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Posted Fri Jul 15, 2022 11:49 pm


Caless Student
Caless Student
I’ll be at The Masquerade around 4:45PM! I’ll be wearing a green Yu Yu Hakusho shirt, so if you see me then don’t be afraid to say hello!! I’ll be in the VIP line while being a nervous wreck 🤣🤣🤣 

Today is the day, everyone!!!

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Food terminal Atlanta
Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:18 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
If you're looking for a Pre-Scandal dinner in the ATL pre Masquerade & want to feel like your going to a show in Osaka try the 'Food terminal' Asian run traditional noodle house great tea too + good prices.

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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:24 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
I'm soo nervous and excited for The House Of Blue CHICAGO tomorrow.
I Plan on leaving around 3:00 p.m.??? then try and find parking......

I cut my hair for the VIP Pic, undecided if i want to wear my glasses or my contacts, also what pose im gonna do ..... I want to get a Tour shirt/if i cant ill just show up in a basic white T.

Im in the front area , but i dont want to get real close to the stage, ill be in the middle so i can take pics and video of them entering the stage for the gram/youtube 

Let me know if there will be a meetup. its raining right now here, but its expected to be cloudy tomorrow at 70 degrees F.


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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:29 am


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KaminariShock wrote:I'm soo nervous and excited for The House Of Blue CHICAGO tomorrow.
I Plan on leaving around 3:00 p.m.??? then try and find parking......

I cut my hair for the VIP Pic, undecided if i want to wear my glasses or my contacts, also what pose im gonna do ..... I want to get a Tour shirt/if i cant ill just show up in a basic white T.

Im in the front area , but i dont want to get real close to the stage, ill be in the middle so i can take pics and video of them entering the stage for the gram/youtube 

Let me know if there will be a meetup. its raining right now here, but its expected to be cloudy tomorrow at 70 degrees F.

I also got a haircut for the VIP picture! We gotta look good for SCANDAL!! haha. 

I wonder how long we get to talk to them before/after the photo. Is it like, 30 seconds? 2 minutes? If anyone has any info from prior VIP on this tour then it would be appreciated!! Happy

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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:56 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
WhosyoScandal wrote:
KaminariShock wrote:I'm soo nervous and excited for The House Of Blue CHICAGO tomorrow.
I Plan on leaving around 3:00 p.m.??? then try and find parking......

I cut my hair for the VIP Pic, undecided if i want to wear my glasses or my contacts, also what pose im gonna do ..... I want to get a Tour shirt/if i cant ill just show up in a basic white T.

Im in the front area , but i dont want to get real close to the stage, ill be in the middle so i can take pics and video of them entering the stage for the gram/youtube 

Let me know if there will be a meetup. its raining right now here, but its expected to be cloudy tomorrow at 70 degrees F.

I also got a haircut for the VIP picture! We gotta look good for SCANDAL!! haha. 

I wonder how long we get to talk to them before/after the photo. Is it like, 30 seconds? 2 minutes? If anyone has any info from prior VIP on this tour then it would be appreciated!! Happy

HARU laugh HARU heart MAMI plz TOMO plz RINA photo

I dont know what i'll say, i dont know japanese Sad

I'll just walk in and wave/say hello, give the assistant my phone [idk if i should do it in night mode/ or the regular setting with flash ]

Pose, then say thank you lol

i just remembered i need to clean my phones camera lenses


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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 2:23 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
KaminariShock wrote:

HARU laugh HARU heart MAMI plz TOMO plz RINA photo

I'll just walk in and wave/say hello, give the assistant my phone [idk if i should do it in night mode/ or the regular setting with flash ]
I think having flash turned on might be unwelcome. I'd say regular mode. You could also try some test shots at home.

Friendship. Effort. Victory.
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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 2:50 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
I believe you are ushered in a room where the girls are in a row behind you. There is a chair for you to sit in. I believe the interaction with speaking to them is about 30 seconds. So you can't say much other than hello. Remember this is an hour before the show. If there are 50-100 VIPs you have 45-60 minutes to get thru it. 

I would have hoped that since they have hired a professional photographer to commemorate this tour for a DVD/book he'd take the photo not a handler security guard from the venue.

It's instantaneous so the chances of it turning out great are pretty slim unless you're really photogenic. I doubt there'll be poses as that takes time. 

Remember we're there for the show not to distract or disrupt there pre-show routine. Would you rather have a great show or a great picture?

Every M/G I've been to a professional took the photo uploaded it to a page and you downloaded it a day or 2 after. They've never used my phone especially during COVID.

Just my 2 cents.. just be natural guys you'll be fine...

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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 3:02 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
Ok ill just say hello when i enter .
i'm not photogenic lol SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2022 "MIRROR" - Page 9 1f62c .
i checked instagram/scandals page. and went to their tagged photos. It seems everyone is doing the Peace sign pose. i guess i'll do a heart or if i'm able to get merch , ill pose with the towel.

Yea a pro photographer would have been cool.


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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 3:05 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I hope everyone enjoys the Live! I was there for the Hello World Tour in O2 Islington and it was a great experience. 

Unfortunately I was late to the ticket sales reopening so will not be attending this year. But I hope everyone has a great time in the upcoming lives!

SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2022 "MIRROR" - Page 9 Scanda11
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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 9:52 am



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Atlanta setlist (if you wish to discuss any part of it, please put it under a spoiler):



2011.7.3 AM2 2012.3.28 SCANDAL vs BUDOKAN 11.3+4 QAT Tour @名古屋 11.10 Happy MUSIC Live 2012 2013.3.3 SCANDAL OSAKA-JO HALL 2013 2014.6.1 HNL Ekiden & Music 2014 6.2 Fan Meeting 2015 HELLO WORLD @ Paris - London - Essen - Chicago - MEX - LA - Anaheim 2016.1.12+13 PERFECT WORLD 5.21 Welcome Fan Meeting 5.22 HNL Ekiden & Music 2016 5.23 Farewell Fan Meeting 8.21 SCAFes 2017.7.14 47 Prefecture Tour @ 茨城 - 水戸 - 東京 2018 Special Thanks @NY - SF - Anaheim - MTY - MEX - Dallas 2022 MIRROR @Toronto - NY - Boston - Atlanta 2023 UU @ 福岡 - 東京 08.21 Sekai Ichi 2024 LUMINOUS @ 名古屋 - 横浜 - 大阪 - 奈良
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Atlanta No spoilers
Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:59 am


Caless Student
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Atlanta may have been a small venue but that was the most emotional show I've ever seen! It was amazing the energy emotion they showed to us & we to them It was intense (reciprocal real emotion)I was in tears of joy & excitement at the end.

I truly love this band! They made friends with all of us that attended tonight. May God continue to bless them. 

Get to these shows!

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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 11:25 am


Caless Student
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The show was absolutely incredible. 

I met and befriended the entire group of people on the front left side of the stage. We all sang together, cheered together and hyped each other up when we got tired. It was absolutely amazing. 

Shout out to Neil at the front row... as the encore started, he grabbed my shoulder and said: "Bro.. I've been to a lot of SCANDAL shows... and you earned this. Take my spot." He let me stand against the rail for the encore and I pretty much cried over his kindness. The same goes for his friend, sorry I don't know the name. 

I met a couple, Sunny and Joe, in the parking deck because I was lost and couldn't find the new venue for the masquerade. We ended up all three having VIP and we spent the entire night together partying with Scandal. 

When the guy Neil let me stand against the rail for the encore, he also let this girl Sunny stand front row with us. SCANDAL BABY was incredible!!! 

At the end of the show, Neil told me that he's been to every show on this tour in US and he said "Atlanta hands down blew every other city away... incredible". 

There were a few moments where I caught the bands attention from the crowd. If you heard a guy yell "TOMOMI-SENPAIIIII!!!!", then that was me!! Haha. The crowd laughed, then Tomomi giggled and bowed directly at me. She then made a heart gesture with her hands. 

I'm just.... blown away. Not only by the performance of SCANDAL, but the diversity and kindness of the crowd. I made at least 10 new friends tonight and we all saved each others info after the show. It was an absolutely beautiful experience. 

The entire purpose of music is to bring people together... and SCANDAL did that TENFOLD while in a foreign country to them. 


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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 11:57 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
This was my first Scandal show.

I started listening to them a little bit in 2019 at the urging of a fellow Band-Maid fan and huge Scandal fan, Chester, who I believe is on this forum.

Thanks to him I was able to get in touch with TGE as she had a spare VIP ticket so upgraded from my GA ticket I bought 2 years ago. So big thanks to Jade and crew!!!!! Y'all were amazing and so happy I got meet you all!

I was the big guy in front of Tomo with the Band-Maid shirt on (lol, don't have Scandal merch to wear)I know show noticed me and got her give a little laugh when Haru was introducing
at the start of the encore.

I was also the one who yelled out, "Y'all come back, ya hear!" a very traditional Southern greeting! Happy

This show was way better than I expected and I had high expectations....

All I have to say I SOOOOOOOO THANKFUL they put
as I was F-ing GASSSSSSED. LOL.

Tomomi was amazing... as were Haru, Rina, and Mami. What an incredible group of talented women.

Brian from Atlanta. Band-Maid: MISA/Akane Scandal: Rina/Mami
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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 12:01 pm


Caless Student
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BMC wrote:This was my first Scandal show.

I started listening to them a little bit in 2019 at the urging of a fellow Band-Maid fan and huge Scandal fan, Chester, who I believe is on this forum.

Thanks to him I was able to get in touch with TGE as she had a spare VIP ticket so upgraded from my GA ticket I bought 2 years ago. So big thanks to Jade and crew!!!!! Y'all were amazing and so happy I got meet you all!

I was the big guy in front of Tomo with the Band-Maid shirt on (lol, don't have Scandal merch to wear)I know show noticed me and got her give a little laugh when Haru was introducing
at the start of the encore.

I was also the one who yelled out, "Y'all come back, ya hear!" a very traditional Southern greeting! Happy

This show was way better than I expected and I had high expectations....

All I have to say I SOOOOOOOO THANKFUL they put
as I was F-ing GASSSSSSED. LOL.

Tomomi was amazing... as were Haru, Rina, and Mami. What an incredible group of talented women.

DUDE!!! It's me!! I'm the guy you told the Band-MEIKO story to!! I had the green YYH shirt!! It was such a pleasure meeting you, man!!! Til next time!!

P.S: Your "Y'all come back, ya hear!" was LEGENDARY!!! LOL

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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 12:32 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
one week away from anaheim show. eci(?) posted on a different thread about meeting up before and/or after the show. anything like that going on? wouldnt mind meeting some forum members. but if not, all good. ill have my kids with me anyway (both adults). 

kinda bummed to not see Koe on any of the setlists (unless i missed it) but not complaining. i understand. glad to see flashback no5 on there as it is a closet favorite of mine. hoping shoujo s shows up on the anaheim setlist as well. and cant wait to hear mirror live. and please dont look at me if they play aininara... im not crying, youre crying!

anyway, i guess vip tix get in early. ill be at the bar in a black dickies shirt with the melting ice cream design on the back. say hi if you wanna.

SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2022 "MIRROR" - Page 9 D-nOLcIWcdzO3x-gFwiBTnRzK4Gvi9FzHbhNatgXYiJEx4k2DnK8HPqoLQBfG_Ui2S8hn9IgPbDrUIdFNrqX7eSa_JtrlofkdjN49_-gltFvp-ne9Xfi2tpTNaW34rvck7ThwpQdyEiqwxAwA-RJHkKo8YqzkZsQcheLMRW7fkF4MioezYaGPxhGatIEb1iAIiOyb6kTBv4kEE1k8hUx0j_ycDkbhbfRPEhj8DccqB4Me0hb3sFw05Kn1fGkFV96HTnbVzmnZ-FFF-E18GkYhnA90gFtrmnOhUFnnR53ndmwJc5Zrt4pdr3NNzkvaJ_nd5BSpYMclI_BY1UBQNuUsmHOL5V9EApcN40LDcPJFgl07M8ln2hV3-U0Kp0fbu1UkYnzRey3GLWYNNaRzRxyi9LybxKvxFHBXP-xvh7LxwGLXp8OlQQZpd4BDof9GOL7ZucDpDFKM0eiQd8QwNYbJnPOzCesWiVOVx0RaZazgV2fDUcCIY78Kuo5QgmgJoClZyuZQ3u5F1jELJnM3bF1JBMeD0YmIKxQvvb1EYOMD63AVt42votGZxQCqhm3wbJSNX8ZHgfSPwtXyvomJnBwljMf5YlwUUZkkww1N8dCuVaaTwUTVK6LTqOx2KynJ5uX_ZuNGBvqdskb9OwkJftsb8l0OjX1KOOvI2m0_FE0H10i5JUkY2RiB852QvvucnSRHhHQ8n1cn4Q2dyXpr67hyuopLvMG6uHr3P94tBo-9kJQ9nXfPb3Gidugzn3e854=w1797-h809-no?authuser=0
disclaimer: this is a one-off (other than the one i made for band maid in october). i made it myself. i will not make any more. i will not sell any. i still plan to buy legitimate merch. support the band.

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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 1:40 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
KaminariShock wrote:Ok ill just say hello when i enter .
i'm not photogenic lol SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2022 "MIRROR" - Page 9 1f62c .
i checked instagram/scandals page. and went to their tagged photos. It seems everyone is doing the Peace sign pose. i guess i'll do a heart or if i'm able to get merch , ill pose with the towel.

Yea a pro photographer would have been cool.

I'm also going to the Chicago show! If you or anyone else want to meet up before please let me know, since I'll be going by myself. Excited for tomorrow and to see everyone. Will also need to study up for the setlist. The "Mirror" album wasn't exactly my favorite album but I'll rock out to it anyway.

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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 9:32 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
I'll probably show up at the line around 4ish
Yea i also need to study the Romanji lyrics to sing along tonight 

RINA yay RINA dance


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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:13 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
It looks like they're using the same amps at each show. Did they make their own arrangements, rather than relying on the promoter to provide them?
Also, it might be an idea to figure out a way for the line for Vancouver to form a block north in front of the courthouse. On Google street view it looks like there are fewer "campers" up there. Then when the doors open, everyone could march over in a column.

Friendship. Effort. Victory.
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Posted Sat Jul 16, 2022 10:19 pm



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hogradish wrote: Then when the doors open, everyone could march over in a column.
The Imperial march, you could say?

SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2022 "MIRROR" - Page 9 Spotwr10SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2022 "MIRROR" - Page 9 Spotwr11
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Posted Sun Jul 17, 2022 12:10 am



Global Moderator
Global Moderator
WhosyoScandal wrote:The show was absolutely incredible. 

I met and befriended the entire group of people on the front left side of the stage. We all sang together, cheered together and hyped each other up when we got tired. It was absolutely amazing. 

Shout out to Neil at the front row... as the encore started, he grabbed my shoulder and said: "Bro.. I've been to a lot of SCANDAL shows... and you earned this. Take my spot." He let me stand against the rail for the encore and I pretty much cried over his kindness. The same goes for his friend, sorry I don't know the name. 

I met a couple, Sunny and Joe, in the parking deck because I was lost and couldn't find the new venue for the masquerade. We ended up all three having VIP and we spent the entire night together partying with Scandal. 

When the guy Neil let me stand against the rail for the encore, he also let this girl Sunny stand front row with us. SCANDAL BABY was incredible!!! 

At the end of the show, Neil told me that he's been to every show on this tour in US and he said "Atlanta hands down blew every other city away... incredible". 

There were a few moments where I caught the bands attention from the crowd. If you heard a guy yell "TOMOMI-SENPAIIIII!!!!", then that was me!! Haha. The crowd laughed, then Tomomi giggled and bowed directly at me. She then made a heart gesture with her hands. 

I'm just.... blown away. Not only by the performance of SCANDAL, but the diversity and kindness of the crowd. I made at least 10 new friends tonight and we all saved each others info after the show. It was an absolutely beautiful experience. 

The entire purpose of music is to bring people together... and SCANDAL did that TENFOLD while in a foreign country to them. 


I'm glad you had a good time, i was the guy next to Neil and can confirm Neil is the GOAT

Atlanta showed up for sure! HARU omg

SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2022 "MIRROR" - Page 9 Slide-13
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Posted Sun Jul 17, 2022 12:22 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
Y'all... I can't stop thinking about this show last night and getting overly emotional. I have been waiting 2 FREAKING YEARS!!!! to finally be able to see them live and it was more than worth it.

What an amazing group of women. What an amazing show. I hope we were as good of an audience as they were performers. I tried my best to be a good member, I hope it was good enough. Happy

Brian from Atlanta. Band-Maid: MISA/Akane Scandal: Rina/Mami
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Posted Sun Jul 17, 2022 1:40 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Can’t wait to see everyone tonight! 

What time does the VIP start for the Chicago show tonight ?

Thanks so much for the help in advance! So excited!

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Posted Sun Jul 17, 2022 1:43 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
thoseguiltyeyes wrote:
Jpop379 wrote:I was hoping I'd hear about a goodie bag  for VIPs & how the m/g went? + About the ring some girl gave Haru? 🤔

No actual goodie bag; the "gift" that they're giving VIPs are:


And during one of the MCs, a girl in the audience yelled out to HARU if she'd marry her. HARU laughed and said "Ii yo (okay)" while giving a thumbs up. Shortly after, the girl came up to the front row and handed HARU a ring. HARU again laughed and put it on her index finger.

A bit late to the discussion but I remember Haruna giving the ring a good look over before sizing it up for her finger.  That was a long moment.  I know it was a serious moment for the one giving the ring.  Typical concert craziness though.

hogradish wrote:Mami's outfit looks like it barely survived some sort of lawn mower incident, but I kinda like it. It's like a Picasso or something, the way curves are turned into flat planes.  Denim seems to be the theme running through the outfits. I guess the only thing more American would be outfits made out of cheeseburgers, lol.
I'm too new to have an opinion about the set list.
Last time I counted, they were 118 seats short of selling out the venue. That's easily over 1000.

Oh, and Legacy Hall seems to have changed some of the seating, so the GA area is smaller. I don't know what that means. Ticket sales less than anticipated?

The temperatures in Texas will be intense!  Here in Central Texas, we have had non-stop days of 100F+.  I'm wondering how any of us at the venue will survive!  Umbrellas aren't allowed in the venue but take one anyway if you are going to wait in line.  Dump it at the door.

clem84 wrote:Not a huge fan of the last two albums so the set list was a bit of a let down. The show was still amazing! First time seeing them since Anime central in 2015. It was surreal.

Yeah, this has to be the first concert I've ever gone to where you couldn't buy the band's t shirt. Pretty big bummer. I was hoping it was going to be the most recent t shirts they showed on social media. I'm thinking of asking someone I know to buy a tshirt at one of the upcoming US shows.

Something I was wondering during the concert. I don't know if the band enjoys seeing all those people holding their phones and taking pictures and videos. I'm guilty of it too. I took a few pictures and videos during the concert. At some point in the concert the look on Tomomi's face had me wondering if they might be a little irritated by it. I think I'll refrain from using my phone next concert.

If you never have been to one of your favorite band's concerts, take some photos and videos.  You will want to remember it sometime down the road.  Guilty pleasures.  Keep in mind they explicitly prohibit filming in Japanese venues.  If the band really didn't want photography, they had every opportunity to prohibit the use at the venue.  Once you get past your first few concerts, you'll stow the phone and enjoy the event minus the lens.  From time to time, the bands in Japanese venues will allow the attendees to take photos and local the fans jump at the opportunity.

Been following the band since they were teenagers and I was in my early 20s.  I do hope they keep touring.  That's not to say I'm not without criticisms.  Previous discussions in mind, I've never stopped trying to tell the band, "I have money to give you!  Make it easier for me to do that!"  They've really missed opportunities to expand the official fan club and sell merchandise.  

That said, I'll be catching up with them in Dallas.  I noticed some issues with the sound in Toronto but every venue is different and maybe that's the just the flavor of the day.  Did I have any less fun?  Nope.  

I just picked up their latest summer shirts from the ROOFTOP ONLINE STORE.  Try Blackship if you don't know that proxy.  The staff still gives a personalized service and will even do "errands" if the price is right.  I think I was the only one I saw with an actual "Mirror" shirt in Toronto besides staff.

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Posted Sun Jul 17, 2022 2:55 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
cantacanta wrote:
clem84 wrote:Not a huge fan of the last two albums so the set list was a bit of a let down. The show was still amazing! First time seeing them since Anime central in 2015. It was surreal.

Yeah, this has to be the first concert I've ever gone to where you couldn't buy the band's t shirt. Pretty big bummer. I was hoping it was going to be the most recent t shirts they showed on social media. I'm thinking of asking someone I know to buy a tshirt at one of the upcoming US shows.

Something I was wondering during the concert. I don't know if the band enjoys seeing all those people holding their phones and taking pictures and videos. I'm guilty of it too. I took a few pictures and videos during the concert. At some point in the concert the look on Tomomi's face had me wondering if they might be a little irritated by it. I think I'll refrain from using my phone next concert.

If you never have been to one of your favorite band's concerts, take some photos and videos.  You will want to remember it sometime down the road.  Guilty pleasures.  Keep in mind they explicitly prohibit filming in Japanese venues.  If the band really didn't want photography, they had every opportunity to prohibit the use at the venue.  Once you get past your first few concerts, you'll stow the phone and enjoy the event minus the lens.  From time to time, the bands in Japanese venues will allow the attendees to take photos and local the fans jump at the opportunity.

Last night in Atlanta was my first ever Scandal show and I took very few pics or videos. I did record Tomo singing Ai no Shoutai because that song is GLORIOUS but I decided to fully immerse myself in the show the first time and not try to record the experience... do I regret not having a bunch of pics and videos on my phone of the show?

A little bit... but it's far outweighed by the immense HIGH that I am still one half a day later. Happy

I know that others near me were recording and taking pics so I can always find them and listen to my blown out voice trying to shout and sing along in horrible Japanese with this amazing band. LOL

I just hope I didn't annoy the people around me with my craziness....  SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2022 "MIRROR" - Page 9 1f605

Tour update:

There was a tweet about Tomomi having tested positive for Covid and Chicago/Vancouver being cancelled but now it appears to have been deleted....

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Posted Sun Jul 17, 2022 3:51 am



It's official: TOMO has tested positive and both their Chicago and Vancouver shows have been postponed.



2011.7.3 AM2 2012.3.28 SCANDAL vs BUDOKAN 11.3+4 QAT Tour @名古屋 11.10 Happy MUSIC Live 2012 2013.3.3 SCANDAL OSAKA-JO HALL 2013 2014.6.1 HNL Ekiden & Music 2014 6.2 Fan Meeting 2015 HELLO WORLD @ Paris - London - Essen - Chicago - MEX - LA - Anaheim 2016.1.12+13 PERFECT WORLD 5.21 Welcome Fan Meeting 5.22 HNL Ekiden & Music 2016 5.23 Farewell Fan Meeting 8.21 SCAFes 2017.7.14 47 Prefecture Tour @ 茨城 - 水戸 - 東京 2018 Special Thanks @NY - SF - Anaheim - MTY - MEX - Dallas 2022 MIRROR @Toronto - NY - Boston - Atlanta 2023 UU @ 福岡 - 東京 08.21 Sekai Ichi 2024 LUMINOUS @ 名古屋 - 横浜 - 大阪 - 奈良
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