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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sat Dec 28, 2013 2:35 am



International Performer
International Performer
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Thanks for the video Happy

A lot of good posts here and technical stuff. I have no idea for that part, lipsync or not or whatever, if they did it they must have done it for a good reason not just for the "lolz"... And it seems it was perfect because some say it's live some say it's not... In the end they had their reasons and surely didn't want to harm the fans in any way.

Anyways, her problems are past now. They should probably have protected her more during that time, not sure who wanted to perform and all but don't forget it's a business... You don't just cancel things or change whole plans like that even if they probably should have think about the long term and not just some shows.

My impression is that the staff cares about SCANDAL, the girls like their staff. But it's a business and every band has probably some problems at some point. SCANDAL had that problem and now HARU (and the band I think!!!) is stronger and healthy.

She went through a lot but that made her grow up and stronger IMO. They all worked hard but HARU probably had the hardest part in the band because she had to learn her instrument like the others but also be the main vocal (yes TIMO and MAMI sing too but a lot less it's different) and to finish she also had to be the leader for every interview and all that. In the end everything is fine, it's not like she had a trauma or something.

She may have a slightly different voice now to sing some songs differently but who cares as long as she is healthy and happy? And she certainly looks healthy and happy Happy

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sat Dec 28, 2013 2:58 am

James MacKnight

James MacKnight

victor_survive wrote:Hey guys I made a video comparison.
I uploaded to YT but it's already blocked for a reclaim of Sony so...
it's on daily motion

the change it's really noticeable:

sorry for my bad editing XD

I'm glad you posted that, because there's not a jot of evidence of lip-syncing in any of it.  This whole lip-syncing allegation is like an Apollo Moon hoax conspiracy.

I thought Haruna was awesome before.  I respect her twice as much now.

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:18 am



James MacKnight wrote:I'm glad you posted that, because there's not a jot of evidence of lip-syncing in any of it.  This whole lip-syncing allegation is like an Apollo Moon hoax conspiracy.

That's the thing, though; none of the parts in that video are what she has lip-synched before: those are all parts that she has sung herself. Like for "SCANDAL BABY," I mentioned earlier that the bridge, which was featured in that video, was the only part of the song she actually sung herself, with the rest of the song being lip-synched.

Here's "SCANDAL BABY" from Mezamashi 2011 where, as I said before, she lip-synched the entire song except for the bridge. I'd be very surprised if you don't see what I and many other people believe is a crystal clear difference between the pre-recorded vocals and her actual singing then, because she sounds perfect up until the bridge and then sounds--to be honest--quite terrible, then sounds perfect again.

I know you don't want to accept the fact that she has lip-synched (no one does, really), but the evidence is right there.

What happened to HARUNA's voice? - Page 5 39iLxaW

2011.7.3 AM2 2012.3.28 SCANDAL vs BUDOKAN 11.3+4 QAT Tour @名古屋 11.10 Happy MUSIC Live 2012 2013.3.3 SCANDAL OSAKA-JO HALL 2013 2014.6.1 HNL Ekiden & Music 2014 6.2 Fan Meeting 2015 HELLO WORLD @ Paris - London - Essen - Chicago - MEX - LA - Anaheim 2016.1.12+13 PERFECT WORLD 5.21 Welcome Fan Meeting 5.22 HNL Ekiden & Music 2016 5.23 Farewell Fan Meeting 8.21 SCAFes 2017.7.14 47 Prefecture Tour @ 茨城 - 水戸 - 東京 2018 Special Thanks @NY - SF - Anaheim - MTY - MEX - Dallas 2022 MIRROR @Toronto - NY - Boston - Atlanta 2023 UU @ 福岡 - 東京 08.21 Sekai Ichi 2024 LUMINOUS @ 名古屋 - 横浜 - 大阪 - 奈良
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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:28 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
victor_survive wrote:Hey guys I made a video comparison.
I uploaded to YT but it's already blocked for a reclaim of Sony so...
it's on daily motion

the change it's really noticeable:

NOTE: It's not about  lip-syncing , it's about the change of HARU's voice

sorry for my bad editing XD
Thanks for the video. Personally I have no problem with the change in her voice, it sounds higher and lighter now. But gotta admit that she used to sing higher notes with much ease before than now. I can hear some straining on higher notes especially on Scandal Baby and Shunkan.

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:11 am

James MacKnight

James MacKnight

thoseguiltyeyes wrote:
James MacKnight wrote:I'm glad you posted that, because there's not a jot of evidence of lip-syncing in any of it.  This whole lip-syncing allegation is like an Apollo Moon hoax conspiracy.

That's the thing, though; none of the parts in that video are what she has lip-synched before: those are all parts that she has sung herself. Like for "SCANDAL BABY," I mentioned earlier that the bridge, which was featured in that video, was the only part of the song she actually sung herself, with the rest of the song being lip-synched.

Here's "SCANDAL BABY" from Mezamashi 2011 where, as I said before, she lip-synched the entire song except for the bridge. I'd be very surprised if you don't see what I and many other people believe is a crystal clear difference between the pre-recorded vocals and her actual singing then, because she sounds perfect up until the bridge and then sounds--to be honest--quite terrible, then sounds perfect again.

I know you don't want to accept the fact that she has lip-synched (no one does, really), but the evidence is right there.

Honestly, I don't even mind if she lip-synced the songs.  I can accept that she could have been having problems at the time and had to lip-sync.  I'm just not convinced of some of the claims I've heard about this matter and I don't want to contribute to putting Haruna under the cosh.  After analyzing the audio from your link in adobe audition I'm forced to concede that there could have been syncing done on this one.

I do understand what you're hearing. It is, as you say, a crystal clear difference.  In the Middle 12 there's a wash of effects on Haruna and Tomomi's voices and after that it cuts into Haruna singing dry with very little backing track behind her and sounding like there's a bit of a strain on her voice.

Two questions.  

1) To create such an expert forgery but have that one line sung live is inconsistent with reason.  How come they didn't have her lip-sync the line that sticks out like a sore thumb as she comes out of the Middle 12, then the lip-syncing would have been unnoticeable?

2) Is there really that much dishonour in lip-syncing to avoid cancelling a gig and letting people down?

What happened to HARUNA's voice? - Page 5 1507061_612756848779937_80745386_n

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:24 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist

Two questions.  

1) To create such an expert forgery but have that one line sung live is inconsistent with reason.  How come they didn't have her lip-sync the line that sticks out like a sore thumb as she comes out of the Middle 12, then the lip-syncing would have been unnoticeable?

2) Is there really that much dishonour in lip-syncing to avoid cancelling a gig and letting people down?

That's the cultural difference I was talking about. In the West and elsewhere, lip-syncing during a live show is taboo. In Japan apparently it is not, otherwise they would've canceled many of their engagements. Actually, a short break was discussed but eventually they decided to continue. It's in their NHK BS artist documentary. I highly recommend it, it's a good watch and the sub files are somewhere on the forum for your use.

Seeing as how they never made any attempts at hiding it, it appears that the band doesn't see it as a "forgery" as you say. That was something I didn't understand at first but eventually, I had to accept it.

I'm sure words were said behind the scenes but the subject never came up publicly. Perhaps it is down to Japanese politeness. Perhaps things just work differently over there.

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sat Dec 28, 2013 9:39 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Given the hectic schedule of the band, I am not the least bit surprised nor disappointed that Haruna lip syncs at times. Her voice has really taken beating over the course of her career and a lip sync here and there for some small obligatory live is not going to make or break the band's integrity. She could definitely use a rest here and there, and lip syncing provides just that.

I know deep inside she loves singing and will not take shortcuts if she does not have to. Her voice right now is live-worthy when she's good to go. For example, her rendition of "24 jikan plus" at Girls Factory 2013 back in August was not hard to the ears:

What happened to HARUNA's voice? - Page 5 61185
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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:14 pm

James MacKnight

James MacKnight

macdyne73 wrote:Seeing as how they never made any attempts at hiding it, it appears that the band doesn't see it as a "forgery" as you say. That was something I didn't understand at first but eventually, I had to accept it.

I get that, but why leave that one line that was sung live?

That beggars reason.  Did the sound engineer just forget to record that line or something?

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:30 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I just watched this performance:

and Haruna's voice is ruined again.  .omg.
It's sad listening to her like this. She needs a new vocal instructor and I hope she does realize this.

Last edited by raynsity on Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:44 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
hmm..just recently watched the video and haru sounded sick..i mean seasonal sick..the commom tonsilitis during cold season..the good thing is she's not pushing herself with that performance..i wonder how were their other numbers though..

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:57 pm

James MacKnight

James MacKnight

raynsity wrote:I just watched this performance:

and Haruna's voice is ruined again.  .omg.
It's sad listening to her like this. She needs a new vocal instructor and I hope she does realize this.

There's nothing wrong with that performance.  I don't understand what people expect from her.  She's not a robot, she's human.

What's more, the band must be happy with it, because it just appeared on my facebook five minutes ago from Tomomi's page.

Last edited by James MacKnight on Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 2:59 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
raynsity wrote:I just watched this performance:

and Haruna's voice is ruined again.  .omg.
It's sad listening to her like this. She needs a new vocal instructor and I hope she does realize this.

Sounds more like, she has a sore throat. Maybe that's why Rina did all the talking at the beginning, who knows.

What happened to HARUNA's voice? - Page 5 TqohPfv
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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:06 pm

James MacKnight

James MacKnight

I just don't understand why she's being subjected to this cruel and unusual scrutiny.  I love her singing and performing.  Who cares if she strains on a note occasionally?  It doesn't matter.   It's not the end of the world.

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:06 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Yeah indeed, she sounds more "husky" than usual, I think her vocals are still fragile and must be taking care of more seriously or maybe she needs just rest ^^
It is just that the "straining" thing happens a lot i.e we are wondering, it is not easy to hear her singing this way T_T

On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:13 pm

James MacKnight

James MacKnight

Yuffie wrote:@raynsity
Yeah indeed, she sounds more "husky" than usual, I think her vocals are still fragile and must be taking care of more seriously or maybe she needs just rest ^^
It is just that the "straining" thing happens a lot i.e we are wondering, it is not easy to hear her singing this way T_T

It's gotten to a point now where she's a tenth of a semitone out on a note and everyone is coming down on her head like a ton of bricks.

You're lucky you aren't an Ian Brown fan or you'd seldom have heard anything else, and The Stone Roses are one of the biggest bands ever to come out of the UK.  Nobody's live singing is always perfect.  Nobody's ever will be.
Maybe the people who write the backing scores should consider doing it in a key that she's comfortable in.

Last edited by James MacKnight on Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:18 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : bad grammar)

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:17 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Yuffie wrote:@raynsity
Yeah indeed, she sounds more "husky" than usual, I think her vocals are still fragile and must be taking care of more seriously or maybe she needs just rest ^^
Well, probably I'm worrying too much. We'll just see how it goes later on, since this is their last performance anyway for this year.

James MacKnight wrote:I just don't understand why she's being subjected to this cruel and unusual scrutiny.  I love her singing and performing.  Who cares if she strains on a note occasionally?  It doesn't matter.   It's not the end of the world.

I don't understand why you are thinking that straining is just fine when there are a lot examples of artists having their career finished or at least in danger because of straining. Also I'm not bashing on her, I'm just saying if it were true that the reason behind her problems are because of her singing then it would be nice to find a better instructor.

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:20 pm

James MacKnight

James MacKnight

raynsity wrote:I don't understand why you are thinking that straining is just fine when there are a lot examples of artists having their career finished or at least in danger because of straining. Also I'm not bashing on her, I'm just saying if it were true that the reason behind her problems are because of her singing then it would be nice to find a better instructor.

I never said that her straining is fine, what I said was that people directing snide remarks at her on a forum that is meant to be here to support the band is totally unhelpful.

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:21 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Actually, she sounds like she had sore throat to me, probably because of the season. Even in the talk part at first, it's noticeable. In the RADIO CRAZY live, she's having a hoarse voice as with this live. Hope she'll get well soon, as COUNTDOWN JAPAN is their last live for the year. She can rest.

Here's the radio broadcast of their RADIO CRAZY live for OVER DRIVE. By the way, the setlist is the same for RADIO CRAZY and COUNTDOWN JAPAN.

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:23 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
I think she needs a break... 21 venues obviously had an effect..

What happened to HARUNA's voice? - Page 5 Second_zps9a1d7466
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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:24 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
First, what is your point with that:
"You're lucky you aren't an Ian Brown fan or you'd seldom have heard anything else, and The Stone Roses are one of the biggest bands ever to come out of the UK"

You don't know what kind of artists I am listen to and watch your tone please.
Secondly, as Raynsity said, this straining thing is happening too often, of course a live will never be perfect and it is not what I am expecting to.

Last edited by Yuffie on Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:27 pm; edited 1 time in total

On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:25 pm

James MacKnight

James MacKnight

lazzal wrote:I think she needs a break... 21 venues obviously had an effect..

It could be that she's being overworked.  A lot of singers have damage done to them that way.

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:26 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
easy guys..everybodys opinion is welcome =)

anyway, i think she just have a sore throat, who knows maybe she just had a fever that's why she was absent to some of their recent photos.

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:27 pm

James MacKnight

James MacKnight

Yuffie wrote:First, what is your point with that:

You don't know what kind of artists I am listen to and watch your tone please.
Secondly, as Raynsity said, this straining thing is happening too often, of course a live will never be perfect and it is not what I am expecting to.

My point is that this, not just your contribution, but all of this, is down to unrealistic expectations combined with a general lack of sympathy for other people.

As for my tone, I have not raised my voice at anyone. *shrugs*

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:28 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
James MacKnight wrote:
raynsity wrote:I don't understand why you are thinking that straining is just fine when there are a lot examples of artists having their career finished or at least in danger because of straining. Also I'm not bashing on her, I'm just saying if it were true that the reason behind her problems are because of her singing then it would be nice to find a better instructor.

I never said that her straining is fine, what I said was that people directing snide remarks at her on a forum that is meant to be here to support the band is totally unhelpful.
Anyway, I actually didn't say anything about straining. I was only talking about her voice sounded like it were damaged. She might be sick so I hope she'll be fine.

Last edited by raynsity on Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Re: What happened to HARUNA's voice?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 3:30 pm

James MacKnight

James MacKnight

Yuffie wrote:First, what is your point with that:
"You're lucky you aren't an Ian Brown fan or you'd seldom have heard anything else, and The Stone Roses are one of the biggest bands ever to come out of the UK"

You don't know what kind of artists I am listen to and watch your tone please.
Secondly, as Raynsity said, this straining thing is happening too often, of course a live will never be perfect and it is not what I am expecting to.

So because I don't agree with you, you're throwing your toys out of the pram?

Calm down.  Take a breath and get a hold of your temper.

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