Most Talented [Page 3 of 5]

Re: Most Talented
Posted Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:35 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
In my opinion, although I like Rina the most among the group. I must agree with the some here that Tomomi is the most talented.

Being able to play guitar, bass guitar and drums(a little) myself, I must say that in terms of playing along with vocals, playing the bass guitar is the hardest. I give Tomomi the biggest credit for that. She's an excellent bass guitar player.

but they're all talented... they all play very well

I still wish that Rina upgrades her drum set... I know she can take her drumming to the next level

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:11 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
..That's why I am so proud to be a Bass guitar player.. TOJ Onion

but still a solid Mami fan..


me want you..
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Most Talented - Page 3 Scandal_logo_stamp_by_haritomi-d5it41eMost Talented - Page 3 Mami_stamp_4_by_haritomi-d5iskhe
(c)d3nise or (c)haritomi
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Re: Most Talented
Posted Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:07 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
I have to agree with the majority that Tomomi is the most talented.

Of course as what most people here is saying here playing bass while singing is a hard thing to do Nice one

Most Talented - Page 3 Scanda12

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:46 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
i think all of them have their own unique skills and talents.So I have to say they are all equally talented.. Most Talented - Page 3 924158

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:16 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Tomomi <3
Wow, I bet no one saw that coming Tongue
I like how she adds onto the simple pop song formula and adds layers of complexity. For example Koe is a pop punkish song and Tomomi's bass playing is amazing on it! No offense to anyone but I have never heard such a good bass arrangement on a pop punk song....

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:32 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I think that this question from the very start is actually unfair. Just like how the TS said, "all have different roles in the band".

But, based on the way they play their instruments then definitely Tomomi is the most talented.

There's an undeniable fact that bassists have more freedom towards the way they play their instruments without changing the mood and the context of the song, so they could improve more then other instrument players. Just like how TomomiSlapThatBass took Koe as an example, this song is a forward, straight and direct song. In this song, Tomomi played a lot of fills which made the song more interesting While the others could only stick to the main pattern.

However, this is also the main reason why a lot of people think that bassists are "insignificant". Not me though.

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Tue Feb 05, 2013 4:29 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
if most talented in the group, I'll go with MAMI coz she has amazing guitar skills, can draw, can play drums, writes songs too, can sing too .....

if most unique, I'll go with TOMO Happy

but then again, they have different personalities and excels in different ways. They are all TALENTED Happy

Most Talented - Page 3 Vlcsna10 Most Talented - Page 3 Vlcsna11

SCANDAL.MAMI  .smile. 
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Re: Most Talented
Posted Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:04 pm


I can't choose just one. All of them are really talented. I admire them so much.

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Fri May 10, 2013 11:42 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I feel that Rina is the most talented of the band. Second for me is Mami, and third is Tomomi. Here's why:
Rina: she can play drums, she can play piano ( a very hard instrument), she can play guitar (Koshi-Tantan solo, anyone? Note: studio version only), she obviously has an understanding of the bass, and guitar, because send composes, she can sing and dance, and she can write. What else do you need? It's amazing to be able to do all these things. And she can play the shaker and tambourine. And she is a determined musician who is always working to make her work better, and she has an unbelievable consistency in her live playing.
Mami: she plays guitar her great( her solos are crazy sometimes IMO, and she plays them very well. I'm not a guitarist, but I am a bassist, and I can see if something is difficult, and some solos look very hard. Again, my opinion.), she plays drums well, she draws the best of the band, she cooks the best of the band, she is a gamer, she can sing backup well and lead vocals, and she makes some great compositions(Want You, and Hikare with Rina), and her lyrics aren't too shabby( Queens are Trumps, Want You, Shoujo M). She may not be too consistent, but she improves, and she tries her best.
Tomomi: an amazing bassist. A great singer( although lately it has been iffy). She writes touching lyrics, and I don't know if she composes or not. I know how hard it is too sing and play bass. I've tried while playing bass(like Shoujo S, and Koi no Kajitsu are hard. Kagerou is pretty easy). Her backup vocals sure good too.
Haruna is a great singer and dancer, but I feel like her guitar playing skills aren't lived up to. She can play without looking at her guitar, and that's amazing.
But SCANDAL is a talented, determined band so they're all special. .clap.

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Sat May 11, 2013 12:46 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I vote for TOMOMI, because she is unique. A voice like that and playing a bass at the same time. And on them, I think during their live, her voice didnt change so much. She is very bubbly and you can see she enjoys what she is doing. She can sing, can dance, play other instruments, write a song, and her personality is just a blast.

Although my favorite among them is Mami. I think TOMOMI is the most talented. Because of her, I want to try and learn bass someday maybe. They are all talented, so really they are perfect members of the band. Ofcourse they got flaws, because they are humans. But it does not change a thing, that I love them no matter what. Ill support them till the end.

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Sat May 11, 2013 3:57 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
All of them are very talented. It's a very close call between all 4 members. They all have talent besides playing their respective instrument.

But if I have to choose one, then it's Rina. She can play piano as well, compose music, write lyrics, and sings too. Maybe not that great at singing, but she has the basics and given the opportunity I'm sure she can be as good as the other members. I like the song that she composed "Bitter Chocolate" and because she plays piano since small, I tend to to believe she is the most musically inclined among all of them.

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Sat May 18, 2013 8:09 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
the first member that came to my mind was MAMI...then i read your opinions... then i was doubting if it is really MAMI coz most of you are saying it is TIMO.. but then i have to answer in my own perspective..

that would be MAMI for me.. why? she's the lead guitarist + backing vocals = really hard to focus and control the pitch of the voice.. she can play the drums.. YEAH! she's artistic.. .uhuh.

thought timo is just a strand away from mami (for me) :onionrider:

.smile. Most Talented - Page 3 Scanda10 .smile.

"..Nee ima anata wa watashi wo oboeteiru? Nee ima watashi wa anata wo omoidashiteta.."
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Re: Most Talented
Posted Sat May 18, 2013 8:31 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
There are different forms of talent - it's not just about technical ability. I think they are all really talented, but my vote still goes to Haruna as most talented overall. Great voice, best dancer of the bunch, sings and plays guitar (even Tomomi admits this is harder to do than singing and playing bass), and the one thing she has way more of than the others IMO, great stage presence. She looks like she owns the place when she's up on stage, at least when she's "on". (Though I have seen her having off days occasionally.) That's a talent too, and not everybody has it at all. I am not sure without Haruna that any of the others could really step into that same role.

But I think they're all talented in different ways, Haruna's just got broad talent in all categories. Tomomi is probably the most technically proficient at her instrument - she could play bass in pretty much any band. Rina is actually a really good songwriter - they should let her write more. Mami is too and I actually hear a style of music in her songs that's a lot different from what they normally sound like. I feel like they'd be kind of a noisy blues-rock band if she had her way, which is a pretty interesting sound.

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Tue May 21, 2013 6:12 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
i vote for 4 of them if this is about music talent for me all of them is talented

they have their own talent on music.

haruna- she sings well and can play the guitar. even she was tired of singing and her voice became off she still sings with her whole heart. i think haru really love to sing and own the stage

tomomi- she is something like yui, great bass player and really quick learner, i love how she put soul into playing the bass

rina- she's a great drummer, she makes every of their songs alive

mami- she's a great lead.guitarist. she's also has the most flexible voice Happy

SCANDAL is .love. .love. 
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Re: Most Talented
Posted Tue May 21, 2013 11:34 pm



International Performer
International Performer
YOU BIASES~! *read first page lol* .knuckles.

But yeah, i have to agree, even though my bias heart is hurting a bit. haha
The girls also said in some interviews that TOMO is surprisingly good at things.
Though she can be a little clumsy sometimes (pertaining to the loss passport incident) , she does a great job on her lyrics and the way she plays the bass. IMO she is the 2nd most improved member, 1st is RINA.

2nd most talented is MAMI, we know that she can also play the drums and i've read *somewhere here in SH* that she played as a drummer once during her school days as a substitute...(if i remember correctly), and she also draw, i personally like her drawings. hahaha, and she cooks. lol

HARU does make little mistakes at times. But she works hard for the band and her guitar skills and voice (specially the voice) greatly improved. Really, the talent of these girls~

BTW! HARU CAN MOVE HER EARS! HAH! is that considered as talent or skill? lol Onion XD

"...most people die never realizing the dream of their lives...”
Most Talented - Page 3 URT1EYY
Most Talented - Page 3 Mskdbd
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Re: Most Talented
Posted Wed May 22, 2013 2:53 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I think talent is overrated. To me, what really counts is effort, and the 4 of them excel at both talent and effort.

If it's about raw, natural talent, I would say Haruna is the most talented, because her voice is the only thing she conquered without effort, it is her voice, as simple as that. And to me, her voice is the best among... well, all living beings. Most Talented - Page 3 628112

As for composing, playing and everything else, it's a matter of effort. Someone wise, I don't know exactly who, said once "there's no such thing as inspiration, only hard work".

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Wed May 22, 2013 1:05 pm



International Performer
International Performer
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Let's answer this old bumped thread =P

I think it's impossible to compare them and say that one girl is more talented than another, you would need to know them personally and watch them play/rehearse/etc since their debut.

They are not music geniuses. They trained hard and still train a lot nowadays to get better. They all have a different instrument and job in the group so it's impossible to compare.

How could you compare the job of HARUNA (voice, guitar, spokeswoman of the band, etc) with another member? Can RINA play better her drums than TOMOMI her bass? Impossible to answer unless you are insider like a member of the staff.

They all trained hard and have talent, otherwise there would be no SCANDAL after all those years.

You could compare them if two girls had the same role in the group but you can't even compare HARUxMAMI playing guitar because HARU has to train a lot more for vocals while MAMI can focus on the guitar much more.

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Sat May 25, 2013 2:29 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
for the most talented among them... ill for Tomomi...

first of all, for her projections while she is playing.. she's so kawaii hahaha
and as an instrumentalist and avocal.. Scaling while Singing?!?!? sugoi ne~
two thumbs up for Timow!! :D

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Sat May 25, 2013 2:53 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
for me it will be mami-chan

knows how to play drums, guitar and can sing
can also dance
draws the best among them

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:59 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Most talented would be Ogawa-san, despite her clumsiness as claimed, she performs good at her role, at creating lyrics that is, to which at her lyrics you can see the indication of her being intelligent.

I believe as I posted on some topic that Ogawa-san is Linguistically intelligent- capable of speaking well, persuasive, debater, articulate;
Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligent- for being  good dancer as well;
Musical Intelligent- No need to explain.
Clumsy- that's being playful, just proves her geminian side like I've said on on other topics.

Although, on the other hand, Leadership is an inborn talent, leadership can't be taught, developed may be, leadership requires good judgement so that you'll be able to handle inside conflicts to outside ones, lead the group to the right path- and you see, there's no such manual for being a good Judge in connection to reality, Judgement goes with experience, conscience, intuition and intelligence. And Ono-san possessed that extremely special ability to Lead wisely.

Last edited by Hiei on Mon Apr 20, 2015 1:52 am; edited 2 times in total

In the morning, let the sun give you enough warmth which my love fails to do. And at noon, let the wind carry my felicitations and bring it to you. With louder sounds, bury it more, until only our hearts can hear that song which plays only between the two of us. If possible, make the night darker until our emotions are radiant enough to be seen. 

This clock which ticks differently on the two of us, hasten its pace so that our paths may converge in the future. This clock which fills me with sorrow as it reminds of how impossible it is for me to even see you, hasten its pace so that my sorrows would be drowned. Let me sleep therefore, so that I could prepare for tomorrow, as I did today, in making these thoughts and aspirations materialize. So let me sleep then, so that your presence would give me hints in accomplishing these goals.

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:47 pm



International Performer
International Performer
I was just browsing randomly in this section and happened to read this topic.. and the name that popped into my head as I was reading the title was "Tomomi"...Like there was no doubt about it.  Although I'm heavily Haru-biased but I think Timo takes this one and I agree with all the other comments. 

I'm not really musically inclined. I'm just a pure appreciator of music. So I would not know anything about the technicalities and all. It was fun reading all the other previous posts and get more insight about the band. Happy

And @Hiei-san, I thought I was reading my thoughts but in a much more well-written and well-expressed construction. Very well-said sir! I also get the same feel when reading Timo's lyrics. I've also sensed this from videos that she's really takes in things fast and she's very capable. And what you said about Haru: spot on!

And I agree with @SpaceCadet that Haru indeed has the most stage presence of them all.

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:59 pm



International Performer
International Performer
hmm .hmmm. 
I think that Mami and Tomomi are really talanted, because like Mami said, girls were learning how to play instruments for a year and these two reached amazing results~ The way the play is amazing! Tomomi can sing great, mami's skills in guitar are awesome! I think that's impossible to reach the level like them in one year!

But for me especially talanted is Mami -> She can draw, sing, play drums and guitar, like @Mew-chan said she also gamer :3 knows how to cook Naan .clap.  .love.

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Re: Most Talented
Posted Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:05 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
I probably sound really biased here, but I have to agree. Aside from singing, playing the bass, and writing, she also dances (so do Haruna and Mami, but still).

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 - Lyric Excerpt from CUTE!
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Re: Most Talented
Posted Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:52 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I really don't want to compare them to each other. None of them would seem so talented if they weren't together in the first place.

But I am so Rina-biased that I would throw that statement right into my face. She can play piano since she was 3, she knows how to cook, and from what I know, she started playing drums from scratch before she joined the band. Is that not talented enough for you? .evilgrin.

.omg.Most Talented - Page 3
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Re: Most Talented
Posted Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:08 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
If you are judging off of just raw, natural talent, I think it's Tomo hands down. This does become a tough question for me to answer though. I always look at work ethic over talent, and I don't think anybody in the band works harder at their craft than Rina does. Just listening back to some of the older songs the drum beats were good, yet simple and easy to follow. Now she has drum beats that are fun to listen to and very intricate. I believe with the work ethic that Rina has put in it has elevated her talent as a result. This isn't to say that the others don't work hard because they definitely do. I still will go with Rina though because I believe she has always been talented, but the work she has put in to go along with that talent takes it to another level.

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