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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Sat Mar 27, 2010 2:20 pm



Wooot my turn~

Well before I was really a guy who loves to browse, read, write, and watch "High-five" related things.

But when I met YUI and SCANDAL that bad habit disappeared and instead I became more focus on listening to J-music.

What made me attracted most to SCANDAL is their music, style and cuteness that never fails to amuse me. Like kono, since their quite new I want to see them grow to the best that they can be. I'll be happy to say one day that I am a witnessed to the greatness SCANDAL.

SCANDAL is one of my most greatest inspiration today. Before my only ritual before exams is listening to YUI's songs, now I'm also listening to SCANDAL's song. And I have proven that when I listen to them before exams I pass that exam and if not I fail. lolol

One more is, SCANDAL made me create something that I never imagined I would create and govern on. My love for SCANDAL made me create SCANDAL HEAVEN. And I can say that SCANDAL HEAVEN is one of the greatest things I have ever created.

SCANDAL makes me happy in many ways. First it attracted me with the cute drummer's smile, then the pretty leader pulled me, then the cute drummer again made me fall for her smile, and now the hyper bassist is killing me.

Well it doesn't matter who my favorite is, it doesn't erase the fact that I love the 4 of them and will continue to love them as they continue their path on bringing us great music.

Onion Love

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Sat Mar 27, 2010 9:51 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
Hum for me, first music and singing has always been my main passion since like i was 7-8 year old, but at some points most of the music in the US and some in Canada was like boring and low artistic qualities so with anime, i've discovered lot of asians artist who had REAL musical talents like lot more better then most north american artist.

Since i sing my-self and i took singing and music lessons, i got very critical ears about musics so to impress me it need REAL talents and creativity.

About SCANDAL, like lot of my favorite asian artists, i've discovered them with a anime and the the first thing who has marked me was they was young cute girls who really played their instruments and who make rock songs.

When u see that the majority of rock bands are guys and that rock music is mostly dominated by guys, that is becoming boring with the time. Rock girl band are so rare all around the world. SCANDAL has deserve my respect and admiration to go against the normalilty and the rock flow. They are original, creative, unique and they do music for the good reason, they do it for love and passion of music and they doing it very well.

I'm maybe a guy but i love to see strong girls like SCANDAL who make their places and leave their mark as artist and go at counter-flow.

For a artist like me it's inspirating to see other artists opens more ways for others younger artists and break the taboos.


That what SCANDAL inspire me as a artist to follow your passion, go against the normality and open new way by being original and creative and that finally somes girls decide to be strong and make good rock music. WE NEED MORE GIRL BAND LIKE SCANDAL, BECAUSE ROCK BOY BAND ARE BEGINNING TO BE SOOOOOOO BORIIING!

Edit: Oh forget to say their their music is a good help mood at job, because of the rock fast pace so at work i listen to SCANDAL to keep a good beat work,

Last edited by Drakis07 on Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:48 am; edited 1 time in total

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:52 pm



International Performer
International Performer
wohhoo ~ nice one MC ~

Thumbs Onion

lets all work hard to support SCANDAL and make Scandal Heaven even better ~

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:20 am



Mainstream Artist
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SCANDAL made me pick up my guitar again, strangely enough. I hadn't touched it for 2 years, after my dad passed away.... it was sad for me because my dad was the inspiration for me to play the guitar and when he passed on I gave up on it. Then SCANDAL happened, and because I discovered how Mami-chan learned how to play in 18 months and so well and how good she really is and how comfortable she played it on stage at lives and such, it reaffirmed my faith in the instrument and I've been learning how to play guitar for the last 5 months or so, so thanks Mami! <3
also, I really love all four of them and how passionate they are about the music, no pretences and no airs about them and their music is really good; honestly I can only say that they changed my life drastically and for better or worse but I will continue to love them and their music and their zeal for life and how grounded they are in spite of their growing popularity and yeah, i love SCANDAL! <3 daisuke ne!

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:43 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Well, let me see...
I started to listen to SCANDAL when I was seaching for Stereopony songs. I was like "Look, another cool Japanese pop/rock band!"...
Now I don't know which band I like most, but I have to say that SCANDAL changed me in a way that is hard to explain. (But, let's try to do it...! ^^')

I always used to be pessimist and self-critical about myself. I used to act like I had to be the perfect girl to my family: cute, intelligent, charming, always doing the right thing...
But when I saw their attitude, their style and cuteness, I started to be a real fan of this band. They are my inspiration now, because they're perfect without losing their essence... They're perfect being themselves. :D
Oh, and they work hard, have the passion (you know, about music ^^) and the talent.
So, how can I know them without liking and admiring them?! ^^

~ bye bye happy days ~
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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:36 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
hmmm since I've known Scandal, I take an interest in jmusic and generally japanease culture. But right now I've got a problem, because I think I'm already addicted .smile.

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:22 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
alrick13 wrote:For me Scandal gives the word Scandal a decent connotation

True! Now whenever I see the word 'scandal' on TV or on the news I think of SCANDAL.

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:30 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
SCANDAL has made such a huge impact on my life. Before them, I was listening to the same stuff all the time....Coheed and Cambria, Avenged Sevenfold, etc. And I was starting to grow bored of it. I even gave up playing guitar for the same reason; I was always playing the same stuff. My parents had also divorced that year, and I was just about to finish high school and try to live on my own...that didn't work I entered this period of depression where I thought I was done for, until...

In the summer last year, my friend wanted me to find a song for him so he could make it into a ringtone. That song was Shoujo S, because he's a big bleach fan. I didn't much care for the song at first, but then I looked up other songs like Space Ranger and Koi Moyou, and I instantly became hooked on SCANDAL.

SCANDAL has opened up the doors to soooo much more music. In fact, Japanese rock and metal is all I listen to currently. I've started to play guitar again, although I really want to play bass. Whenever I'm feeling down or mad at someone, I listen to S.L. Magic or BEAUTeen!! because they always cheer me up Happy Music has always been a big part of my life, and thanks to SCANDAL I've began to appreciate it, and my life, once again. Nice one

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Fri Apr 16, 2010 10:30 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
Yeah scandal change my life, from a dreamless person. my life is quite a normal person bfore, study, play games, do assignment, eat, go toilet, do work, games games games, watch anime.

my future without knowing scandal - it gonna be boring which i goin to work earn money n come back tired. i dont know howw suppose to spent the money. its goin to be a boring life

here come those angles - SCANDAL make me love music, i start with acuostic guitar, n now i got a dream which is MUSIC. i love it, i gonna spent on it, i goin to share it with ppl.
here (malaysia) not much ppl intrested in japan song, but i made a diffrent in jamming place, beginning we jam without singing, alot of ppl come n listen. few of them enjoying the music.(it is scandal baby!).

yeah scandal give me a life`~ oahh i'm in heaven

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:57 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
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Back in 2008, I had been into anime for several years, and had since graduated high school and was attending college in Seattle, Washington.

When I heard that there was going to be an anime convention called Sakura-Con 2008 being held only 10 minutes from my college, I decided to attend.

Once there, I was overwhelmed with people cosplaying, and was kind of turned off by the whole thing... until I stumbled into a huge auditorium where a band from Portland was just just finishing playing. I found a seat near the middle and sat down, expecting to be disappointed.

However, it was that moment between the bands playing when they put an video of 4 animated girls singing a song alternating with an animated short featuring the same girls.

(I later found out that these were the Koi Moyou PV and the 1st scene of their anime once they started putting them up on their website a few weeks later.)

They played those same videos on repeat for about 15 minutes, but even though I couldn't understand what they were singing or saying, I loved them more every time they came on.

Then came the moment of truth... The announcer said "Sakura-Con, are you ready?" several times and the 4 girls ran out on stage, and proceeding to wow me with each song, despite the language difference. I think one early review I read described the performance perfectly when it said "It was like watching one of the big-name artists like Nirvana play when they were just starting out... You just know that these girls have the potential to make it big."

Anyway, I instantly fell in love with them and their music, and ran out of the room after the concert to buy their first single and a pin set, got the CD signed, and had a picture taken with them later on.

This was the major turning point for me. During the signing, they give each person about 15 seconds to say something to the band before I had to leave, so I talked to Rina, who was already my favorite member, trying to tell her that she was cute in the best Japanese that I could. All I managed to do, though, was have her giggle at what I said before they snapped the picture and my turn was done.

Talking to Rina was the turning point in my life. I don't know what I actually said to her that made her laugh, but having a face-to-face confrontation like that made me less focused just on anime, and gave me more of a love of the Japanese language, culture, people, and country as a whole.

If it wasn't for SCANDAL, I don't think I would be learning Japanese right now, or be working towards moving to Japan. My hope is that, one day, I will be able to work and live in Japan, have another face-to-face conversation like that, and be able to communicate properly with them. (So that I'll get more than a giggle out of them) XD

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:12 pm



International Performer
International Performer
wowww first of all i was hoping for a topic like this and also people have some really great stories to tell Happy thanks for sharing!

so it all started when i checked out fmab songs and discovered SCANDAL from shunkan sentimental, which i thought was such an awesome song even before i knew who made it. then i check out more of their songs and i find out they did shoujo s which i heard months before from bleach but i didnt look into them at the time (unfortunately for me). anyways from then on until present ive seen so much from them and what theyre all about and seriously fallen for them. in every way! i love all their music, their style, the way they present themselves, how they laugh and have grown together as a group and everything they stand for! (and so much more) and even though i feel like i was a little late getting into them im glad i can say that i discovered them for myself early in their career because i know that in the future theyll achieve greatness like we cant even imagine right now!

so scandal is basically a daily routine for me now. yup im addicted. ive been watching anime for years and years and i love japanese food, jmusic, VIDEO GAMES, and their culture in general, but scandal amplified all that. no jmusic group i heard before ever influenced me or captivated me as much as SCANDAL has! in fact ive never joined a fan forum until here at SCANDAL HEAVEN! im just so into them! haha.

since before high school i always imagined living in japan for a while to teach english or whatever just cause i loved the culture and wanted to be immersed in it. my love and interest in japan is even greater now and that dream has become more realistic than ever to me. i took up learning japanese and even though its hard lol ive never lost interest, and i can seriously say that SCANDAL keeps me motivated. i cant wait til i can sing along while actually understanding everything Tongue and i love reading along with subtitles now that i can read hiragana :D ive also taken music much more seriously, and i play guitar, drums and piano among others and i plan to learn many many of their songs! now that im going through college i feel like i can grow to achieve unbelievable things, just like theyve grown to be an unbelievable group, just starting out as a group of high school girls in a band.

i am soooo jealous of everyone that has seen SCANDAL in concert. i wish i knew of them so much longer ago so i couldve seen them on their 2008 tour in the US. theyre seriously one of the best bands ive seen in their live performances (on video only :'( for now heheh). its disappointing when you see an artist you like perform live and its just not very good :|. but never with SCANDAL!!!! i plan to see them in concert at least ONCE before i die. and my "to do before i die list" consists of really meaningful things to me (side note: one of which is to attend a pacquiao fight and meet him lol).

i cant possibly go over everything i feel about them, and if youve read this far thanks for sticking around Happy so i guess to sum things up i have to say that my love for SCANDAL is really nothing like ive ever felt before. it far exceeds anything material or physical even though (guilty as i am to say it) i may have been initially caught onto them by their beauty aside from their amazing music... its something one can hardly describe. im so glad to have found them!! Happy

and last but not least im so thankful for the creation of SCANDAL HEAVEN! mc~ thanks so much!

...shout out to TOMOMI my faveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
i hope to meet you one day and not make a fool of myself! and in however many years see you in a rock hall of fame somewhere Happy

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:11 pm



Indie Artist
Indie Artist
@alrick13-yeah..everytime the word SCANDAL is mentioned immediately i think of SCANDAL..

the more i saw their interviews and lives..the more i wanted to study nippongo and i wanted to fly to japan...before i was just a normal, low budgeted otaku..who watched animes listened to yui, stereopony and other bands..but when i was watching bleash...i liked the shoujo s opening and searched it in yt...then i was like "ok their good" but when i watched animax, they featured sakura goodbye and i was like what?! i gotta know more abut them....and i always watched channel news asia because they feature a lot of japanese culture...and the more i understood their culture..the more i loved them...

but scandal really made me different in another way lol...i appreciated my language more.. and the more i appreciated local songs...idk why...O.O srsly...

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:58 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
@all: nice story you have there! i enjoyed reading it,think to share mine to huh?

So at first I'm just a boy who love to watch anime and others,but in the end i come across this song called "Shoujo S"~ it is bleach song so i search for it and watched it's PV. but seriously nothing comes to my mind,only "this is something normal"~ but about a month ago,my friend ask me to listen to "Shunkan Sentimental"~ at first yeah,I thought it's something normal,as usual. But my friend introduce me with the members,i saw the pic of SCANDAL and i thought it is gonna be like other band. But don't know what comes to me,at night when i have nothing to do,i checked out the web. I saw their blog,twitter and watch Taiyou to kimi ga egaku story PV. And again,same thing happen,nothing came to my brain. But after i read their past(scandal's past),i realize there is something different about them. And so that's the time when I began to search for them,their past,each member's past and others. I was seriously touched by their hard work,the hard work that leads them until today. Well this hard work of theirs inspired me a lot, which makes me want to became like them. And now,for some reason,their song's sound very beautiful in my ear. And that song of theirs give me strength to overcome hardness of life.

thx for everyone who read this .smile.
sorry for the bad English .please.

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:42 pm



International Performer
International Performer
@jmaeshawn-san a giggle speaks a thousand words~ .toj.
aw~i wish i was there too~ .waaa.
gah~reading everyone's stories makes me happy i dunno why~
maybe because we all love SCANDAL~ Hohoho Onion

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:46 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Well, looks like i won't be too long,

first time i see SCANDAL in doll PV, but i dont know what the name of the band and the title of the song, i just enjoy the music. it's so nice. The next day, i opened my computer looking for it. cause i dont know the name of the band, i gave up in 3 days.
Then, i never heard of it again, but in maybe 2 weeks i heard it again, this time the only thing i know was "SCANDAL DOLL" then time after time i ever forget about this band. Maybe few months ago, i heard this band want to release SHUNKAN SENTIMENTAL, then it reminds of word SCANDAL.
From that time, i really addict to SCANDAL.
Since that time, my life is full of music, before it, i dont like music very much.
Well, SCANDAL has made me found the word "MUSIC"
Thanks to SCANDAL, really thanks to them.

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:47 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
d3nise wrote:gah~reading everyone's stories makes me happy i dunno why~
maybe because we all love SCANDAL~ Hohoho Onion

agreed .uhuh.

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:22 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
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I've become unstable with money. .uhuh.
Ever since they made their debut I've attempted to buy as many CD's as I could and go to every concert (in Japan) I could possibly go to. I've been a lot happier too.
From their debut until now I've probably spent around 20,000¥ (225 US DOLLARS) on merchandise, CD's and concerts. It was worth the money though :D

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Wed Jun 30, 2010 7:59 pm



Caless Student
Caless Student
SCANDAL made me to like japanese music

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:20 am


Caless Student
Caless Student
SCANDAL brought me back to Jpop! ^^

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Wed Jul 07, 2010 5:44 am

Evan Ampow

Evan Ampow

Indie Artist
Indie Artist
For me scandal make a gambatte,when listning there song so iam happy n my spirit back,so i just make my work.

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:49 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
@haruhiyuu: heheh, I kinda know how yu feel, Scandal are the first band I've actually downloaded their interviews and live shows etc. I'm always trying to find new videos to watch, I feel like such a fanboy now haha (btw does anyone know where I can find the Summit 1? PM me if yu do xD)

Well for me they havnt had as much a big impact as some of yu soldiers xD but thanks to them I am, for once, putting moar effort into finding a job lol (I might have one soon hopefully!)
I really wanna save up, buy and learn to play an instrument, guitar in particular .clap.
Then again it was The Pillows that really got me pumped, but this was like late last year, Scandal have relit this determination haha sounds so cheesy .sweat.

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Tue Jul 27, 2010 5:25 am



Caless Student
Caless Student
Oooh Nice stories Happy.
My case~

I'm half-Japanese. I love myself for being Asian because I tell myself that is the reason why I am smarter, and better than all the people around me (cocky attitude hahaha). Although I had this attitude, I never really cared about Japan. I even lived in Japan for 3 years on a military base. (My dads in the military). I went off the military base maybe 4 times. And that was to buy alcohol and go drinking with my friends. During this period of my life I even played the game World of Warcraft. That was pretty much the extent of what I did. (Oh I played varsity soccer too, but that American sports don't take up too much time).
My Senior year of High School I moved away from Japan to Kansas. However, I pretty much continued the same life-style. But then I went to college (Spokane, WA). I figured I couldn't keep playing World of Warcraft or I would drop out of college (like my older brother did the year before). So I quit. But because my life-style was so centered around the computer, I was still had the urge to sit there, even though I wasn't really doing anything. My older brother had talked to me previously about manga and anime, so I started watching/reading those because I was bored.
After passing through the first semester of college addicted to anime instead of World of Warcraft I realized that I missed Asian women. When I was in Japan I saw them so often, I really didn't look at them specially, but my college was filled with white person after white person, and none of them matched up to the beauty of Asians. So then I went to youtube, remembering that Japan has a lot of those all girl music groups that were just faces and no talent and I wanted to see. I went to youtube and searched Japanese all girl groups, and I found a video listing someones top 50 girl groups in Japan. While I was watching Beautiful Asians prance around my screen, a clip of Scandal's Shoujo S popped up, and I was like wow they are playing their instruments AND prancing around. They also seem pretty good. So I searched them up found Shunkan Sentimental, and I fell for them.

Then I went home for Spring Break. My parents were bothering me about finding a job, and my mom jokingly said that I could work in Japan. Because SCANDAL had recently re-sparked my interest in Japan, I agreed.

And so school finally ended (didn't do too hot but I still passed, which was lucky when I only showed up for tests). My mom and I flew to Japan. I found a job on a farm. Worked with two slightly chubby but cute Japanese girls cleaning up cow shit, mixing feed and various things. I was able to re-learn Japanese (to the extent of talking with these girls and being able to understand the jobs I was given while at the farm). Go bowling, rock climbing, and into the Onsen, eat sushi from a revolving table and various things while I was there. And it was because of SCANDAL!!! I really wanted to see a live while I was there, but because of having a very tiring job, it didn't work out (plus I was kind of embarrassed to go like mom can you read this Japanese for me so I can try to see if I can make a concert for an all girl band?).

And now I am back home, have plans to go back to Japan to work on the same farm next Summer. I just recently pre-ordered Temptation box + Namida no Regret, which is my first time buying music ever. And picked up my electric guitar that I fiddled with in 8th grade, and brought it from the garage into the living room so I could fiddle it with it some more. Plus I'm posting on a forum which is the first time I've done that since I flamed the people I owned in World of Warcraft forums.

So because of SCANDAL I evolved from thinking I was the perfect person, to becoming the perfect person. (joke). Anyways planning on trying in college, learning more guitar (maybe switch to bass but some instrument) so maybe I can possible live in Japan with a decent job instead of working on a farm!

Oh plus the fact my ipod got split into two playlists. Japanese and Other. And I only listen to the Japanese one.

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Tue Jul 27, 2010 1:33 pm



International Performer
International Performer
Pretty much after seeing a video besides after Shoujo S (I couldn't really tell the girls apart cause of the rain and I didn't really know the band as much as I do now) I found Rina to be very attractive. Not to be discouraged I started relearning Japanese so one day I can meet Rina and ask her out.

Also known as: Ross How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life? - Page 2 251803 , Rossy Oliver the cute and fluffy How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life? - Page 2 464571 , Rosa, and Pokey The Cute and Fluffy
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How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life? - Page 2 Ugefu10

Wat- who said i was joking, be prepared to sit down with Luarahara tomorrow
One Word Story - "TOMOMI, surprisingly tomorrow, will thoseguiltyeyes with HARUNA kick snypershot in his crotch and punched his solar plexus that is hurting him everywhere."
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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:05 pm



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
scandal make me start to listen japanese song~

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Re: How did SCANDAL affect/changed your life?
Posted Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:53 pm



Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
SCANDAL made me to pursue my dreams of being a musician even more!!!
They are actually the first band to make me feel inspired.
before knowing them, im still confused about what i am going to do in the future...
but listening to them make me love music more.
I guess that i can say that im still not very good in bass since i only hav it three months but when ever im free, i will try to play their songs!

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