Confess your trouble. [Page 8 of 11]

Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Thu Oct 11, 2012 5:51 pm



International Performer
International Performer
jona DJ wrote:
ceejrabuya wrote:
bleachnlife wrote:
ceejrabuya wrote:
bleachnlife wrote:
ceejrabuya wrote:having big troubles for my education.. I don't know if I can handle this path I take.. I don't want my parents to know that I'm giving up easily.. but I don't want them to get disappointed if I fail this.. I think I can't hold this anymore.. how I wish I'll pass this problem in my life.. I need to pass.. or I'll think of dying or something.. Onion Depress Onion Depress Onion Cry

Mind explaining with your problems or troubles in education? Trust your heart... you know what your made of.. if you're going err I can't take it... don't kill yourself trying. If you feel you have the ability to push through, just put in a little more effort.

Just remember: This too will end... All the good times and bad times all have a end date.

of having low grades lately.. I'm afraid of not passing my course. I love my course.. but I just don't get the point why I can't pass.. *sigh* Onion Depress

my life is so unfair!!~ Onion Cry

When was life ever fair anyway?

I know those bad grades on your favourite subject... it really hits the spot.

Life is a two speed economy somethings go well whilst other go bad. I'm sure you can name a few good things happening right now in life....

yeah, I guess.. I just don't want my parents to get disappointed to me.. I think they'll get so angry If they'll find out about my grades.. I'll be dead.. Onion Cry

don't be so desperate! it won't change anything. it'll make things worse.
if you want to make your grades up, you must have a CLEAR TARGET.
and then, you must be ACTIVE and SERIOUS about your study. it's very hard, but if you desperately want to reach your goal, i think you can do that.

you don't know how to reach your target? it seems imposible?
here're some tips~
- know your own style of learning. mine is making summary. my mom's is make it into a song.
- try to get some exercises as much as you can and make it. then, you must re-do it to check or ask for the key answer. if your answer is wrong, try to understand what is the wrong part of your answer and write the reason why your answer is wrong beside or above or below your answer.
- if you have a multiple choice question, try to find the reason why the other choices is wrong and mark nor write the reason why the choices is wrong.
- don't lazing around! try to think about your target or think that you want to change, and you can't change if you just lazing around.

that's all from me.

recovering on everything I've done. well exams are done. what's the score will be the score. accept it and move on. oh well.. that's life... Thanks for the comfort guys.. Onion Smile

Confess your trouble. - Page 8 Tumblr_nozfepuWf31tc12aio1_540
~ Morning Musume '15 ~
Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:56 am



International Performer
International Performer
hmm? I'm just having a hard time on adjusting my time in my life.. I don't know .nervous.

Confess your trouble. - Page 8 Tumblr_nozfepuWf31tc12aio1_540
~ Morning Musume '15 ~
Yukirin Oshi / Sayumin Oshi
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:03 pm



International Performer
International Performer
eerr DD: i'm really having a hard time to pass our MATH subject, i can pass those others but .. MATH is the hardest subject in my whole HS life. That's why i don't have a top on our class. My adviser said that if only my MATH grade wouldn't be like that .. I'll be in the 4th Honor. but in our class, if you have a line of 7 average, then expect you're not on the top TT^TT . i'm losing my hopes right now. Onion Cry

Confess your trouble. - Page 8 BgKuUQh
Mamitasu love Melons ~(^v^~)
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Dec 03, 2012 5:10 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Just received my mid-semester result and it's not good.. .shy.
My lecturers told me to always consult with him so that I can improve myself

For now, I will follow his advice and hopefully I could improve my grades and scored for the final semester exam :onionrider:

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:05 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student

.clap. [Cheers!][2427] .dance.
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:49 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Yesterday when I was on a shopping spree( I know I'm a little addicted to shopping lol) I ran into some one I kind of had a "crush" on. She was a year ahead of me in school but I never confessed.We where good friends but stopped talking for like a year. It was a weird experience we made eye contact my friend that I was with told me I became pale WTF Onion ( or even paler then what I already em) I don't know how I feel right now.
Should have I said something?
What should have I done?

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Dec 30, 2012 5:46 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Space_Ranger017 wrote:Yesterday when I was on a shopping spree( I know I'm a little addicted to shopping lol) I ran into some one I kind of had a "crush" on. She was a year ahead of me in school but I never confessed.We where good friends but stopped talking for like a year. It was a weird experience we made eye contact my friend that I was with told me I became pale WTF Onion ( or even paler then what I already em) I don't know how I feel right now.
Should have I said something?
What should have I done?

It happens to me a lot...... We are in the same boat dude but instead of becoming pale I become very red and start acting weird

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:55 am



Space_Ranger017 wrote:Yesterday when I was on a shopping spree( I know I'm a little addicted to shopping lol) I ran into some one I kind of had a "crush" on. She was a year ahead of me in school but I never confessed.We where good friends but stopped talking for like a year. It was a weird experience we made eye contact my friend that I was with told me I became pale Confess your trouble. - Page 8 146861 ( or even paler then what I already em) I don't know how I feel right now.
Should have I said something?
What should have I done?

yes, u should of talked 2 her, u dnt want 2 regret it, trust me on this, wen u have a chance speak 2 her, even if it small talk like hi or something,

tnxs 2 thoseguiltyeyes
Confess your trouble. - Page 8 Kva9P

yea fam, Spraying SCANDAL 2 the world
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:41 am



heres the reason y iv been pissed off these past 4 month,

i started uni and met a girl and i really like her so dam bad, shes so dam pretty and nice, but im finding it really hard 2 stay calm cos its been 4 month and i havnt gotten 2 no her and its been 4 weeks and i havnt seen her, i get angry everytime i dnt c her cos i really like her so dam much and once im angry its hard 4 me 2 calm down, i tried everything 2 calm down but none of it is working, i keep thinking shes the one,

i get annoyed how im not gettin a chance 2 get 2 no her and how ppl find it quick 2 do so,

everyone says 2 let it go but i just dnt want 2, cos i dnt want 2 regret it

ppl also says i have 2 b patient but i just cant, im just 2 afraid that someone will c her, like her and have more of a chance 2 get 2 no her and they go out, im just afraid im gonna loose her,

i really dnt no wat2 do, cant stop thinking about her, its really affecting my life, im raging alot, hurting all my mates, im not concentrated in lesson, i lost motivation on my goal, make me fail some of my lesson and im just killing myself trying 2 find her, eventho i have problem and im disable so its hard 4 me 2 walk,

im just goin crazy, i need hlp so dam bad,

tnxs 2 thoseguiltyeyes
Confess your trouble. - Page 8 Kva9P

yea fam, Spraying SCANDAL 2 the world
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:50 am

jona DJ

jona DJ

International Performer
International Performer
amz7250 wrote:heres the reason y iv been pissed off these past 4 month,

i started uni and met a girl and i really like her so dam bad, shes so dam pretty and nice, but im finding it really hard 2 stay calm cos its been 4 month and i havnt gotten 2 no her and its been 4 weeks and i havnt seen her, i get angry everytime i dnt c her cos i really like her so dam much and once im angry its hard 4 me 2 calm down, i tried everything 2 calm down but none of it is working, i keep thinking shes the one,

i get annoyed how im not gettin a chance 2 get 2 no her and how ppl find it quick 2 do so,

everyone says 2 let it go but i just dnt want 2, cos i dnt want 2 regret it

ppl also says i have 2 b patient but i just cant, im just 2 afraid that someone will c her, like her and have more of a chance 2 get 2 no her and they go out, im just afraid im gonna loose her,

i really dnt no wat2 do, cant stop thinking about her, its really affecting my life, im raging alot, hurting all my mates, im not concentrated in lesson, i lost motivation on my goal, make me fail some of my lesson and im just killing myself trying 2 find her, eventho i have problem and im disable so its hard 4 me 2 walk,

im just goin crazy, i need hlp so dam bad,
well... instead of getting angry, why don't you try to get into her?
and don't be such in hurry. play it like you wanna be friend with her (and if she's your friend, just play it that you want to be a better friend). that way she'll be more "okay" right?

that's what i think.

Confess your trouble. - Page 8 Tumblr_mkbaztDHJP1s2ouyoo1_400

me: GENKI DESU~ Onion Shy

thinking about SCANDAL may cause extreme blushing, increasing heart beat rate, crazy actions, exhausted from jumping like a kid, unstoppable weird laughs, sudden excitement, and freaky things that you'll wish you had never done that
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:53 am



jona DJ wrote:
amz7250 wrote:heres the reason y iv been pissed off these past 4 month,

i started uni and met a girl and i really like her so dam bad, shes so dam pretty and nice, but im finding it really hard 2 stay calm cos its been 4 month and i havnt gotten 2 no her and its been 4 weeks and i havnt seen her, i get angry everytime i dnt c her cos i really like her so dam much and once im angry its hard 4 me 2 calm down, i tried everything 2 calm down but none of it is working, i keep thinking shes the one,

i get annoyed how im not gettin a chance 2 get 2 no her and how ppl find it quick 2 do so,

everyone says 2 let it go but i just dnt want 2, cos i dnt want 2 regret it

ppl also says i have 2 b patient but i just cant, im just 2 afraid that someone will c her, like her and have more of a chance 2 get 2 no her and they go out, im just afraid im gonna loose her,

i really dnt no wat2 do, cant stop thinking about her, its really affecting my life, im raging alot, hurting all my mates, im not concentrated in lesson, i lost motivation on my goal, make me fail some of my lesson and im just killing myself trying 2 find her, eventho i have problem and im disable so its hard 4 me 2 walk,

im just goin crazy, i need hlp so dam bad,
well... instead of getting angry, why don't you try to get into her?
and don't be such in hurry. play it like you wanna be friend with her (and if she's your friend, just play it that you want to be a better friend). that way she'll be more "okay" right?

that's what i think.

yea iv been tryin 2 do that, but like i said im not gettin a chance 2 get 2 no her cos i cant find her, trust me if i did find her i can talk 2 her anytime, like i always do even ever i c her, i go 2 her and her mates, say hi and chill, but its hard 4 me 2 get 2 no her properly,

tnxs 2 thoseguiltyeyes
Confess your trouble. - Page 8 Kva9P

yea fam, Spraying SCANDAL 2 the world
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:18 am

jona DJ

jona DJ

International Performer
International Performer
amz7250 wrote:
jona DJ wrote:
amz7250 wrote:heres the reason y iv been pissed off these past 4 month,

i started uni and met a girl and i really like her so dam bad, shes so dam pretty and nice, but im finding it really hard 2 stay calm cos its been 4 month and i havnt gotten 2 no her and its been 4 weeks and i havnt seen her, i get angry everytime i dnt c her cos i really like her so dam much and once im angry its hard 4 me 2 calm down, i tried everything 2 calm down but none of it is working, i keep thinking shes the one,

i get annoyed how im not gettin a chance 2 get 2 no her and how ppl find it quick 2 do so,

everyone says 2 let it go but i just dnt want 2, cos i dnt want 2 regret it

ppl also says i have 2 b patient but i just cant, im just 2 afraid that someone will c her, like her and have more of a chance 2 get 2 no her and they go out, im just afraid im gonna loose her,

i really dnt no wat2 do, cant stop thinking about her, its really affecting my life, im raging alot, hurting all my mates, im not concentrated in lesson, i lost motivation on my goal, make me fail some of my lesson and im just killing myself trying 2 find her, eventho i have problem and im disable so its hard 4 me 2 walk,

im just goin crazy, i need hlp so dam bad,
well... instead of getting angry, why don't you try to get into her?
and don't be such in hurry. play it like you wanna be friend with her (and if she's your friend, just play it that you want to be a better friend). that way she'll be more "okay" right?

that's what i think.

yea iv been tryin 2 do that, but like i said im not gettin a chance 2 get 2 no her cos i cant find her, trust me if i did find her i can talk 2 her anytime, like i always do even ever i c her, i go 2 her and her mates, say hi and chill, but its hard 4 me 2 get 2 no her properly,
i see.
then how about ask her phone number? or maybe her facebook/twitter first if u feel phone number is too much to ask.

and my point is too not be in such hurry. it's okay if u don't she her much, or can't get to know her properly at first. to get to know people needs long process u no. my friend have this boy she like, but she only no him as a neighbor and a pastime classmate. and this boy have a girl that pretty close to him, but not as boyfriend-girlfriend. it sometimes piss her off too (she often tell me about it), but angry don't solve the prob. i no it is hard and will b hard to get 2 no her properly, but just take a slow sure steps.

geez. only 3 quotes but already this long? u gotta be kidding me.

Confess your trouble. - Page 8 Tumblr_mkbaztDHJP1s2ouyoo1_400

me: GENKI DESU~ Onion Shy

thinking about SCANDAL may cause extreme blushing, increasing heart beat rate, crazy actions, exhausted from jumping like a kid, unstoppable weird laughs, sudden excitement, and freaky things that you'll wish you had never done that
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:27 am



jona DJ wrote:
amz7250 wrote:
jona DJ wrote:
amz7250 wrote:heres the reason y iv been pissed off these past 4 month,

i started uni and met a girl and i really like her so dam bad, shes so dam pretty and nice, but im finding it really hard 2 stay calm cos its been 4 month and i havnt gotten 2 no her and its been 4 weeks and i havnt seen her, i get angry everytime i dnt c her cos i really like her so dam much and once im angry its hard 4 me 2 calm down, i tried everything 2 calm down but none of it is working, i keep thinking shes the one,

i get annoyed how im not gettin a chance 2 get 2 no her and how ppl find it quick 2 do so,

everyone says 2 let it go but i just dnt want 2, cos i dnt want 2 regret it

ppl also says i have 2 b patient but i just cant, im just 2 afraid that someone will c her, like her and have more of a chance 2 get 2 no her and they go out, im just afraid im gonna loose her,

i really dnt no wat2 do, cant stop thinking about her, its really affecting my life, im raging alot, hurting all my mates, im not concentrated in lesson, i lost motivation on my goal, make me fail some of my lesson and im just killing myself trying 2 find her, eventho i have problem and im disable so its hard 4 me 2 walk,

im just goin crazy, i need hlp so dam bad,
well... instead of getting angry, why don't you try to get into her?
and don't be such in hurry. play it like you wanna be friend with her (and if she's your friend, just play it that you want to be a better friend). that way she'll be more "okay" right?

that's what i think.

yea iv been tryin 2 do that, but like i said im not gettin a chance 2 get 2 no her cos i cant find her, trust me if i did find her i can talk 2 her anytime, like i always do even ever i c her, i go 2 her and her mates, say hi and chill, but its hard 4 me 2 get 2 no her properly,
i see.
then how about ask her phone number? or maybe her facebook/twitter first if u feel phone number is too much to ask.

and my point is too not be in such hurry. it's okay if u don't she her much, or can't get to know her properly at first. to get to know people needs long process u no. my friend have this boy she like, but she only no him as a neighbor and a pastime classmate. and this boy have a girl that pretty close to him, but not as boyfriend-girlfriend. it sometimes piss her off too (she often tell me about it), but angry don't solve the prob. i no it is hard and will b hard to get 2 no her properly, but just take a slow sure steps.

geez. only 3 quotes but already this long? u gotta be kidding me.

yea, iv been tryin 2 do that but its hard, like i said wen i c her im fine talking 2 her, im not shy wats so ever, but yea ill try taking slow,

tnxs 2 thoseguiltyeyes
Confess your trouble. - Page 8 Kva9P

yea fam, Spraying SCANDAL 2 the world
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:31 am

jona DJ

jona DJ

International Performer
International Performer
^ yea, i no it's hard. for myself, one thing that's very hard to do is to not to think about what other people think about me TOO MUCH.
good luck ne~
such sweet love story Happy Onion i wonder when will i have mine. lol.

Confess your trouble. - Page 8 Tumblr_mkbaztDHJP1s2ouyoo1_400

me: GENKI DESU~ Onion Shy

thinking about SCANDAL may cause extreme blushing, increasing heart beat rate, crazy actions, exhausted from jumping like a kid, unstoppable weird laughs, sudden excitement, and freaky things that you'll wish you had never done that
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 4:02 am



jona DJ wrote:^ yea, i no it's hard. for myself, one thing that's very hard to do is to not to think about what other people think about me TOO MUCH.
good luck ne~
such sweet love story Confess your trouble. - Page 8 880927 i wonder when will i have mine. lol.

trust me its really hard, but im trying, tnxs alot fam and lol everyone says its so sweet and trust me fam u will have ur time

tnxs 2 thoseguiltyeyes
Confess your trouble. - Page 8 Kva9P

yea fam, Spraying SCANDAL 2 the world
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:53 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I had a fight with a friend. She "apologized" but I can feel that it was not sincere so I told her to apologize when she's ready. I want her to say sorry because she really is, not just because like it's the right thing to do.

I hope we can be okay again but she has changed now. She's uh. . . back to her "slutty" self. And it seems like she doesn't want me anymore in her life.

Confess your trouble. - Page 8 T2xy8t6
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:22 pm


Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I'm going to flew to Germany tomorrow for Internship.
I'm very afraid Confess your trouble. - Page 8 192702 of screwing up and because my German language is not so good (bad to be precise). and I'm surrounded in a completely new environment far from my comfort zone. God this fear and anxiety is killing me Confess your trouble. - Page 8 118897

And the one thing that I kept wondering is, is it Illegal in Germany or EU to download file from mediafire, filesonic,ryushare,etc? obviously ripping from youtube is not allowed. Anybody knew regarding this matter? Confess your trouble. - Page 8 436193

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:55 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Don't worry! You come to Germany to learn German, that's cool! Don't worry about what other people may say. (But most people here are friendly, I think) Courage is the ability to make a leap beyond the familiar! Thumbs Onion
And almost everyone here speaks English, too Wink

I'm not a lawyer, but I think, it depends on what you download. Downloading official stuff without paying for it (like on amazon, for example) is illegal.
Yeah, and welcome to Germany. Whatever is not blocked by Sony will be blocked by the GEMA Onion Depress

You may have known three or fourthousand people in your life. But you only talk about six or seven.
- Elias Canetti
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:25 pm



International Performer
International Performer
You had a physical fight ? I don't think I had a physical fight with friends (just a "wrestling" challenge during sport at school, but there wasn't any aggressivity). You're right about that : she needs to apologize only if she's really sorry. I hope everything goes well for you.

That's cool you go to Germany. I hope I can visit this country soon (it's "just" beside France). A friend did an linguistic exchange in Germany and I enjoyed it even if his german was really low. If Hasenfu say that germans speak english it's great ! ( unlike France haha !)

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sat Feb 02, 2013 12:32 am


Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Hasenfu wrote:Don't worry! You come to Germany to learn German, that's cool! Don't worry about what other people may say. (But most people here are friendly, I think) Courage is the ability to make a leap beyond the familiar! Confess your trouble. - Page 8 922879
And almost everyone here speaks English, too Confess your trouble. - Page 8 97539

I'm not a lawyer, but I think, it depends on what you download. Downloading official stuff without paying for it (like on amazon, for example) is illegal.
Yeah, and welcome to Germany. Whatever is not blocked by Sony will be blocked by the GEMA Confess your trouble. - Page 8 966980

Wow, thanks I felt a little bit relieved. But, I'm going there for 7 months with intention of learning something new. Man, with my height I'm going to look like a lost kid.

Does that mean it's okay to download from mediafire links like the one usually posted here? If not, I'm going to miss lots of stuff Confess your trouble. - Page 8 463253

Anyway, nice to meet you.
darksider59 wrote:
That's cool you go to Germany. I
hope I can visit this country soon (it's "just" beside France). A friend
did an linguistic exchange in Germany and I enjoyed it even if his
german was really low. If Hasenfu say that germans speak english it's
great ! ( unlike France haha !)

I really hope I could enjoy it and not to be a burden to the peoples there. Confess your trouble. - Page 8 192702

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sat Feb 02, 2013 2:26 am



International Performer
International Performer
Ferdinand wrote:

Man, with my height I'm going to look like a lost kid.

Does that mean it's okay to download from mediafire links like the one usually posted here? If not, I'm going to miss lots of stuff Confess your trouble. - Page 8 463253

Then, if you wanna drink alcohol, you should always have your passport with you. I still get asked if I'm over 18 and I'm 23!! Confess your trouble. - Page 8 535891

Because it's not allowed to post official stuff here, I think it should be legal to download the things posted here. But I'm not 100% sure.

You may have known three or fourthousand people in your life. But you only talk about six or seven.
- Elias Canetti
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sat Feb 02, 2013 1:57 pm



International Performer
International Performer
darksider59 wrote:@Sugarcube
You had a physical fight ? I don't think I had a physical fight with friends (just a "wrestling" challenge during sport at school, but there wasn't any aggressivity). You're right about that : she needs to apologize only if she's really sorry. I hope everything goes well for you.

Not physical fight! I won't do that. That's stupid!

She just did something that really pissed me off then when I told her that I didn't like what she did and that I was mad, she became mad at me too and started to "recite" all the things that I did wrong to her in the past.

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sat Feb 02, 2013 6:19 pm



International Performer
International Performer
okay . For me, I think it's good to tell honestly to a friend when something is wrong (friends are made for give us advice, to be a "better" human being) but yep, I don't understand her "aggressivity".

Confess your trouble. - Page 8 MUW2SyY
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:58 pm



International Performer
International Performer
darksider59 wrote:@Sugarcube
okay . For me, I think it's good to tell honestly to a friend when something is wrong (friends are made for give us advice, to be a "better" human being) but yep, I don't understand her "aggressivity".

Well, friends come and go. We're not friends for a long time actually, I just met her on the University. Maybe this is a sign that she's not really my friend. . .

Confess your trouble. - Page 8 T2xy8t6
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:50 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I think, if you go to Sweden you will have more success with english then in Germany.
It is true that alot of people can speak it but if you will met them, I'm not sure.

Where will you be exactly? (City or at least the "Bundesland" (one of the 16 parts of Germany))

"Ich glaube, auf dieser Welt gibt es keine Vernunft, und an Güte fehlt es auch."
"Kann sein. Aber das lässt sich wohl jetzt nicht mehr ändern."
"Das Rückgabedatum ist abgelaufen."
"Und die Quittung weggeschmissen." 1Q84, Aomame und Ayumi im Gespräch.

Nicht ich bin verrückt, die Welt ist es.
Haruki Murakami

"Wohin man auch geht, sich selbst entkommt man
nicht. Es ist so wie mit dem eigenen Schatten, der folgt einem auch
überallhin." Haruki Murakami
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