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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Thu May 23, 2013 5:20 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Question is, why does she have to put on retainer? What causes her teeth to be crooked like that? Are her jaws too small to contain all her teeth? Is her crooked teeth causing mouth ulcer every now and then or what?

If the reason is because her jaws are too small to contain her teeth, I'm a bit concerned actually. You need to have a tooth or two (from the deeper part of your mouth, to maintain your pronunciations) removed so the crooked ones can be pulled back into position. Of course, this should be done before applying the retainer.

Otherwise, it's gonna be just a small fix to pull her teeth back in so they don't crush the lips and cause ulcers when she's chewing; something like that. And it's kind of a relief.

PS: Of course I didn't study dentistry until last night, so most of what I said is just from what my sister and I have been through. It hurts to wear dental retainer and it hurts even more if your teeth needs to be removed for it. That worries me a bit although I know she's gonna be okay...

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Thu May 23, 2013 5:55 pm



International Performer
International Performer
imo, it's a good thing that she decided to use retainers and having a straighten teeth makes it more attractive(imo). lol.

"For us, the band is more like "life" to us than it is a "job." We're wonderful friends who are sharing life that only happens once." -Rina
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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Thu May 23, 2013 6:03 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
HaRuRiNaMaMiToMo wrote:You sure it's intentional?

Well, videos don't edit themselves, and things like this go through multiple layers of approvals before release. Anything released directly by the band (as opposed to a TV appearance) is shot and edited the way they want it to be shot and edited.

Maybe they've shot everything this way for a while and I only noticed it now, but that would mean it's always been intentional, not that it's never been intentional.

Medios wrote:If the reason is because her jaws are too small to contain her teeth, I'm a bit concerned actually.

I'm not - like I said, it's most likely her wisdom teeth. This is a really common problem; it's why most people who have crooked teeth have them. She may have had them removed a long time ago for all anyone knows; your teeth still stay crooked if that's the way they've grown in already. Or she may have had it done recently - she is getting to be the age when dentists always told me I'd better have it done or I could have bigger problems later. Depending on her situation, it may not have been a big deal to remove them. I had one of mine removed and I was fine by the following day. My other three I have left in because extracting them could be a really big mess and would require surgery. So it depends on the way they're aligned.

Interesting thing is that there was a period in April (that happened to coincide with the time I was in Japan) when they had *nothing* on their public schedule for about 11 or 12 days. I'm sure they were doing rehearsals and things like that during part of that time, but I wonder if she had some dental work done then...

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Fri May 31, 2013 6:49 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
You have good eyes. I didn't notice it at all.

What I can say is it is good fer her. Teeth formation can affect pronunciation of words. (I'm certain it has effect for english but not sure for Nihongo).

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Sun Jun 02, 2013 8:14 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
act. i dont know, but haruna really inspire me, because i also have dental problems, at 1st i lost my hope coz' i dont have money to have a braces, i lost my hope to be popular bec. of my teeth (coz' baeutiful teeth is very important, and i know every1 knows it) but when i saw her, really amazing although she doesnt have perfect teeth she still SMILE, and w/ her unique smile, alot of HOPE was built in my life, Happy) and still praying that someday i can also be popular and show my smile 2 whole world like what she's doing. :D

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:23 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
After seeing their last two live TV appearances, I'm pretty convinced that Haruna has had one of her bicuspids on her upper right side (from her perspective) removed. This may have been to make room for her other teeth on that side, or it could have been for some other reason. In any case, there's a big gap there now.

She also seems to have permanent braces on both top and bottom; it doesn't look like Invisalign or a temporary retainer. I don't think she'd leave a retainer in during public performances or interviews, but she's got these braces all the time now. I hope they are not making her too uncomfortable either physically or mentally; I know from friends who have had braces that they both really hurt at first and they also can make a person really self-conscious, even someone who's not a celebrity that's seen by millions of people all the time!

There's probably really no good time for someone like her to do this but I guess if she knew it was going to have to be done sometime, better to do it now before she gets older. She seems like she's just going all the way with it, though, not just doing some minimum thing that would let her do it invisibly to the public. She probably could have done some more basic alignment that would have let her hide it, but she chose to just go all in and let the public see it.

I can't wait to see when she gets them off; I don't think I will be able to take it if she's any more attractive than she already is.

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Sun Jun 02, 2013 9:43 pm



International Performer
International Performer
After reading your post spacecadet i'm now actually worried for her. Sounds like a big deal... I hope she is ok and that everything will be fine for her .waaa.

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:13 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
So it is something big. Or pretty big. Or pretty, given it's Haruna. .nosebleed.

I'm sure everything will be fine. Lots of fans don't even care if they see the braces on TV. Maybe in Japan it's prettier to have a crooked teeth, but in some other places, a lot of people put on braces to make their smile look prettier even if they have only a slightly crooked teeth (I even know someone who put on braces even if her teeth are more perfect-shaped than mine).

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:02 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
@spacecadet, think you can provide pics of her permanent braces?

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Wed Jun 05, 2013 8:50 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Im kind of being curious when I first saw her in her braces. I keep on playing the video. And im so very very happy because her voice is still the same. That is HARU thing. She looks cute even she got braces.

In the Philippines its a trending thing that there are many students who wear braces all over the University I belong and other neighbor Universities. But I think many of them use braces only as display.

Many of the Japanese people have the same teeth as Haru. And reading other SH members post that there is a struggle if you have that kind of teeth when you get old. I am very happy that she consider to wear braces. She loves herself, she takes care of herself, more music to produce and spread all over their fans over the globe. Yahoi.

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:58 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Change is normal, and it's not like it would alter the whole Ono-san that i know.
Things happens for reasons, and i think Ono-san is already capable of deciding for herself, and that no one is better on interpersonal knowledge about her than her herself.
So the best thing for me then is to just support her whatever she do.

In the morning, let the sun give you enough warmth which my love fails to do. And at noon, let the wind carry my felicitations and bring it to you. With louder sounds, bury it more, until only our hearts can hear that song which plays only between the two of us. If possible, make the night darker until our emotions are radiant enough to be seen. 

This clock which ticks differently on the two of us, hasten its pace so that our paths may converge in the future. This clock which fills me with sorrow as it reminds of how impossible it is for me to even see you, hasten its pace so that my sorrows would be drowned. Let me sleep therefore, so that I could prepare for tomorrow, as I did today, in making these thoughts and aspirations materialize. So let me sleep then, so that your presence would give me hints in accomplishing these goals.

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Sat Jun 08, 2013 8:37 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
kaitanuva wrote:@spacecadet, think you can provide pics of her permanent braces?

I, uh, don't really want to Happy

But you can watch this video and see them:

Blow it up to full screen and switch to HD. The braces are obvious. If you repeatedly press pause and play at around 55-60 seconds, you can see them on top and bottom.

The reason I don't want to post photos is that I looked through the videos I have and any stills I would get that show her braces are *really* unflattering (not because of the braces, but just her expression), and I just can't do that to her Happy I actually tried to look for a photo that shows her braces but otherwise looks nice and she's just never making a nice facial expression when she's got her mouth like that.

That video is the most obvious. I do think she is trying harder to hide them in later performances and interviews, which is kind of too bad, but it's not going to last forever. She just needs to get through this time, then she'll get them off and she'll look amazing.

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Sun Jun 09, 2013 6:39 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Those are permanent braces? I thought permanent braces had those square metal thingies in the middle of each tooth - Haruna doesn't have those.

Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers? - Page 2 61185
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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Sun Jun 09, 2013 6:55 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
kaitanuva wrote:Those are permanent braces? I thought permanent braces had those square metal thingies in the middle of each tooth - Haruna doesn't have those.

Yes she does. Not on every tooth. Gotta look close...

They seem to be doing things in stages, which isn't unusual.

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:21 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
She's gonna get even more skinny if thats even possible...I've had braces and I could barely eat anything for the first few weeks o_o

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Sun Jun 09, 2013 7:34 am



International Performer
International Performer
I'm sure, she'll survive...

I guess its better doing it now, than kids in secondary school when their teeth are still growing and moving around. At least she won't have it on as long as the time kids in year 7 and 8 have to be wearing them...

SCANDAL Haruna .happy. SCANDAL Mami Nice one SCANDAL Tomomi  .lol.  SCANDAL Rina .uhuh. SCANDAL
SCANDAL brightens my everyday

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Sun Dec 29, 2013 11:33 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Im really happy that Haru is doing this. I think its good for her cause i wouldnt want it to get worse. Al tho she's awesome and wil always be  CANTA Thumbs

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:22 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Just bumping this because I was looking for an old topic and saw this one ^^

I just watched the HQ version of Your Song MV where you can clearly see the braces. So she still have them of course no big news here lol, wondering how long more it will take ^^  It has been over a year now and honestly I don't care if she has them, just happy that she takes care of her health. But still curious =P

Pic for science and totally not to see her beautiful smile  .shy. Click only if you can take an overload of cuteness, even MAMI cannot take it and is looking away! You have been warned :


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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:25 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Her teeth are definitely obviously straighter now, though. I don't know how much longer she needs to have the braces on either but it doesn't seem like it would be too much longer. She still has a gap on the one side where they seem to have removed one tooth and I wonder if she'll just get an implant there when she gets the braces off.

I'm still getting used to her look with straighter teeth. Sometimes I feel like she looks a lot different now, depending on the facial expression. I think removing the one tooth and straightening the others has also pulled all the teeth back a bit (she used to be a little bucktoothed), so it's changed the shape of her face a little bit. She doesn't have that "hamster" look anymore that the girls all used to joke about.

Well, she will always be HARUNA in any case.

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:59 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Depending on the progress it's making, maybe it'll be this year.
I've been told that by my dentist when I asked when I could get mine removed. Sadly, I have to wear mine for a year and a half or if lucky, a year. I have the same case as Haru's; like pushing it back cos i also have hamster teeth lol.
Either way, with braces or none, I didn't feel much changes from Haru or anything at all (well, her teeth).

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:19 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
Simple and possibly dumb question - are the braces off?

I haven't found a recent extreme closeup but the photos I've seen lately look like bare teeth. (Unless she's back to invisalign or something.)

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Tue Apr 07, 2015 7:32 am



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
From the blog photos, it looks to me they're off.

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Fri May 29, 2015 1:40 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
The Braces Were Definitely A Good Move For Haru

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:44 am



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
I saw a Japanese clip from when they were on an interview show a few years ago where the guy host drew caricatures of the members. The one he drew of Haru was really cruel, making her teeth look ridiculous. You could see how hurt she was by it. It made me mad! Anyway we loved her then and will love her new look too. Warning—this is a band that's always changing (read over the lyrics to "Image" and "Oyasumi").

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Re: Haruna using invisalign or dental retainers?
Posted Thu Jun 04, 2015 2:36 pm



International Performer
International Performer
spacecadet wrote:Simple and possibly dumb question - are the braces off?

I'm happy to inform you that Haruna has no more braces. I saw her smiled several times at their Hong Kong concert.

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