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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 00:29



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Huh, who wouldve thought that a lot of fans of a band called SCANDAL who, aside from that word implication, chose to name themselves after an erotic store in osaka, a city known for its night life and red light district, are so conservative. Im getting flashbacks from the reaction to their rolling stones magazine cover a while back where they showed more of their legs than usual.

Its just a videos guys, lighten up. Theyre women in their late 20s. Let them do what they want Happy

Last edited by polysix on Fri Oct 06 2017, 01:06; edited 1 time in total

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 00:33



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Mami and Tomomi kissing part should be cut and the video re-release or release on Youtube without it They should not promote this type of behavior, it's bad and very weird.They are a model for many girls of a high range of ages and most will think something like this is acceptable meanwhile it's not.I never expectat they will do something like this on camera.

In rest it's ok, I like it a lot, especially Haruna, she is awesome.

Don't take me wrong, but I am against this trend (girl + girl/man+man) and the acceptance/integration of everybody in the society.

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 00:41



International Performer
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Well we are all entitled to our own opinion but two grown women kissing is not going to shock anyone these days and if girls want to kiss each other they will, video or no video.

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 01:11



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park23 wrote:Mami and Tomomi kissing part should be cut and the video re-release or release on Youtube without it They should not promote this type of behavior, it's bad and very weird.They are a model for many girls of a high range of ages and most will think something like this is acceptable meanwhile it's not.I never expectat they will do something like this on camera.

Don't take me wrong, but I am against this trend (girl + girl/man+man) and the acceptance/integration of everybody in the society.

What you said is not cool at all. Big text because this is important:

You need to know that saying things like what you said most definitely is hurtful and inconsiderate to any member of SH (or anyone in general) who does in fact identify with any other orientation besides straight. Please don't make those sorts of remarks on here again.

Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」 - Page 5 39iLxaW

2011.7.3 AM2 2012.3.28 SCANDAL vs BUDOKAN 11.3+4 QAT Tour @名古屋 11.10 Happy MUSIC Live 2012 2013.3.3 SCANDAL OSAKA-JO HALL 2013 2014.6.1 HNL Ekiden & Music 2014 6.2 Fan Meeting 2015 HELLO WORLD @ Paris - London - Essen - Chicago - MEX - LA - Anaheim 2016.1.12+13 PERFECT WORLD 5.21 Welcome Fan Meeting 5.22 HNL Ekiden & Music 2016 5.23 Farewell Fan Meeting 8.21 SCAFES 2017 47 Prefecture Tour @ 茨城 - 水戸 - 東京 2018 Special Thanks @ NY - SF - Anaheim - MTY - MEX - Dallas 2022 MIRROR @ Toronto - NY - Boston - Atlanta 2023 UU @ 福岡 - 東京 08.21 Sekai Ichi 2024 LUMINOUS @ 名古屋 - 横浜 - 大阪 - 奈良 10.06 PARASITE DEJAVU 10.08-09 Light & Shade @ 大阪 - 名古屋
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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 01:14



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
@Tonymiller and TGE
Amen to that
I also realized it kinda reminds of their first photo book "Scandal by Scandal" from the Best Scandal album. It's like they took that idea and made it into a music video lol. except minus the revealing night gowns, heck they were practically fresh out of high school when they made that. So this scandalous sensual late night thing is of NO surprise. and i agree it is also like the Taiyou to kimi egaku ga story mv.

Now my eyes really want to watch those last 30 seconds of the pv lol.  and my ears to finally hear Futari fully.

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 01:27



Caless Student
Caless Student
I just wanted to say I loved the music and the kiss.

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 01:37



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I honestly thought the music video will somehow have an intergalactic theme, similar to Image's but with Aliens and UFO's lol.

Anyway, music video is nice. However, I find it quite distracting regarding the scenes where the camera pacing is slow and the beat is fast. Haru looks nice anyway, and of course the song rocks too Happy

Time to hit the lyrics translation for the song to have more depth

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 01:41



Caless Student
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Trigger warning: homophobia

Wait, I'm sorry, I'm just. I rarely comment here but I feel like I should here. I understand that there are still places around the world that are still very conservative. Trying to shake off a particular mindset that you grew up with can be very difficult. I used to think that just leaving people to their "opinions" was fine but I realize now that if we just dismiss homophobic comments or points of view as just "opinions" we promote a culture of hatred.

An opinion is "I think 'Welcome Home' is an overrated song" (this is just an example) or "I think Hello World is the best SCANDAL album." People can disagree with it but that doesn't really antagonize anybody or hurt anyone's feelings. Saying things like "Mami and Tomomi's kissing was super unnecessary. Edit it out because homosexuality is wrong." Or "Homosexuals are disgusting", on the other hand, genuinely hurt.

I'm a half-Japanese lesbian currently living in the Philippines. Both of my countries, although I love them both (admittedly, Japan more than the other), the two of them are still pretty "conservative". I grew up hearing slurs and other hurtful comments thrown at the queer community and it was such a struggle for me bc at a young age, I could p much tell that I didn't seem to be attracted to boys as much as I was "supposed to". I took me literal years to get rid of my internalized homophobia. I would cringe whenever someone joked about me possibly being gay. Once, things got a little out of hand that my mom woke me up in the middle of the night just to interrogate me about my sexuality. I was twelve years old.

I didn't choose this. Honestly, if sexuality were a choice, I wouldn't choose to be gay. I may be pretty comfortable with myself now but life is still just so hard. I can't come out to my parents bc my mother would rather that I commit patricide than turn out gay. I can't introduce my potential future significant other to my parents the way my brother does because instead of being welcomed, my s.o. would be kicked out of the house and me along with her. I'm always so unsure when it comes to introducing myself to people in college because how do I know if they're okay with the queer community or not?

I have two friends living in Russia who are also half-Japanese. They're terrified that they're going to get beaten up should anyone find out that the two of them are gay that they've resorted to fake-dating each other to pass of as "straight". (one's a gay man, the other is a lesbian.)

I have a bisexual friend living in Australia who's just so tired of trying to convince people to vote "yes" to marriage equality. She's had to watch ads that actively tell people to vote "no".

(I could go on about the different struggles my friends and I are dealing with but there are honestly just so many)

It's a struggle to feel validated because majority of every existing form of media is very hetero-centric. There are barely any queer characters in shows or movies and those that exist are more often than not side-characters who are very "token-ized". Most of them end up getting killed. I know this isn't an issue that most non-queer folk can relate to or understand but at least try to hear us out?

IDK. This music video kind of, in a way, made me feel better about myself. SCANDAL has always been a band that I looked up to. One of the things that worried me, however, was their opinion on queer people. I didn't know what they thought about us. Imagine how painful it would be if the people or person you looked up to suddenly said that they didn't like people like you (e.g. race, religion, sexuality). The Koisuru Universe music video, in a way, reassured me that SCANDAL was open-minded, at the very least. They acknowledged our feelings. Personally, I'm a MamiRina shipper, but the fact that they put different moments among the girls that could be interpreted as romantic felt like such a huge weight off my back.

Okay this comment ended up longer than I thought it would be so I'm gonna end with this: Before making comments about the queer community, please remember that we experience hate on an almost daily basis. Members of the queer community have legitimately been killed just because of who they loved. I don't expect to change everyone's mind about whether homosexuality is right or wrong but at least try to be a little more sensitive to other people's feelings. That's all. I'm sorry. Thank you for reading if you managed to get this far.

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 01:50



Caless Student
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park23 wrote:Mami and Tomomi kissing part should be cut and the video re-release or release on Youtube without it They should not promote this type of behavior, it's bad and very weird.They are a model for many girls of a high range of ages and most will think something like this is acceptable meanwhile it's not.I never expectat they will do something like this on camera.

Don't take me wrong, but I am against this trend (girl + girl/man+man) and the acceptance/integration of everybody in the society.
I hope this statement is purely sarcasm because if not,
holy sh*t dude it's already 2017. Catch up on the ideals.

With that said, I loooove the music video and it's aesthetic. It was intriguing and interesting, aside from the superb music ofc. I've been of fan of these girls since 2009, but unfortunately became inactive after STANDARD era. This MV definitely caught my attention back again  LOVE

Qgle wrote:I'm a half-Japanese lesbian currently living in the Philippines. Both of my countries, although I love them both (admittedly, Japan more than the other), the two of them are still pretty "conservative".
OMG hang in there honey! I know our country is miles away from truly accepting homosexuality and gender diversity but we're getting there and people, especially the youth, are slowly but surely being acceptable of people from different walks of life. Exposure to media, like this new MV, that normalizes being queer is a step forward in achieving a more open and accepting society.

Last edited by monchimnim on Fri Oct 06 2017, 02:05; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Additional comment)

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 01:55



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^^  wow Qgle, that was hard to read and I image it was as hard to write down. Virtual hug might mean nothing, but I’m sending you one.
Rina always appeared to me as the most open minded towards lgbtq+ community and I think the others are too. Some of their love songs do not talk specifically about boys and they can be used for any kind of love.

I mean, I had some stupid awkward feelings about the food aesthetics (fault on kpop mv that over abuse it), but writing down homophobic comments is just absurd. It hurts people, it hurts scandal’s genuine effort to portrait a new side of love and a new side of a girl life. They want to be a band that any girl can find something to relate to. If this disturbs you, maybe you should reflect.

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 02:01



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Thanks for wrighting and sharing that @Qgle

Its a universe of love guys Happy 
No one should be excluded in sending and receiving love.

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 02:13



International Performer
International Performer
We have no idea about SCANDAL's opinion on this PV at the moment and I look forward to reading them but my youngest daughter is gay and also being half Indian that has been hard for her at times, I dont care what she is as long as she is happy myself.
Luckily the UK is pretty easy going compared to some countries and she can even marry if she wants to.

Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」 - Page 5 Sig_sc10
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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 02:15



Caless Student
Caless Student
ops, no one said anything about lgbt community
pls dont turn this into discussion about that..
this is scandal forum 
btw, i really like the mv
ps: i ship TomoRina more lol ahaha

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 02:17



Caless Student
Caless Student
This MV bothered my heart.
because I am truly in love with him.
I would like to leave my most beautiful opnão that the LGBT public is beautiful and I am bisexual, I only have to thank for every moment of scandal. ^^ LOVE

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 02:26



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Art has always provoked people, and rock music in particular has traditionally been rebellious. It's not only a good thing, but a necessary thing to challenge your own world view; and from it expand and grow as a person.

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 03:34



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I really liked the new  MV, even though I wasn't expecting the kiss between MAMI and TOMOMI. I don't know why people is turning into haters just because of the kiss, I mean the girls are in their late 20's, they know what they are doing and it's their choice

Also about the single, I'll be missing the instrumental of Koisuru Universe for sure Sad

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 03:35



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I totally feel you, @Qgle. I'm also gay and it's pretty awful to go outside with "flashy" clothes or to held hands with your boyfriend while walking on the streets. And one of the things that concerned me the most about loving japanese culture overall is that Japan simply don't know how to deal with LGBT community even nowadays. Yeah, yaoi and yuri influences are all over the place, but it has nothing to do with support LGBT people or open discussions about LGBT rights (I personally think it can be prejudicial sometimes because it can create a lot of misunderstandings about gay people lives). So that's why I somehow feel, hm, wrong for support a pop culture that only capitalizes towards the idea of "being gay" but almost don't give a damn about real-life gay people.

That's being said, I truly disliked that photobook from "BEST SCANDAL" and the sexual innuendos on "Taiyou to Kimi ga Egaku STORY" MV because 1) I was pretty immature and 2) I felt like they were just doing what they were told to do. I mean, in that time, they were not that involved in the things they were doing. Because, just like myself, they were immature enough to feel "cool" by doing sexy silly things just for the pleasure of doing it (and for the sake of catch attention and make money, of course, because we all know music industry can be that dirty). But now, they're in a completely different moment of their lives. They're not inexperient girls just being conduced by some staff anymore - c'mon, they're composing and writing their own songs! That's why I'm seeing this new MV with brand-new eyes. I actually felt some kind of excitement while watching it for the first time. It isn't "girls doing sexy stuff to catch the attention of male audience"; for me it has more to do with female empowerment (even more than LGBT empowerment) and the power of love. The song itself has an unique atmosphere of "universal love", and the MV shows that any kind of love is good. And I'm okay with the food scenes... Am I the only one? hahaha

And no @strawhatcrew, I totally disagree with you. We just can not let it go, we must talk about it always, until the day when hurtful comments like the one from @park23 won't exist anymore. Because this kind of comment are killing people all over the world right now.

Last edited by Liokt on Fri Oct 06 2017, 04:20; edited 1 time in total

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 04:05



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
This band never stands still. There's always surprise, surprise, and sure there'll be more coming.
Just a "love song" but a rocker with an aggressive video.. 
Remember their last single was Freedom Fighters.
Anyway audio and live performance is the real test. From the first audio I thought "I won't like this one." But the sound really comes through here. Let's see what they do with it live. 
What a great band

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 04:34



Caless Student
Caless Student
everyone talking about "kiss" part, but i think the worst part where RINA and MAMI ate ice-cream. this part really looks unsightly, i think they could make this scene neater. in the rest that's a great M/V))))

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 04:59



Caless Student
Caless Student
i like Haruna's Chuck Taylor tho i can't stop staring at that
also my fav scene

and about the girl x girl kissin scene didn't affect me that much, just kinda surprise(and it doesn't matter if they dated each other in real life) cuz i've known this feeling before when my favorite singer released a MV with girl kiss girl scene (Avril Lavigne - Rock n Roll) and that wasn't even fan service :p 
looking forward for their next studio album  .love.

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 06:07



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Love the song and the video. Four strong, confident women. Lyrics that beautifully express the universal theme and feelings of love and longing. It's a wonderful video. You go women of SCANDAL!

I love smiling Tomomi, but I love serious Tomomi, too. It seems like there are deep thoughts going on when she's like that. She's a bit mysterious, and who doesn't love a mystery?

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 06:18



Caless Student
Caless Student
Ahh, the song is amazing. I didn't really dig it hearing the radio rip, but after listening to it multiple times I can't get it out of my head. Can't wait for the full single release.

The video got me shocked though, but again after digesting it for a few hours... I like it XD lightning and editing are high level  CANTA Thumbs

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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 06:42

Ono Sasazaki

Ono Sasazaki

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The aesthetics of this video are really, really cool. When listening to Koisuru Universe this was definitely not the look I was imagining in my head, but seeing it now it fits so well! I love Haru's part of just walking down the street singing and dancing to the song. Her outfit also looks really cool (those shoes man lol)

Now as for that kiss. Initially, I just summed it up to fanservice. I'm sure they know that some of the fanbase likes to ship them, and with the name of the song being "A Universe in Love" I assumed they just took this chance to give a little wink to those fans who ship them.
However, I've rewatched the video many times and I've thought more about it.
The lyrics of this song, as far as I know, never specify that this song is about a boy and a girl in love. Just about two people in love. That makes me think that kiss was more than just fanservice. It's made me feel like they decided to put that part in in order to drive forward the meaning of the song more. It's a song about love. About two people in love. It doesn't matter if those two people are of the same gender. Love is love. 
And honestly, as someone who is gay, this makes me love and respect SCANDAL all the more. It makes me appreciate the song more. I already loved the song a lot, but with all of this it just makes me love it even more lol
But all of this is just speculation until we have some form of confirmation from the members themselves. But I still strongly feel this is what they wanted to convey.

As for the rest of the video, I thought the Rina and Tomomi parts were really cute. We don't get to see them together all that often. And I will agree, those scenes where they're eating food do feel kinda unnecessary. I don't get it lol

Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」 - Page 5 NPtInLh
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"Koisuru Universe" Music Video (HD)
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 07:23



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HD (1080i) version of the full PV (includes the final 30 seconds of the song) from M-ON!:

Edit: Unfortunately, our account was deleted and so was this video, thanks to a certain label. :/ Working on reupping it.

Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」 - Page 5 39iLxaW

2011.7.3 AM2 2012.3.28 SCANDAL vs BUDOKAN 11.3+4 QAT Tour @名古屋 11.10 Happy MUSIC Live 2012 2013.3.3 SCANDAL OSAKA-JO HALL 2013 2014.6.1 HNL Ekiden & Music 2014 6.2 Fan Meeting 2015 HELLO WORLD @ Paris - London - Essen - Chicago - MEX - LA - Anaheim 2016.1.12+13 PERFECT WORLD 5.21 Welcome Fan Meeting 5.22 HNL Ekiden & Music 2016 5.23 Farewell Fan Meeting 8.21 SCAFES 2017 47 Prefecture Tour @ 茨城 - 水戸 - 東京 2018 Special Thanks @ NY - SF - Anaheim - MTY - MEX - Dallas 2022 MIRROR @ Toronto - NY - Boston - Atlanta 2023 UU @ 福岡 - 東京 08.21 Sekai Ichi 2024 LUMINOUS @ 名古屋 - 横浜 - 大阪 - 奈良 10.06 PARASITE DEJAVU 10.08-09 Light & Shade @ 大阪 - 名古屋
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Re: Digital Single - 「Koisuru Universe」
Posted Fri Oct 06 2017, 08:25



International Performer
International Performer
@TGE thank you for your hard work, as always, you're the best .hail. 

now, about the MV.
All  "O_O" type of reactions are understandable, I get that, cuz I, myself, was shocked when I saw "THE" scene, but for some reason, some people decided to leave SCANDAL because of that, that's a thing I don't really understand( I saw a lot of comments like this on Instagram as well as on Youtube and Facebook).

Music Video is very aesthetically pleasing(K-Pop influence I guess, but I like it), the song is a bomber and for me, video perfectly describes the lyrics. Many of you've already mentioned that one line, but Imma still insert it here, to make clear what I'm talking about:
a universe in love
Even God can't get in the way
Of a pair drawn to each other"

The message behind this song/MV is that love is universal and no one must be isolated from society for being in love with someone, at least that's how I see and I really appreciate that + a great fan service for shippers(including me lol) and I don't understand why this deserved so much, I can say, hate? Why would you be disappointed in a band for just a little kiss scene. They've been together for 11 years, they're VERY close to each other and I don't see any problem here, they're, like, friends for life and I'm surprised that even people, who've been following them for years, now decided to stop. Everyone knows how they feel about each other, right? I respect and admire their friendship and the kiss scene hasn't ruined that for me in any case. I'm more than just satisfied with the music video, but I feel sad for girls, because some of the people are spamming their IG with the comments like "I'm disappointed in this group", "please, don't do this again", "The worst MV", etc.

And I also don't understand why some ask for the uniforms again. COME ON, PEOPLE, THEY'RE NEARLY 30, THEY'RE NOT 18 YEARS OLD ANYMORE, THEY'VE GROWN UP AND IT'S 2017.

P.S I'm a hardcore TOMAMI shipper but the most enjoyable part of the video was Haru's jumping oh my god, she looked beautiful!!!!

Last edited by Mitchan on Fri Oct 06 2017, 08:31; edited 1 time in total

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