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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:49 am



International Performer
International Performer
I have to say i'm surprised that people on a SCANDAL forum are hesitating to buy one of their songs because of the cover of the CD, not the song or b-side, but because of the cover :/ Or want to buy it only because of the cover too :s 

I mean I could understand that on a normal music or whatever forum, but in a SCANDAL forum? Why would you not buy the CD if you like SCANDAL and the songs on the CD? It's like saying "oh i don't want to date this amazing and beautiful girl that is in love with me because i don't like the shirt she was wearing some days ago" ^^

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Mon Sep 09, 2013 12:14 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I like the song and everything but the PV...
I know we only seen the preview, but I don't like it and it's probably, in my opinion, one of their worst's PV. Though I'm happy that Rina has more atention
When I saw the outfits, I honestly thought "Will they trying to join Crayon Pop" XD? Just kidding of course.

I'm sorry but it's just my opinion.
Don't kill me. .plank.

17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」 - Page 11 295982_4318448326990_420683964_n

17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」 - Page 11 MMuserbar
"Pouring tears, Its not being weak, Its not regret,
Its pieces from my pain"

-Namida no Regret
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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:07 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
HaRuRiNaMaMiToMo wrote:Why would you not buy the CD if you like SCANDAL and the songs on the CD? It's like saying "oh i don't want to date this amazing and beautiful girl that is in love with me because i don't like the shirt she was wearing some days ago" ^^
I must agree. There are some covers I didn't like so much but it didn't make me not want to buy the release, wouldn't wanna miss out on the songs, and I personally really like overdrive. I find it really refreshing with the PV and all. Like seriously what girl band wears cute dresses/skirts and then suddenly goes with red  
Although the cover is still odd, hehe. Can't wait. Been watching the PV and the live performance preview dozens of times :p

17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」 - Page 11 TqohPfv
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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:51 pm


Caless Student
Caless Student
Covers....can be a strong decision making, at least to me xD I'll be getting their album though.

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:00 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I guess this really goes down to personal preferences. I sort of understand how these guys feel, although that hasn't stopped me from getting the single. I for one like to take out my collection once in a while to admire, and TBH this cover really sticks out. Unlike other covers this is not one I would be staring at for prolonged periods of time.
Sometimes it's not solely about the music. It doesn't matter what forum you are in, be it SH or normal forums, but some of us as consumers would like to look at the overall package instead of what is within it. It's like some people wouldn't buy food with less than attractive packaging no matter how delicious it can get (not that I'm saying this cover is less than attractive). Some may call these people shallow or superficial or what not, but keep in mind different people think differently. Some place the quality of the product as the priority, while some others likes visual appeals as well.
I personally lean toward the latter one, but if I'm already convinced of the quality beforehand then I'm willing to overlook any visual flaws that the product may carry, which is what happened when I decided to order this single.

17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」 - Page 11 2d0ylnt
Asia Tour 2013 (Singapore) - 16/03/13
HELLO WORLD (Singapore) - 08/05/15
PERFECT WORLD (Budokan) - 12/01/16, 13/01/16
YELLOW (Singapore) - 04/06/16
10TH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL (Osaka Izumiotsu Phoenix) - 21/08/16

Discovery of SCANDAL - 22/07/11
First SCANDAL Concert - 16/03/13
First Banner Chosen and Displayed On SH - 29/04/14
First SCANDAL Concert in Japan - 12/01/16
First Time to Photograph SCANDAL at a Concert - 04/06/16
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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:24 pm


Caless Student
Caless Student
@ metalleo
thanks for understanding. I'm not one to judge a book by its cover, but besides the cover for OVERDRIVE, the b-side that comes with it, Scandal in da House is not my type of song either so two against one in this case, hence, I decided to pass this single. I'll probably save the $ and get STANDARD +DVD. ^_^

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Mon Sep 09, 2013 2:48 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Well I can't understand it to be honest, it's just a COVER.

If you love the song(s) and want to buy it but hate the cover... just print an awesome photo of SCANDAL and change the cover? I mean, a CD is about the songs and while it's great to have an awesome cover, it's only a side thing. A thing that you can take out and destroy and replace in the worst case.

Saying "i love the band and the songs on the CD but i won't buy it because the cover is awful" doesn't make sense to me at all.

Of course i'm only talking about that specific complain, obviously if you don't like the song (or the b-side) there is no reason to buy it! And it's not because you are a SCANDAL fan and on a SCANDAL forum that you have to buy everything from SCANDAL or love everything about it =P Was just talking about that specific cover thing which is really weird to me but hey everyone his opinion.

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Mon Sep 09, 2013 4:20 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Honestly, the cover is my favorite thing about this single.

Everybody has different opinions on both art and music...

I do think it will sell very well, because Yasutaka Nakata has a lot of fans who follow him around from artist to artist. This is one of those singles that's going to cross over to people who don't normally buy Scandal stuff.

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Mon Sep 09, 2013 5:10 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Well I have to disagree that it's just the contents that matters. To me, every component of each product, no matter what is it, is important. In particular, the first impression, in this case the covers, can have a huge impact on the purchasing decisions of consumers, because it's this component that creates the impression of the product in the customer's minds. You don't pick up a CD and listen to the contents first before looking at the cover, because you have to open the cover before you get the CD. Of course, this can't really be applied here since all of us has already heard the previews, but the point is you can't single any particular component out as the most important, because each has its own importance in its own right. 

And about printing our own covers, I think you're missing the point. Not sure about you, but I prefer to openly display the original contents of the items that I own, and CDs are no exception. I'm sure there are people who share the same sentiments. I don't really know how to put it in words, but if people print new covers just to replace the old ones which they didn't like, then why don't they just remove the covers entirely and save the effort and ink to print new ones? It serves the same purpose, and its more environmentally friendly as well. 

But oh well to each his own opinion. I'm not trying to start an argument, I just thought I could clear a bit of air over what I think goes through the minds of people who place emphasis on the covers. And I do think we're starting to go off topic Tongue

17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」 - Page 11 2d0ylnt
Asia Tour 2013 (Singapore) - 16/03/13
HELLO WORLD (Singapore) - 08/05/15
PERFECT WORLD (Budokan) - 12/01/16, 13/01/16
YELLOW (Singapore) - 04/06/16
10TH ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL (Osaka Izumiotsu Phoenix) - 21/08/16

Discovery of SCANDAL - 22/07/11
First SCANDAL Concert - 16/03/13
First Banner Chosen and Displayed On SH - 29/04/14
First SCANDAL Concert in Japan - 12/01/16
First Time to Photograph SCANDAL at a Concert - 04/06/16
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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Mon Sep 09, 2013 6:38 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Well I guess we have a very different opinion on this topic but it's not a problem, everyone has his opinion and if for you or other people the cover is so important, then so be it! And yeah we will probably go offtopic discussing about this so let's just agree that we don't agree xD

@spacecadet : I hope you are right about the sell, because usually the single released just before the album doesn't sell that good. (some numbers here :

Would be awesome if they could keep going with the 30k+ sell! Awanai was their best and currently Kagen is their 3rd best, so would be great to stay on the same level and not suddenly go down to a 15k+ sell Sad  That being said it's just a single, I prefer the album to make a new record than the single =P

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:17 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
spacecadet wrote:Honestly, the cover is my favorite thing about this single.
Same here!

I wasn't going to order it since the album is coming out a few weeks later, but after I saw the cover I just had to get it!

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Mon Sep 09, 2013 7:17 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Hm...the red suits that they use in the PV kind of remind me of the suits that race car drivers wear. XD Maybe they wore those suits because of the title "OVER DRIVE".  :-/

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Mon Sep 09, 2013 11:20 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Aosaru wrote:Hm...the red suits that they use in the PV kind of remind me of the suits that race car drivers wear. XD Maybe they wore those suits because of the title "OVER DRIVE".  :-/
^ Oh I agree with this... Let's see maybe the lyrics as well could give us more hints on why they chose to wear those read suits Happy

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Tue Sep 10, 2013 12:16 am



International Performer
International Performer
RINA called them jumpsuits in her blog, not sure if they have a real meaning.

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:08 pm



International Performer
International Performer
i guess we're gonna see the pv maybe within this week.
judging from wisely shiu's screenshots on fb

"For us, the band is more like "life" to us than it is a "job." We're wonderful friends who are sharing life that only happens once." -Rina
17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」 - Page 11 Zd1XFwZ
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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:15 pm

Hawaii fan

Hawaii fan

International Performer
International Performer
Sakidori is airing OVER DRIVE Today and tomorrow as a repeat.

2013/09/10(火) 深夜24:00~24:30 MUSIC ON TV! 「サキドリ! 」

          (「OVER DRIVE」PV、初OA/リピート放送/ 09/11(水)06:00~06:30)

17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」 - Page 11 2282749210 SCANDAL is the Most Powerful Japanese Girl Rock Band  17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」 - Page 11 2282749210


''If there's no Rina, there won't be SCANDAL anymore.''- Ono Haruna

"You can go anywhere.
You can choose the way to go on your own
The answer is for sure not just one

What's your Standard?!" - "STANDARD" SCANDAL
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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:18 pm



International Performer
International Performer
yey!! thanks for that info, sweety .clap. 

maybe we can have the pv in the following hours if someone has recorded it :D

"For us, the band is more like "life" to us than it is a "job." We're wonderful friends who are sharing life that only happens once." -Rina
17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」 - Page 11 Zd1XFwZ
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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:30 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I have it already .clap. I'm gonna watch it

17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」 - Page 11 MUW2SyY
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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:40 pm



International Performer
International Performer
The whole PV? I guess yes but the other day RINA said in the blog the PV is about to be be finalized. And now it's already on air? Not sure if I understood everything but it seems like they were late this time.

Well I hope someone can record it and that we'll get it on youtube and on download .clap. 

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:11 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Ok, it's AMAZING, exactly how I was expecting. But the skeleton scenes are so weird and creepy, I think I'll have nightmares with it, haha' Joking. Best scenario ever, it fits perfectly the song's pop vibe. Anyway, lovely PV, amazing song, very nice arrangements; the chorus sticks in your head forever. jumping, performing, music~

Last edited by Liokt on Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:48 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Tue Sep 10, 2013 8:15 pm



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Here's the video on Dailymotion:

17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」 - Page 11 39iLxaW

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:03 pm

Ono Sasazaki

Ono Sasazaki

Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist

The PV was fantastic!
And we got to hear the rest of the song! Which was also fantastic haha

It did get more intense. It actually just kept getting better and better until the end. It must sound amazing live ^o^

It's been a while since we got a PV with special effects. I quite like those. The electricity and the floating screws were cool. AND TOMO GOT TO DO SOME COOL, SUPERNATURAL THING WITH THE LIGHTBULB xD
I remember reading in the BABY ACTION 100 Q&A that if she were in a movie or TV show, that she'd want to do something in the supernatural area. It may not have been as big as a movie or TV show, but she got to do a little something Tongue

As for the part with the skeletons, I thought those were funny lol

And I'm so glad they included the STANDARD outfits! They're way too cool to not put in there .wow. 

Thanks so much!!~

17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」 - Page 11 NPtInLh
四 天 王 の S C A N D A L
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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Tue Sep 10, 2013 10:11 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Scenery and shot on TV remind me Undisclosed Desire of Muse lol

Anyway, great PV and it might be amazing if it will be in 3D

 SCANDAL live 
2012.07.16 - バンドやろうよ!vol.3
2012.08.21 - Canal City Hakata
2014.06.28/29 - ARENA FESTIVAL DAY 1&2

2014.08.05 - RIJF 2014
2015.04.25/26/30 - HW TOUR 2015
2015.10.21 - TIMM
2016.09.10/17/20/21/24/25 - YELLOW in EUROPE 2016
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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:32 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Wow, that was a great PV!  The skeletons caught me off guard haha.  Now to wait a couple weeks for SCANDAL IN THE HOUSE Tongue

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Re: 17th Single - 「OVER DRIVE」
Posted Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:50 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
LOL omg this PV is so cool! XD
If it's not their best, it's definitely on the top 3
I love the funny skeletons and all the things flying and they jumping on those red suits and the STANDARD outfits .toj. 

And the full song is even better than I thought it would be! It just sounds amazing .wow.

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