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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Wed Aug 14, 2013 3:35 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I found I had the most in common with Mami- which is always how I choose my favorite member of a group. From then I saw her dark presence on stage and love that and saw how funny she was and the rest is the rest Tongue

Last edited by MamiSoul on Wed Aug 21, 2013 12:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Tue Aug 20, 2013 9:54 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
At first, my favorite was Rina. I still think she is the cutest of them all.

But Mami stole my heart after searching for more Scandal music, videos and other videos. I like her personality the most and I think she is the hottest.

This is the only girl group I know that every member is equally beautiful, loveable and talented.

For those Mami fans out there, please look at my spoiler. You will fall for her even more. LOVE 


How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 Meme_111
No cookies are safe from Tomo! I better guard mine! .hmmm. 
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Tue Aug 20, 2013 11:18 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
i started liking rina when an author in wattpad used her as a character in her story, i just saw her pictures then boom, i already love her and also that is that start where i first noticed their band and became a fan. xD i start loving haruna when i hear their songs sang by her and im also amazed with her gorgeous barbie look esp. in haruka. i start loving TOMOMI when i watched some of their videos together and noticed how naughty she is and of course her very unique voice i really love that. and lastly i start loving mami because of her different style, very unique and cute, in terms of style esp. in hair i really admire her. Happy)

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 Tomo-chan-tomomi-ogawa-22546509-320-192
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:07 pm



International Performer
International Performer
When she says "arigato gozaimasu" at the end, haha, she sounds really like Toyosaki Aki (in the K-on concert)

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 MUW2SyY
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Sat Aug 24, 2013 1:07 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I really can't remember the exact details. All I know that it was love at first sight when I watched Love Survive PV! LOL 

I think it was mainly because of the "No! Sonna onnarashisa wa iranai" part in the vid.. she was so cute during that part and because she looked like a cat in that part.. .evilgrin. 

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 Sig10LOVE
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:23 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
when i watch some of their funny videos although i dont understand what are they talking about i noticed how naughty TOMOMI is. and at first i dont like her voice but eventually i start copying her voice and loving her because of that unique voice Happy) amazing and the way she sway her hair in their performances i was like *0* and her emotions while performing is trully amazing Wink)

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 Tomo-chan-tomomi-ogawa-22546509-320-192
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:27 am



International Performer
International Performer
at first I liked most Rina, but when I begun to watch some lives, the great guitarist Mami appears to me with her diverses hairs and she's awesome on guitar *--* and very pretty too .love.

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 4qVqQA4
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:06 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
I started to love Mami ever since I saw her playing her thing on the guitar. She just rocks and that makes her more charming to me.

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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:25 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
To be honest, Timo was the member I liked the least. Then I started watching videos of SCANDAL and realized how funny and happy she is, and how pretty she is with that big smile of hers. Just so enchanting.

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 Forsh10
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:15 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I like all of them more equally now than I did in the beginning, but at first for me the band was almost totally "Haruna and the Scandalettes". I think being a bit older, she developed her stage and on-screen presence faster than the others - that's an intangible thing but it's where her charisma comes from. She didn't really have it yet in their very first videos ("Koi Moyou" and "Space Ranger") but I actually saw those *after* seeing "Shoujo S" and "Doll". By "Shoujo S", Haruna was totally stealing every scene and that was my introduction to them visually.

I also just saw in her performance different sides to her personality that I don't really see from the others. Sometimes she gets that snarl where she really looks angry. Sometimes she can look and sound super serious and thoughtful. We all know they can all be silly and fun but Haruna is the only one I really see darker or more introspective sides to sometimes, and I like that. Mami may be similar to Haruna in that way now, and I sometimes get an idea from Tomomi that she's got a darker or more thoughtful side but just doesn't want to show it. But Haruna shows it and pretty much always has. That always made her seem more real to me, and it gave the band some depth.

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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:37 pm



International Performer
International Performer
The truth is at first i hated Mami and liked Haruna! no.. i'll tell from the beginning! The first PV i watched was harukaze Animax Live( It more looks like a PV than the original one for me) and i hated the blonde girls because of my classmate Hehee so i thought that Mami was a person like my classmate. i loved Haruna's hair and voice. Then some years after when i found out about this forum and watched "Awanai Tsumori No, Genki De Ne", i really loved Mami in the PV, she was acting amazing to my mind, i was amazed by her guitar skills, so i started to search about her, her pictures and lives and finally got that my favorite member from now on was Mami and not Haruna. When i decided it i was wondering which member was prettier but couldn't choose, because they are all beautiful! Rina amazed me in Harukaze animax Live, she looked awesome! Some days after i decided that Tomomi was the prettier among them but Mami was my favorite! 
I don't really remember how i fell in love with Mami, but that is all i can say! .sweat. She became my inspiration! Onion Shy

P.S Everyone in my family thinks that Tomomi is most beautiful in the band and Mami the most ugly .waaa.

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 Tumblr_pon1n3Osjl1shzh85o3_400
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Sun May 11, 2014 6:38 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
At first my favourite member was Tomomi because I thought she was kawaii and really talented (I still do). After I learned more about the members I started to gear toward Rina because her smile was adorable, her drumming was complicated but she made it sound simple, and the way she dressed was so poised. So yeah.. Now I like her    Happy Onion

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 HXANjwi
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Mon May 12, 2014 7:02 pm

Mati Saurus

Mati Saurus

Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
As I have to pick just one, I choose Tomo, but Mami is always fighting for the 1st place.

I love annoying high pitched voices, so Timo cought me at once. I'm also a singer/bass player, and maybe that's why I use to put more attention to what she's doing. I like her personality, but sometimes she is too childish, more than needed, and I don't know...

About Mami, she looked so shady at first, so it took me some time ti like her. Once I've knew her better, and listened to her better, I was amazed. She's the foundation of the band, the rythm, the backing vocals, Mami is in every detail.

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 V9BqnPG

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tiin tururin tin tin tin tun tun tun tan tananan tan taaan nanan
Kill the virgin
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Tue May 13, 2014 6:11 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
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Haruna has been my favorite member from the beginning when I started listening to SCANDAL. I first found out about SCANDAL back in 2008 when I stumbled across "Doll" randomly on YouTube. So Doll's music video was the first SCANDAL video I had ever seen. Instantly, the singer stuck out to me. As I continued to get to know SCANDAL, Haruna continued to stand out in photos and videos. Even when I didn't know who the others were yet, I recognized her all the time until I did learn her name (and the other girls' as well of course).

Haruna's voice really stuck out to me the first time I listened to Doll. At the time I found SCANDAL, the only female artists I knew of were idols. All of the rock/metal artists I listened to were male. I can say that SCANDAL has introduced me to a ton of new girl bands and I'm very thankful for that. More to the point, her voice stuck out because I was so used to hearing the high pitched, cutesy voices for female artists in Japan. So it was different to hear a female artist with such a deep voice being able to sing lead vocals. I absolutely adore her voice. It's stunningly gorgeous. Even when she's struggling with it, I still think there's a charm about her voice. In all honesty, Haruna's voice is one of the reasons I gave SCANDAL a chance. If she had a higher voice, I might have simply passed SCANDAL up as another stereotypical, cookie-cutter group. Hearing her deep voice that felt so different to me made me really stop and listen to the girls.

When I started learning more about the band and the girls are people, Haruna only became more of a favorite for me. I don't think I've ever preferred another member of her because she's always just had that charm that I like.

In a way, I'm quite similar to Haruna and I think that's helped me feel more of a connection to her. Haruna seems like a very introverted person. She's shy and keeps to herself. Her idea of fun is often different than what most people would think of as "fun". By that I mean she often doesn't engage in the silly behavior her bandmates do and I understand why she doesn't, because I wouldn't either. When you're shy, engaging in behavior like that just doesn't seem like fun. It's not a bad thing to be silly but it's also not something that is for everyone. I've always had people insult me for being more introverted so to see a person like Haruna who was so similar to me really made me feel a connection to her and helped keep her as my favorite all this time. I can say that Haruna's reserved ways have made me feel a lot better about being a reserved personality myself.

Her strength is something else that has always made me feel attracted to her. Haruna is not just a strong leader but she is also a strong person in general. She's gone through a lot of problems where she could have taken the easy way out and given up instead of fighting through them and yet she always pushed through. To be honest, a lot of people, fan or not, are fairly harsh to Haruna and are always picking at her. She doesn't seem to let it get her down though and continues to do what she loves despite it all. Her strength, in a way, inspires me to have more strength to get through my problems.

She's just someone who I've managed to feel closely connected to.

The fact she is such a gorgeous woman is a plus to all the other amazing things that Haruna is.  .love.

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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Tue May 13, 2014 2:04 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
my favorite member is Haruna, i gravitate towards people with strong personality, because that is also the way i am. btw, please like my facebook page dedicated to Ms. Haru. it's Haruna Ono of Scandal Band. thanks.

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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Thu May 15, 2014 11:22 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I just felt it and kyaaa I love Rina- san <3 .smile. 

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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Thu May 15, 2014 3:40 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
It all started when one night i see a video entitled Doll...Without knowing who the band was, i played it and then the thought crosses my mind, "That white guitar is beautiful.."

Then i came to learn the band is Scandal...starting there, i realized i already got 'Mamified' before i know who is Mami..

the way she play those solo, harmonize with rhythm and backing vocals just captivated me.

Then there is her anime personality.. LOVE

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 CA2uCho
Guys, girls, check this out! help me out! i'll help you too~ click here! i want to go to JAPAN!
  TOJ Onion 
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Wed May 21, 2014 9:39 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
At first I was attracted towards Haruna, because she was the lead and she had that cool aura emanating off her.

But after I watched Dobondobondo no Theme, Timo really stood out to me. From then after, I watched more and
more SCANDAL videos and was attracted to her cheerful attitude and beautiful smile.

Plus she's soo cuuuuuuttteeee~  Onion Love Love 

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 YKRryb0How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 Fto7gkK
.happy.DANCE DANCE .happy.

8 May 2015 | SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2015「HELLO WORLD」in Singapore
4 June 2016 | SCANDAL TOUR 2016「YELLOW」in Singapore
29 November 2019 | SCANDAL @ C3AFA in Singapore
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Fri May 23, 2014 6:39 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Haruna'smile is just the best. although it kinda felt awkward when she did braces? I like the old haruna more.. and MAMI at first I thought she is snobbish and all that.. but after snooping around on the internet.. she's actually fun, down to earth and likes otaku stuff.. cool girl. definitely less intimidating than haruna. still I like haruna more.. >.>

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 VbIpsX2
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Fri May 23, 2014 9:40 am



International Performer
International Performer
It has been Tomomi for me since I saw Scandal playing 'Doll', I have a Fender bass myself so I know how heavy they are and to see a small Japanese girl throwing one about like that impressed me a lot !
Plus of course she is cute and plays well...and her voice !

I could listen to her all day even though my son says her voice makes him want to tear his ears off Happy

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 Sig_sc10
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Sun May 25, 2014 6:02 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
mami's cool and laid back and likes to play games so i guess i'm intrigued by her personality and she's pretty good on the guitar

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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Wed May 28, 2014 12:21 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
I really liked Mami from the start, I really like girls playing guitars.. especially when I saw her singing while playing.. XD

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 Z3Etkhc
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Wed May 28, 2014 12:27 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
She can't stop smiling

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 61185
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Tue Jun 03, 2014 7:17 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
at face value.. its haruna

haruna because she's mature and her unique voice..

her smile is.. amazing!

then on a more serious note.

she is so dedicated to the band that every other thing she can live without.. just don't take scandal from her.. or there would be no reason for living she says..

I liked her even more! the burning passion! inspiring.. *manly tears*

as much I HATE this idea..

I wish for her to find a loyal guy that will love her and show her the other side of life.. to give her a break from all the work.. she deserves it.

again as much as I HATE the idea of her having a lover.. the fact is she deserves to be happy.

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 VbIpsX2
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Re: How did you start loving your fav member?
Posted Fri Jun 06, 2014 8:29 pm



International Performer
International Performer
The very first time I laid my eyes on the SCANDAL lasses dancing in the rain for the Shōjo S PV, I knew it was gonna be MAMI.

I have a fascination for a particular kind of facial feature unique to the Japanese, which is immortalised in many a ukiyo-e woodcarving. Kinda like this:

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 Threemod_zpsfb0667da

And of course, her bangs. Like, wow.

How did you start loving your fav member? - Page 4 SCANDALCOLLE-2020-SIG

~ CHECK OUT MY 「感謝祭」ŌSAKA 2018 VIDEO! 見てください!  ~

16-17/3/13 *SCAPE Warehouse | SIN • 29/1/15 たましんRISURUホール | 立川市、日本 • 31/1/15 ベイシア文化ホール | 前橋市、日本 • 26/4/15 O2 Academy Islington | UK • 12-13/1/16 日本武道館 | 東京、日本 • 10/9/16 Melkweg | AMS • 17/9/16 Szene | WIEN • 24/9/16 O2 Academy Islington | UK • 10/6/18 MacPherson Stadium | HK • 10-11/11/18 ZEPP Ōsaka Bayside | 大阪、日本
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