put some cushions there since she likes to sit on the floor. RINA says that she understands the floor sitting part. She then says that their label staff recently gave something to MAMI (can't really understand what's being said). MAMI says she's done with it and it's not good, which makes RINA laugh. MAMI says she's done with it since it's getting warmer these days. In the winter, she'd fall asleep on the floor and sleep for an hour or two before she'd feel cold. RINA laughs and says that's not good for her. MAMI says that she'd be really sleepy but still try to sleep like that. That's the end of her worries.

•RINA says that she's glad that that's the extent of her worries, and that if MAMI said she didn't have any worries, RINA would be worried about what's really going on. MAMI laughs and says that it's not so much that she has worries, but more that she's the type of person who easily forgets about the things that bother her. RINA says that she thinks MAMI's really good at that, and that she has a way of turning something negative around and putting it behind her. MAMI says that she also gets angry quickly, but then she'll forget about it. She'll first be like, "What?! Eh, oh well." RINA says that that mindset is important and that she's getting better at it. MAMI then talks about how the comedian/palmistry reader Shuhei Shimada read the band's palms for a fan club video, and that he told her that it might be fun for her to live all kinds of lives. She says that maybe her ancestors are teaching her that if she lives her life like this, then she'll be able to live her life well in the world. RINA then asks MAMI if she's seen the "Brush Up Life" drama before. She says she hasn't but has seen clips of it here and there. RINA says that she really wants her to watch it because it's pretty much about MAMI and has that same kind of concept where the characters go through life over and over again to correct and alter things. They do things at first for themselves, but as they keep doing it, they start to think about how they can make others' lives better instead, and they start to live their lives for those around them. MAMI says that she thinks she actually saw the last episode of it when it was on TV (it was originally on Hulu). She was thinking, "Oh, is this going to continue?" and then the episode just ends. RINA says that the first half of the show is really interesting too.

•Then RINA asks MAMI if she's watched any drama series recently. MAMI says that she's seen "Fufu ga Kowareru Toki" (When Married Couples Break). RINA is surprised that she doesn't seem to know that one. She asks if MAMI watches it on a streaming service. MAMI says no, and that she watches it on TV in real time on Friday nights at 12:30 am. RINA says that that's a good time. MAMI says that it was originally a British drama (that one's called "Doctor Foster") and was remade in Korea, and now it's finally in Japan. She says it's about a wife who's a doctor and a husband who works for a movie company, and who has one son. The husband has an affair, making it like a revenge story. RINA says that there have been a lot of stories about infidelity in the last few years, and then talks about this other series called "Anata ga Shite Kurenakute mo" (Even If You Don't Do It). She thought it was great and really interesting. Then she says she was messaged by her mom the other day, who usually only messages her to say thanks when she attends a concert or the like, and suddenly asks her if she watches "Anata ga Shite Kurenakute mo." RINA tells her she sometimes does, and her mom replies that it's really interesting and sends a grinning emoji with it. RINA laughs and says she had mixed feelings about that. MAMI then talks about how she's been watching a drama series every week lately. RINA says that she has been saying that lately. MAMI says that she usually just has the same channel on unless she has a chance to watch something else. TV is basically like background music for her. RINA says that she doesn't really watch TV anymore except for sometimes watching the news, and that 80% she's on YouTube or other streaming platforms. RINA says that every day she's been watching this YouTube channel that's run by comedians. She then says that she'd love to go see a live comedy show. MAMI says that she used to go to those shows in her early 20s; it was like she went almost every week.

•After discussing that, it's then time for them to eat some yogurt. After MAMI picks one with Iron Man on the packaging, a recorded question is suddenly read: "Where would you want to go on a trip with just the band members?" They're surprised and go, "What??" After RINA picks hers, another recorded question is played: "What would you like to ask an alien?" They laugh and RINA says that that's a wide range. MAMI laughs and says that she thought that she was getting a message from Iron Man. RINA laughs and says that would have been amazing. They think about the first question about going on a trip with the band. MAMI says that she'd like to do some activities or experiences. RINA goes, "Really?" MAMI says that it'd be totally fine if they were to just go and relax, but she's the type of person who prefers being active while on a trip. RINA asks if theme parks wouldn't count. MAMI says that those would be fine, or something that's athletic-like, like Tondemi. RINA says that that's surprising. MAMI is surprised and goes, "Really?" RINA says that she doesn't remember MAMI liking those things that much. MAMI says that she's been thinking about places like that, but she hasn't been able to go to them. RINA says that if the four of them go somewhere like that, it makes her want to film a video for their fan club there. MAMI agrees. RINA says that that'd definitely be interesting to go to. MAMI says that even if some of the members don't want to go, she'll force them to. RINA laughs and wonders why she'd go that far.

•They then eat their yogurt. RINA says that the four of them haven't gone out to eat at all recently. MAMI jokes and says that they'll be going on a trip, though, and that they'll go eat somewhere far away. RINA asks if they're getting a day off for this trip. MAMI says that the staff is saying yes. She then lists their imaginary itinerary: They'll have breakfast in the morning, find the next place to eat, eat them, find a cafe to eat a snack, and then go to dinner. RINA laughs and says that sounds awesome. She also says that they should really go out to eat. She talks about how when they went to Fukuoka on their recent tour, they arrived the day before and RINA invited them to dinner if they didn't have any plans. They all had plans, so they weren't able to go eat together then. After that, they said that they should go out soon, but they've been busy and still haven't had time to do so.

•Next, they try and answer the alien question. RINA says that if she could sense that the alien could understand what she's saying (MAMI: "Like telepathy?"), she would give them a SCANDAL CD. MAMI laughs and says that's amazing. RINA says that there must be aliens out there, which MAMI agrees with. MAMI says that she loves this subject and could talk for five hours about it. RINA laughs and says that's a really long time. MAMI again says that she really loves it. RINA says they'll continue this discussion when they go out to eat.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here. I've made a guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

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*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup
A two-person talk session with RINA and MAMI! No advance planning, no talk theme! What on earth are they going to talk about??

Season 2, Episode 9 blog

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MAMI: Good evening, everyone. This is guitarist MAMI and...

RINA: Drummer RINA.

MAMI: The two of us will be bringing you this episode!

RINA: Yes! It's been a while since we've done a two-person episode...

MAMI: Last time was around the beginning of last year...?

RINA: Eh, it's already been a year...?

MAMI: Yes, it seems so.

RINA: So fast! That's fast...

MAMI: I think it was probably the first recording after the new year.

RINA: Ah, yeah, so this time we decided to have a different combination of "two and two" than last time, so we'd like to start off with this pair: MAMI and RINA. are you feeling now? Is what it says [on the script]

MAMI: Eh, what we're feeling now!?

RINA: You know, I just remembered that we didn't discuss anything in advance, even more so than last time...

MAMI: Yeah, we didn't.

RINA: That surprised me. In the 17 years since we started SCANDAL, I feel like we went into this episode with the least amount of time spent discussing things in advance.

MAMI: Did we not do that last time either?

RINA: Not really, but we did have a meeting to confirm that it'd be free talk, and we also received messages from everyone and read them.

MAMI: I see. So there were messages last time.

RINA: We didn't talk about that this time, and as soon as I got here it was like, "Let's get right to it," and I sat down here...

MAMI: The script says that there is no script.

RINA: But you know... I was wondering when to say this... Isn't this the first recording after your birthday? Happy birthday!

MAMI: It is - Thank you!

RINA: So, since we're here, can I give you a present in here (*radio booth)?

MAMI: Eh, eh!?

RINA: Congrats!! (*giving her a present)

MAMI: Thank you!!

RINA: Open it.

MAMI: I wonder what it is. It's very heavy... (*opens the present)

RINA: We had just finished recording after a two-day break from our release promotions and other busy days, so we couldn't meet on the day of your birthday.

MAMI: That's right. I wonder what I got... (*continues to open the present)

RINA: Take your time.

MAMI: Eh, what is... Oh!?

The 90th upload from RINA to her YouTube channel:

English subs:

I thought I'd take a video of me talking in the waiting room〜
When I did, some staffers joined and talked with me, which made me happy( ◜ᴗ◝ ) Manatee is going to be popular, I'm sure

At any rate, the past month and a half has been very productive.
Thank you to everyone who came to see us,
And those who watched what we did via social media( ◜ᴗ◝ )

This is how you guys always extend my life as a band member. Thank you.
Good work today too, everyoneー!

If you enjoy my translations, please consider leaving a tip! Happy

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Links to English subs for all of RINA's videos can be found here:

#front-page #tinychannelbyrina
【Translated Summary】
『SCANDAL Catch up supported by Meiji Bulgaria Yogurt』 - Season 2, Episode 8

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•The episode starts with here.

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener who attended the Osaka performance of the unlimited UTOPIA tour. They've attended many SCANDAL concerts, but this was their first time attending one where vocalization was allowed. They basically say they had a lot of fun and that it was hundreds of times more fun than they had imagined. The band thanks them. MAMI wonders if they sent this message right after the concert because of how excited they seemed to have sounded. RINA says that their enthuasiasm comes across in the message. HARU says that your impression of a song/songs can completely change when you hear it live.

•RINA reads the next message from a listener who also attended the Osaka performance. They say that they did their first after-party with other SCANDAL fans for the first time, during which they had fun talking about SCANDAL's past, present, and future. MAMI says that having an after-party is one of the best things about a concert. TOMO says that they had their own one with all of their staff recently; MAMI says that it was their first one in 4 years. TOMO says that they've had a few small ones with just the band and their promoters, but it was nice to have all of their staff at one. RINA says she was really happy and that things like after-parties are important. She talked quite a bit with their lighting team and they told her that they could tell she was really excited since her movements were different than usual. She realized that there are things like that that she wouldn't be able to tell from her own point of view, and that it was a great learning experience. She felt again that everyone makes the band shine and makes their concerts possible. HARU says that it made her really happy to hear that the staff who have been with them for a long time said that working SCANDAL shows is the most fun time they ever have. RINA says that she's really interested in the conversations between fans at these after-parties and to let them join. HARU mentions how the listener said they talked about SCANDAL's future, and RINA says to tell them what they have planned for them. MAMI says that it's great to have this type of connection outside of co-workers, family, friends you've made in everyday life, friends from school, etc. RINA says it's awesome when you make friends via your hobbies after becoming an adult.

•Their program director seems to bring up how vocalization was finally being allowed again at their concerts. HARU says that just being able to hear the fans' voices during the concert was enough to get the band feeling emotional, and that it was hard to hold back tears during the first performance. RINA says that they mentioned during that MC that it was like they could finally breathe again. MAMI says that it was their first time performing "Line of sight," and that they could tell that everyone was excited to hear the song live. The fans let out a gasp the moment the first note was played. She started to laugh/smile and thought it was so much fun. At the same time there was a nostalgic feeling to it. HARU says that they were also nervous since they were debuting the song live for the first time so they had to make sure to concentrate on playing it. MAMI says that it was a fresh, crazy mix of all kinds of emotions. RINA says that it seemed to have leveled up by the next concert the next day, and that the concerts seemed to be even more awesome than before. HARU says that it was hard to believe that it was the first time for many people to attend a SCANDAL concert where vocalizing was allowed. TOMO says that the fact that there are so many people like that means that all of them have decided to go to a SCANDAL concert in the past four years, and that maybe a lot of people found out about them via the activities they've done during the pandemic. HARU says that she's really glad the band has kept going. RINA says that she's glad they didn't give up.

•HARU reads the next message from a listener who attended the Yokohama performance. They say they were watching from the back next to the PA booth, and the staffer who showed up to the booth exuding a veteran aura as they wore sandals. The band laughs this and TOMO says that it must be their staffer Mine. RINA says that he wears sandals even in winter. The listener says that the staffer was stretching his back with a wooden stick until the show started. When it did, he looked at the situation with a sharp eye and operated the equipment, looking just as cool as SCANDAL on stage. The band laughs again and MAMI says that Mine now has a fan. TOMO says that Mine needs to hear this. She also says that he's been with the band for about 10 years now, and he's always in sandals--he doesn't wear shoes. RINA says he also doesn't wear shoes when they go overseas. MAMI says that her friends in bands always ask who their PA person is. She tells them and they say that they'd like for him to work their shows as well. She says that he's the type of person that you envy. HARU says that he's an amazing person, after all. TOMO says that all of their staff members are outstanding, and that everyone praises them. MAMI says that that applies to their roadies, too. RINA says that the roadies are awesome, and that great sound can only be created with a long career, taste, and intuition. She also says that she's really grateful they've been with the band for so long, despite how talented and in-demand they are. HARU says that they're truly supported by everyone. She also mentions that this can change depending on the performance, but if you see an older man in sandals in the PA booth, just assume that it's Mine. The band says that you'll recognize him right away.

•TOMO reads the next message from a listener who also attended the Yokohama performance. They say that since the band told fans to bring along friends who don't know much about SCANDAL, so they invited one of their friends who only knew "Shunkan Sentimental." The friend was so impressed by what the band said during the MC that they said they'd like to see them again, and thanked the listener for inviting them. The band says that makes them happy to hear and thanks the listener. HARU says that she's happy that what they talked about resonated with them so much. RINA says that they value that almost as much as their songs. HARU says that there's a lot you can't understand just by listening to songs, which is why a concert is a great way to get to know the human side of the band better, and why they want fans to bring their friends.

•MAMI reads the next message from a listener who attended the Fukuoka performance. They've been a fan for 14 years since they were 9 years old. When they heard the band speak about how they had a really hard time last year, and that they didn't know if they could continue on, it made them reflect on things themselves. They say that they felt that the existence of SCANDAL has been so commonplace for them that they've had fewer opportunities to appreciate them. They really had fun at the concert and say that they can't imagine their life without SCANDAL. They also hope that the band will continue being around without overdoing it. The band thanks them. MAMI says that this means they've been listening to SCANDAL all throughout their youth and after growing up. RINA says that some songs are closed out with the drums, and that there are some venues where the audience will clap before the song is full closed out due to them being really excited. Fukuoka was unique in the sense that everyone was focusing on the concert really hard and viewing it with respect, as they wouldn't applaud until the songs will full closed out. She says that that was really great. MAMI says that there were a lot of fans who must have been listening to the MCs with a lot of things on their mind, and that there have been fewer opportunities for the band to appreciate that. She says she's glad fans still think that way, and that they really need to be thankful for all their fans and those who come see them live. She's really happy to know the fans feel the same way. RINA says that this tour wasn't one done after the release of an album, so all four members were able to express their feelings about the songs as well as their current thoughts. She felt that the fans really understood them. HARU says that what they talk about/say at concerts is totally different from what they do on this radio program, and how passionate their feelings at the time are can be totally different depending on the venue. No two nights were ever the same, including the setlist. RINA says that everything was really special. The band again thanks everyone who came out to the tour.

•They then close out the episode. HARU says that for the next two episodes they will be breaking off into pairs to host the episodes. She says that last time they had HARU+MAMI and TOMO+RINA as pairs last time, and wonders what the next pairs should be. MAMI wonders how they had chosen the pairs last time. RINA says that maybe they did "Guupaa" (an offshoot of rock-paper-scissors, but you either throw out rock or paper, and whoever does matching signs are paired up) to decide. HARU and MAMI say they have no memory of how they chose last time. TOMO wonders how they should pair off this time. HARU suggests Guupaa. RINA wonders if they'd be able to pair off cleanly, and says that they'll give it a go. She then asks who should say the Guupaa line, and then says that she'll do it. They don't seem to throw out their signs at the same time, since they start laughing hard and HARU says, "You're supposed to throw out your sign after 'ding-dong' is said!" They try it again and successfully get two pairs: HARU+TOMO and MAMI+RINA. However, instead of saying "MAMI+RINA pair," she says "MAMI+RINA pia." The others laugh and TOMO goes, "Are tickets going on sale?" (Pia is a Japanese ticket-selling company) HARU laughs and says that they are, on Pia. MAMI goes, "That was so cute!" After she stops laughing, HARU asks what the order should be for the pairs. The others say that it doesn't matter. MAMI says while laughing that they should decide with jan-ken (rock-paper-scissors, the original version), and whoever wins will go first. MAMI and HARU seem to face off and go three rounds before it's decided that the "Pia" pair (MAMI+RINA) will go first, and will be on next week's episode. RINA jokes, "The sales time is short, so good luck, everyone!" HARU says that the following week she and TOMO will be on. TOMO says that this one will be free and no tickets are needed.

*As always, you can send in a message to the program here. I've made a guide as how to input your info and message for those who need assistance (click to enlarge):

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*A list of all episode summaries from #1-160 can be found here

*All episodes of Season 2 can be found here

#front-page #catchup
Topics tagged under front-page on SCANDAL HEAVEN - Page 10 H8pzPVI7_t

A bit belated, but here's a video tour I took of SCANDAL's "Line of sight" pop-up shop held at Tower Records Shibuya from May 9-21!

The "Line of sight" MV was playing occasionally on the big screen in the front of the store, right below an ad for the single.

The pop-up was located near the back of the second floor, and featured the band's outfits for the song, instrument displays, autographed panels, and merch for sale.

#front-page #lineofsight

Also, I attended the "Line of sain-kai" signing event in Osaka! The band was super nice as always. Some things we talked about were that they had noticed I was at the Tokyo performance of the unlimited UTOPIA tour, and that they were really impressed with the outfit I wore to the signing (a recreation of HARU's "Line of sight" painted hoodie that I painted myself) + said that my outfits are always great every time. ♥ I'm also really happy HARU and I got to talk a bit about our Stray Kids oshis (hers is Lee Know, btw) HARU laugh

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