Confess your trouble. [Page 4 of 11]

Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:13 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Awww, it cannot be all bad.
You could be in England where is rains all the time !

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 Sig_sc10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:05 pm



International Performer
International Performer
NX48 wrote:I have a procrastination problem. Whenever I have something important to do, like writing a paper, start up on a project, study over the summer, or apply for a job, I always tell myself the day before that I'll definitely do it tomorrow. And when the next day comes, I usually tell myself I'll do it at the afternoon, as I want to relax in the morning. When it's the afternoon, I tell myself that I work better in the night. And when night comes, I'll tell myself I'll do it tomorrow. And the process just repeats itself. Eventually, I'll do what I need to do maybe a day or two before the deadline. It really sucks when I put off more then one thing that have the same deadline.

I can't tell you how many 5-10 page papers I write the day before they are due lol. "Due Tomorrow, Do Tomorrow"

My advice is really crack down on yourself and just do it. Say your going to look for a job tomorrow. That isn't correct. Your going to look for a job now, like right now and no matter what your not gonna stop until you completed looking for a job. If the idea is in your head to accomplish something and you tell yourself "Am gonna do it tomorrow", unless you have something important your doing right that instant, change it to "am going to do it now".

------------------------------My thing------------------------

First off, I see more relationship trouble here more than anything else, which is good and bad. Means everyone can get a lot of different input from everyone depending on situations. Also nice to know am not the only work with work trouble.

Just started a new job at a gas station next to my house (no more fast food) and as much as I like the job, am so tried I barely have time for anything. I woke up about 2 hours ago from a nap that was suppose to last 2 hours at best. My friend had a concert today and I said "I promise to go". I ended up waking up right before he went on and now I feel really bad since I will see him tomorrow when we go to parkour club and I don't know if he is gonna know am telling the truth when I say "I was really sleepy and took a long nap by accident." Still paying him $5 for the ticket of his show I never went to though... sounds like it will even out.

So I had a fling with a girl who studied abroad from Japan in February, things I thought were great, even though I knew she had a boyfriend, we still decided to hook up and some other things... Before she left to go back to Japan she said she was gonna break up with her boyfriend to be with me, which never happened. I didn't feel heart broken, I felt like I caused a huge problem since not only did people from her school give me a look, so did the Japanese students that have been at ASU all semester. After a while most of it blew over, but she still is persistent in my head. Can't find anyway to forget about her (not that I have any emotions that are positive to her now), but I tried drinking, drugs, just about everything and it still bothers the crap out of me. Maybe it is remorse for knowing she had a boyfriend. Chances are she would have cheated on me if we were dating anyways.

Am waiting for my friend to come back, I haven't seen her since May. But little like the girl above, she has a boyfriend. Although now she is going to my university full time here in the states and her boyfriend is still in Japan. Am not going to push anything on her, but when her and I met in about 2 weeks am going to bring up her boyfriend just to see if she is still dating him. We are good friends regardless, it just sucks that she and I have so much in common (more than most of my guy friends) and she is actually interested in what I say and my opinion on things. She is even interested when I talk about my major, so I find it hard that we agree that we can some times be the exact person we have always wanted to meet, but we don't talk about relationship stuff. She doesn't like to bring up her boyfriend when talking to me (she has brought him up to other people all the time), so it makes me wonder.

---------------------end of ranting-------------------------------

hopefully I'll be even more active in the up coming university year, it is hard to stay active on these forums since I started university.

Also known as: Ross Confess your trouble. - Page 4 251803 , Rossy Oliver the cute and fluffy Confess your trouble. - Page 4 464571 , Rosa, and Pokey The Cute and Fluffy
Confess your trouble. - Page 4 Rossba10
Confess your trouble. - Page 4 Ugefu10

Wat- who said i was joking, be prepared to sit down with Luarahara tomorrow
One Word Story - "TOMOMI, surprisingly tomorrow, will thoseguiltyeyes with HARUNA kick snypershot in his crotch and punched his solar plexus that is hurting him everywhere."
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:25 pm

jona DJ

jona DJ

International Performer
International Performer
@davezzz too :
in here there are so many corruptor and bribery and most people hates christian and christian usually treated unfairly by the government nor muslims.
( i didn't say i hate muslims or meant to say that muslims are bad person. )

my trouble :
i was a nerd and a shy girl.
i've changed a lot to become more friendly and speak well to others when i was in 5th grade on elementry school. i thought my "shyness" won't appear anymore, but i became my old self again in my class. in that class, i only have 1 friend to hang out with, and i was "stamped" as a weirdo who a japan maniac, and i got bullied by the same person bullied me when i was in elementry school and my senior in PASKIBRA (some kind of club), and because of that, i HATE school. my grades drops and i'm lazy to do my projects. almost every night before school, i always cried not want to go to school. i've said goodbye to my class because i've become a 9th grader now, but i'm really haunted by it because i don't want to be my old self. shy, weird, bullied. i want to become my new self in that class but they see me as a weirdo. i'm scared if my class will be like my last class. full with "cool" girls and boys who are self-centered, a jerk, and arrogant and sometimes i cried thinking of myself in the class nor thinking of the time i got bullied. i don't want to think about those anymore but it still haunt me.

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 Tumblr_mkbaztDHJP1s2ouyoo1_400

me: GENKI DESU~ Onion Shy

thinking about SCANDAL may cause extreme blushing, increasing heart beat rate, crazy actions, exhausted from jumping like a kid, unstoppable weird laughs, sudden excitement, and freaky things that you'll wish you had never done that
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:32 pm


Indie Artist
Indie Artist
davezzz wrote:i hate my country Confess your trouble. - Page 4 179813

Well, I too felt the same way, but what can be done. it's better to accept it and try to migrate as soon as possible rather than dwelling on it.

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:08 pm



International Performer
International Performer
@jona DJ
People say it is only Japan where everyone wants to be the same but you find that in every country.
I had just the same problems as you as school because I wanted to be myself, be proud to be different, you are not weird, you just don't want to be the same as everyone else !
Do you really want to be like them, I don't.
As you get older people will admire you for being different so try to be true to yourself.
Even now at work I get called 'Japanese Tony' because of my love for Japan and Japanese culture, but I am proud of that name.

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 Sig_sc10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:11 pm



@dav, fam ur not the only one, England suck, all u have 2 do is look at the bright side of ur country, like 4 me UK sucks bad, but wat i like is my mates that lives in UK

@tony, lol init the British weather sucks bad

tnxs 2 thoseguiltyeyes
Confess your trouble. - Page 4 Kva9P

yea fam, Spraying SCANDAL 2 the world
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:15 pm



International Performer
International Performer
You are right there.
I don't know if I should worry but the guy in the next garden is building a big boat !

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 Sig_sc10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:10 pm


Indie Artist
Indie Artist
tonymiller wrote:@jona DJ
People say it is only Japan where everyone wants to be the same but you find that in every country.
I had just the same problems as you as school because I wanted to be myself, be proud to be different, you are not weird, you just don't want to be the same as everyone else !
Do you really want to be like them, I don't.
As you get older people will admire you for being different so try to be true to yourself.
Even now at work I get called 'Japanese Tony' because of my love for Japan and Japanese culture, but I am proud of that name.

I 100% agree with you Tony, life is too short to become someone you are not. Enjoy it while it last and be yourself, do whatever you like to do and stay true to yourself.

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:42 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
my troubles is

i think i cant trust my friends anymore. because they do bad things to me even though i dont do anything bad to them.

i think they always take me for granted Sad

SCANDAL is .love. .love. 
Confess your trouble. - Page 4 Cover11
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:40 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Maybe you need new friends ?
If it was not such a long walk to the Philippines we could start a band !

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 Sig_sc10
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:04 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
@tony thanks :D can you be my new friend :D even though our country is too far we can be friends :D

SCANDAL is .love. .love. 
Confess your trouble. - Page 4 Cover11
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:33 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
@yukime213: forget tony my country is near enough .evilgrin.

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 513813
Consciousness: That annoying time between naps. - by somebody on FFN

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 RJtQA

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:59 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
alemicon wrote:@yukime213: forget tony my country is near enough .evilgrin.

hahah we can be friends also :D right ? :D

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:04 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Nice one of course who told you that we can't be friends? .wtf.
.whistle. as long as you teach me drum *kidding Peace Onion

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 513813
Consciousness: That annoying time between naps. - by somebody on FFN

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 RJtQA

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:08 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Ferdinand wrote:
davezzz wrote:i hate my country Confess your trouble. - Page 4 179813

Well, I too felt the same way, but what can be done. it's better to accept it and try to migrate as soon as possible rather than dwelling on it.

I hate my country too .sweat.
Yeah. Migrating sounds cool..
@Ferdinand: we're from the same country!

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 513813
Consciousness: That annoying time between naps. - by somebody on FFN

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 RJtQA

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:14 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
alemicon wrote: Nice one of course who told you that we can't be friends? .wtf.
.whistle. as long as you teach me drum *kidding Peace Onion

haha sure but how can i teach you ? .nerd.

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:17 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
^sorry for double posts. Forgot the ever helpful edit button .please.

@yukime213: come to my country now .evilgrin.

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 513813
Consciousness: That annoying time between naps. - by somebody on FFN

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 RJtQA

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:37 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
@Yukime213: can jam sesh over here. haha i stay in the middle of the Pacific ocean. i think only 15 hours to get here.

@topic:My trouble is the lying i have to put up through for my friends and i have to cover for them when they get into deep trouble. Also got to cover for them with their parents because their parents trust me. Its not fun.

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQrzwO-89iN83Pk7-_a3bv3_n4Zfr8uwKetfvOAN4YRGvLnS_m4
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:46 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
patstar wrote:@Yukime213: can jam sesh over here. haha i stay in the middle of the Pacific ocean. i think only 15 hours to get here.

@topic:My trouble is the lying i have to put up through for my friends and i have to cover for them when they get into deep trouble. Also got to cover for them with their parents because their parents trust me. Its not fun.

haha i wish i could go there Happy

bout your trouble, i think you shouldn't lie anymore to the parents of your friends, but tell to your friends that they should tell the truth to their parents and you will help them to tell the truth Happy

it is better to help them in right way Happy

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:34 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
@Yukime213: thanks and yeah shouldnt lie to the parents because if i ever get caught then trust is really hard to come back. Ill talk with them. chee thanks again.

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQrzwO-89iN83Pk7-_a3bv3_n4Zfr8uwKetfvOAN4YRGvLnS_m4
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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Tue Jul 10, 2012 1:09 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Well....I focus too much on mastering/achieving too many things...should
i stick to the minimum and work it all in it....or just try to lower a little my maximum order to achieve multiple ones???

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:31 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
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SCANDARK wrote:Well....I focus too much on mastering/achieving too many things...should
i stick to the minimum and work it all in it....or just try to lower a little my maximum order to achieve multiple ones???

It's okay if you want to achieve many things. Just remember that small things is the most influenced. about your case, having many achievement is okay, but, having the most memorable is more important (to me). For me the little ones is experience. The more you have it, the more better to getting the bigger one. But I think everyone has that feeling if they achieve something that they never try and succeeded. So what I'm trying to say is... Don't hesitate to achieve something that you think it's the best for you. And don't be sad if you're failed first... 'cuz failure is the door of many achievement...

@ topic I'm a honest person... I don't stand if I'm lying... but is it okay for me to keep telling the truth, and the truth will be bitter to me and someone else?

MAMI-chan!!! .nosebleed. .dies.
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~I just want you to know that you've always made my day~

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:29 pm


Indie Artist
Indie Artist
alemicon wrote:
Ferdinand wrote:
davezzz wrote:i hate my country Confess your trouble. - Page 4 179813

Well, I too felt the same way, but what can be done. it's better to accept it and try to migrate as soon as possible rather than dwelling on it.

I hate my country too Confess your trouble. - Page 4 50249
Yeah. Migrating sounds cool..
@Ferdinand: we're from the same country!

Brother in arms Confess your trouble. - Page 4 924158

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:25 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Procratinating is my hobby haha

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Re: Confess your trouble.
Posted Wed Jul 11, 2012 3:03 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Mewithoutyou93 wrote:Procratinating is my hobby haha

Seeing as I practice it every chance I got.. It would be hypocrite if I give you advice Confess your trouble. - Page 4 541521

I've got this problem too.. Anyone can help?

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 513813
Consciousness: That annoying time between naps. - by somebody on FFN

Confess your trouble. - Page 4 RJtQA

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