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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
Mr.Aries wrote:@Baymon : Well, if you are an objective fans type, then I have nothing to say. Every person has right to like or dislike something. At least just make sure you wouldn't insult SCANDAL if someday you stop listening to them or even dislike or hate them in this forum. Surely I don't need to explain the consequence if you dare to do it, right?Onion Smile 

 Is this a threat? .lol. 


Well, Timo's squeaky voice is disturbing, in a way.. But.. If she stop singing that wouldn't be Scandal at all .shy. And, I like her normal singing voice.. Especially in Hikare.

Happy.Unity.Heart Strong.
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International Performer
International Performer
I guess everyone has their own preferences. Personally, Kill The Virgin is my favorite song that Timo sings. I just felt that Tomomi's voice blended perfectly with the song. Even the live performance, I love her voice in it. Whenever I listen to Kill The Virgin, I always feel that the song portrays a sad longing for something more...  I do think that Timo sings the song very well during the live, I think the last lines added more effect to the song. It gave the song more emotion. 

And also, my sister (who's not a SCANDAL fan btw, but has listened to their songs because I play it on speaker everyday) even commented that she loves Tomomi's voice in Kill The Virgin. She said it's one of the performances that she's not bothered by Timo's voice. (Which made me really happy!)

Anyways, I do believe everyone is different and I respect your preferences but I just felt that I needed to say it... 


Haru's current weight. I like skinny people but Haru is alarming me. She's quite small and now that she's becoming skinnier, it looks a bit scary. Well, I just want her to put on a bit of weight. During RIJ, there's a time that you could see Haru's RIBS! .wtf.

Is there something about SCANDAL that you don't like? - Page 6 Sig10LOVE
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
HaRuRiNaMaMiToMo wrote:I'm not a musician or expert or anything and I posted that already somewhere, but honestly their sound didn't changed THAT much lately.
Well it's always different if you initially only have one album to judge them on and then see the progression over time, vs. having this whole body of pre-existing work that all blends together. I don't mean to say an early fan's perspective is "better", just different. When I started listening to them, they did not have pop songs, they did not have ballads. "Doll" was as pop as it got for them, and that's totally a punk song. The other stuff all came later, so it's not part of what makes Scandal Scandal to me.

That's why I initially got into them - they were basically a garage/punk band made up of four really cute/sexy girls wearing heavily modified school uniforms who made no apologies for any of that. That gave them a "bad girl" image and their music just seemed somehow *wrong* (in a good way). And they seemed to be getting popular with that, which I thought was awesome. They were so different than anything else in either Japan or the US, but still people were getting to like them.

I've stuck with them through their changes since then (ballads, pop songs, full-on synthesizer-based songs, auto-tune, heavy processing, ditching the school unis, etc.), and even got to like them *more* after seeing them at Budokan. But there's a limit beyond which they're just not the same band anymore, and I start to feel a little detached, and a little less interested. They're approaching that for me, if they haven't reached it already.

(btw I think this is still on-topic because it is a topic about what we don't like about Scandal, and for me, it's that they're becoming too generic.)

I'm still a fan, don't get me wrong, just at an ebb in my interest right now. The "Awanai" single was good but that seems more like an exception than a rule lately.

ariadne32391 wrote:Haru's current weight. I like skinny people but Haru is alarming me.
Yeah... I've mentioned it before too but she just continues to lose weight. She can't be unaware of it at this point, so I wonder what's going on.

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I agree with Haru's weight. Her wrists look like if you press them too hard, they'll break. She looks so...frail. It's scary...I also don't like the extra breaths after Tomo sings. She didn't do that before, and I don't know why she does it now. Sometimes, it's ok (like her little solo in Kagerou;it makes it sound nice), but other times, it isn't necessary. Her vocals are essential to SCANDAL, but there are times I wish that she toned it down.

I also don't like the lack of interaction between certain members (on stage and in general.) It can't be helped, but I feel like they're a little distant sometimes, especially Haruna and Mami. I've seen the interact on stage, but not much, and even in interviews they don't talk much. The interaction is the same for Haru and Rina. And Tomomi and Rina seem the most distant to me...but maybe that's just my imagination.

Something that's improving is the vocal sharing. I still don't like the way the stick to the same vocal pattern, but it's getting better, with songs like Kagen no Tsuki, and Awanai. A good band has solid vocals, but a great band has solid vocals and a good vocal range. SCANDAL, in my opinion, should explore different possibilities. Like a song with Haruna, Tomomi, and Mami singing together like the last chorus of Kagen no Tsuki (all on lead) would sound good. But this is just how I feel.

I'm sure as the girls progress, they'll experiment more, so maybe some peoples dislikes will change. Who knows?

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International Performer
International Performer
I understand what you mean spacecadet, obviously they are not the same band as they were at the beginning and if you know them since 2009 they obviously changed A LOT. But they were very new to music back then and were still teenagers so to speak.

If you take out their first big album, they didn't changed much since 2010/2011. I guess they changed little by little since then. But yeah a real rocky album would be great but I doubt we will egt that, they will keep up with the mix rock/popish/ballad in the future, let's just hope it's not too pop.

I don't think there is an evil plan from their company to change them like some fans think, I just think it's a natural evolution for the band. Anyways, let's see what they have for us in the next single/album.

And yeah HARU... go with MAMI and eat more please .hail. 

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Caless Student
Caless Student
It's not about a dislike but I do believe the band is ready to write completely on their own without outside collaboration. I of course do not know the ins and outs of their contract with their label, whether a certain percentage of tunes must be written in collaboration. I do know this, if they let the band off the road for a bit. Give them rehearsal space dedicated to working out their own tunes and put in the time to polish them, send them into the studio with a capable producer, we will get our Amazing Scandal Album! Of course I am aware this is not the way it is done in Japan but one can dream

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tafkma wrote:It's not about a dislike but I do believe the band is ready to write completely on their own without outside collaboration. I of course do not know the ins and outs of their contract with their label, whether a certain percentage of tunes must be written in collaboration. I do know this, if they let the band off the road for a bit. Give them rehearsal space dedicated to working out their own tunes and put in the time to polish them, send them into the studio with a capable producer, we will get our Amazing Scandal Album! Of course I am aware this is not the way it is done in Japan but one can dream
If it's a post that's not about a dislike in a thread that's talking about what users dislike about SCANDAL, then that's essentially an off-topic post.
Please be more careful next time. (:

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Mr. Suzuki

Mr. Suzuki

International Performer
International Performer
I don't like ''kill the virgin''

I don't believe that I should love all things about SCANDAL.

I'm a fan, I'm not a fanatic. You guys can judge me but when I'm listening Queens are trumps I always skip ''kill the virgin''


Is there something about SCANDAL that you don't like? - Page 6 Back_o12 RAWR Onion
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Indie Artist
Indie Artist
as ive read the comments i think it's getting hotter..haha 
i second the motion of af8's comment about the lack of interaction between mami and haru whenever they perform. we can always see mami and tomo will play in front of rina but haru and mami?naaahhhh...but there is this part in budokan, their switch performance, where mami and haru nodded to each other. even in wonderful tonight in taiyou kimi, haru went to mami and mami  looked surprise. hahaha but often times haru will turn to tomo or rina and mami to timo and's like they are intimidated with each other. and to comment on tomomi's squeaky singing, at first i didn't like it that much but as i listened to their tracks i realized that it blends well to haru's deep vocals and after haru's lost voice issue, most of the high notes are given to timo.

well to sum it up, their lack of interaction in their performance andharu  becoming a stick are the things i don'like about scandal.

but i'm a certified fan =)

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International Performer
International Performer
Still about Timo's voice. . . Hehe.

I liked Timo's voice when I first listened to it. That was around 2011. The song was Haruka and I fell in love with SCANDAL because of that song. I researched on them and I watched some of their live performances. I had no issues with Timo's voice. But now, I don''t know. . . she sounds good on the album versions, but on lives, she's so squeaky. I don't know if she's doing that intentionally or if her voice changed. :/

Is there something about SCANDAL that you don't like? - Page 6 T2xy8t6
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
@Af8 Ditto on vocal sharing. I think they should give Haruna a break. Although she has gotten her voice back but sometimes she sounds so soft. Like in Wonderful Tonight concert, there are some songs where her voice is so soft that you can really see the contrast in the volume when Tomomi starts singing. It makes me worried about her vocal condition.

The thing about Haruna is she doesn't have a wide vocal range. When the song goes high a bit, she starts to strain and this is very bad for the vocal if happen often. Tomomi is better at higher notes, so I think they should explore giving Tomomi higher parts and let Haruna sings middle and lower parts. Mami and Rina can take more parts too, especially Rina now that she's more comfortable with drumming.

Sugarcube wrote: she sounds good on the album versions, but on lives, she's so squeaky. I don't know if she's doing that intentionally or if her voice changed. :/
If she can tone it down during the recordings, I'm pretty sure it's intentional.

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International Performer
International Performer
I at times dislike it when they do interviews and it becomes an Almond Crash talk show of sort. 
MAMI and TOMO should really speak more when they're doing interviews, because of course, fans also wants to know their opinions about stuffs. Sometimes, when they do speak it becomes very comical and the girls would laugh and all, but that's also their side I want to see the most. When they drop the "artist" image for a moment and just be themselves. Hmmm. But of course there are times when they really have to get serious on interview or they won't have a decent talk. Haha
Well, just that for now I guess. Dobon duo should talk more and they should loosen up during inter interviews. ( ̄▽ ̄) oh and HARU should really try to gain weight. Her figure at the moment is quite alarming as what you guys have said above. ( ´ ▽ ` )

"...most people die never realizing the dream of their lives...”
Is there something about SCANDAL that you don't like? - Page 6 URT1EYY
Is there something about SCANDAL that you don't like? - Page 6 Mskdbd
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Posted Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:31 am



Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I read the comments above and I've been wondering if Tomomi does the SUPER high-pitched voice on purpose. .hmmm. I perfer Haru's voice-I love her voice .love. I watched a SCANDAL interveiw and they said they were drifting away from the school uniforms to be more mature. In one interveiw they said they hoped to do garage rock for a long time-which they don't do that much anymore.But it's good for a band to do more than one genre no matter what genre you prefer-as long as they don't start out with one for a couple of years then completely do a different one .omg. I watched a recent live performance and saw poor Haru and all her skinniness XD I wonder if the other girls are noticing or if she's gone on some unhealthy diet-If she's on a unhealthy diet that diet better leave her alone! .punches. XP

 'School uniform interview' @ 2:55

 'Garadge band music interveiw' @ 7:10

Last edited by MamiSoul on Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:17 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Erick M

Erick M

International Performer
International Performer
baymon wrote:Now I'm kinda used to Tomo's voice on the recording, it's actually not so bad except for a couple of songs. But when she sings live, she overdoes it a lot which bothers me still...No offense to Tomomi's fans, I have nothing against the girl, it's just her voice.
In recording as far as I know the take each part separately.
But in Live show Tomomi must sing her solo part, sing backing vocal (witch require switch to different note/tone from the main vocal), play bass, and cheers the audiences at the same time.
That is very hard things to do so maybe that's why she might sounds a little different.
For me playing Bass and singing at the same time is much more harder than singing and playing rhythm guitar.
But that just my personal opinion... No offense Peace Onion

Is there something about SCANDAL that you don't like? - Page 6 E-sign10
Please don't take my jokes too seriously
Is there something about SCANDAL that you don't like? - Page 6 SAPOG0d
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
It's true that she does sing and play bass (it gets easier to do both the more you practice),  but it doesn't affect her vocals. Tomomi purposely does that,and even though her voice has changed, it doesn't mean she should add extra breaths after every line. I do respect you personal opinion, though.

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International Performer
International Performer
Mr.Aries wrote:
Just let them be, can't be helped if they didn't like Timo's voice. But if they then lost interest to SCANDAL just because they didn't like Tomo-chan's voice.....they are free to admire "another" all female band.......You can't call yourself "real SCANDAL fans" if you just love 1 or 2 member of the band.....because if you love SCANDAL, you should love all member.....
I appreciate your love for the girls, and I do love them too, however I beg to disagree with this. I know you meant well, since you are referring to people who might lost interest to SCANDAL because they don't like one member, however I don't think this should be a rule to becoming a "real" fan (not just SCANDAL, but for other bands as well); there are people who simply love a band's music without getting into "deep" to the band's individual members. I think all of us here are just too "invested" with the girls that sometimes we took opinions from casual listeners and fans personally.


1.) As for someone who grew up listening to songs so different from this popular "squeaky" voices from the land of the rising sun, I've had a hard time getting used to Tomomi's voice. Not only her, but when I first listened to YUI I thought a 14-year old girl is singing. To be honest, there are times that I cringe whenever Tomo goes high-pitch during their lives. As for the studio versions, I don't have any problems listening to her at all. I personally love Kill the Virgin and Houkago 1H 'cause I feel really happy whenever I listen to those songs.

Wasn't it good that we still continue to listen to the them despite the fact that we have something we don't like about the band? There are still a few things I don't like about the girls, personally, however since I also love them that way I think I'll keep it to myself haha. We have our biases, but please keep in mind that not liking is not the same as hating.

Is there something about SCANDAL that you don't like? - Page 6 Haruka10
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International Performer
International Performer
LieAnn wrote:
Mr.Aries wrote:
Just let them be, can't be helped if they didn't like Timo's voice. But if they then lost interest to SCANDAL just because they didn't like Tomo-chan's voice.....they are free to admire "another" all female band.......You can't call yourself "real SCANDAL fans" if you just love 1 or 2 member of the band.....because if you love SCANDAL, you should love all member.....
I appreciate your love for the girls, and I do love them too, however I beg to disagree with this. I know you meant well, since you are referring to people who might lost interest to SCANDAL because they don't like one member, however I don't think this should be a rule to becoming a "real" fan (not just SCANDAL, but for other bands as well); there are people who simply love a band's music without getting into "deep" to the band's individual members. I think all of us here are just too "invested" with the girls that sometimes we took opinions from casual listeners and fans personally.


1.) As for someone who grew up listening to songs so different from this popular "squeaky" voices from the land of the rising sun, I've had a hard time getting used to Tomomi's voice. Not only her, but when I first listened to YUI I thought a 14-year old girl is singing. To be honest, there are times that I cringe whenever Tomo goes high-pitch during their lives. As for the studio versions, I don't have any problems listening to her at all. I personally love Kill the Virgin and Houkago 1H 'cause I feel really happy whenever I listen to those songs.

Wasn't it good that we still continue to listen to the them despite the fact that we have something we don't like about the band? There are still a few things I don't like about the girls, personally, however since I also love them that way I think I'll keep it to myself haha. We have our biases, but please keep in mind that not liking is not the same as hating.'s not like I hate the fans that dislike something or only like one or two members of the band. Every person have their right to like or dislike. Anyway, even if Tomomi is my favorite member, surely I will not only defend Tomo-chan  and stay calm if there are someone that making fun or insult the other member (it's not like there are someone here that making fun of them, though). However, I am so sorry if my words before were so mean, maybe I am just too emotional in this matter....

Anyway, like I said before, you have right to dislike and complaint. And you are right, to still continue to listen to the them despite the fact that we have something that don't like about the band is a good thing. I really appreciate it.  Just as you say, I am just referring to "people" who might lost interest to SCANDAL because they don't like one member,  not to all fans. If you still listening to SCANDAL even if you don't like one or two member, then just let it be. As long as you didn't insult the members of SCANDAL, there wouldn't be any problem.....Happy Onion Just think my words before as a warning to not "cross the line".......You are free to complaint about them, and you can tell anything that you dislike about them, but never dare to "making fun let alone insult" them, okay?...Onion Smile

Last edited by Mr.Aries on Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:31 am; edited 1 time in total

Is there something about SCANDAL that you don't like? - Page 6 Rvx4lg
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Caless Student
Caless Student
I don't like that they have been playing the same songs over and over again when there's a broadcast. I'm aware that they may have performed their songs at least once, but I'll like to listen to songs like Koe, Kimi ni shitto chuu, Playboy, even old songs like Shoujo S and Anata ga mawaru every now and then.

I would also prefer more Rockish songs. I'm ok with what they have been releasing lately, at least they keep playing their instruments.

And finally, I don't like that Haruna keeps getting thinner. I think it may have something to do with her braces, they say it's quite uncomfortable to eat and you are forbidden certain food, but she should gain a bit more of weight.

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International Performer
International Performer
I'm with you on the whole "playing same songs again and again" thing, it's a bit disappointing that they don't switch up songs more when the show is on TV.

That being said there are some songs they need to play obviously (Awanai, Kagen) and other that make sense like 24 jikan (b-side of their last single).

Now I'm not sure why they don't the robot song more... They made a collaboration with it, and even an event in Osaka but now that they play many festivals/tv shows they don't play it to promote it?? I don't really understand that, especially because it will be the b-side of Kagen so why not play it??

Would make sense to play the A and B sides of Awanai + Kagen, their 2 last singles. No?

They should play those 4 songs and then switch the others around. Play Satisfaction + Love Survive on one show, then replaces them with Kill the Virgin and Taiyou the next show, then by DOLL and Scandal Baby the next one, etc.

They did made a small change in the last show but I feel they should switch songs a bit more. They did switch many songs in their latests tour so they practiced a lot and seemed to like that. Why not doing that with the festivals? I'm no musician at all but to me it looks like you want to play a lot of different songs when you perform not always the same setlist no?

Anyone knows if there is a reason being that? Material needed maybe? Contract obligation?

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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
I have to agree that it is boring to watch the same songs over and over again, which goes back the fact that doesn't play their old songs. They definitely don't play most of their BABY ACTION era songs, and they play a few BEST SCANDAL era songs. But they really stick to their newer songs lately, and although they're all great, they need to show fans their older stuff. It's good that they're finally playing album songs like Kill the Virgin. It means that they may start playing other album only songs, like Koe, Rising Star, and Right Here. That is something I don't like, when a band begins to stick to a specific set list. It's nice to see new stuff, but it can't be new anymore if you use it too much. 

Revive the old songs, SCANDAL! Or, at least integrate them into your set list for lives. With that kind of mix, it'll make for a great live.

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International Performer
International Performer
I doubt (but hope i'm wrong) that they will suddenly play Bright, Koe, Rising Star, etc.

I think they added Kill the Virgin for the festivals because it's a completely different song and they can all change role for a song (HARU on the synthesizer thingy, TIMO main vocal and RINA keyboard). So it's a nice change for them and the fans/crowd.

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International Performer
International Performer
@Aries: I do believe my post is quite relaxed lol. I'm just pointing out that you do not have to love everything about them to become a "real" fan. And like you said, I've read most of the posts here and no one is bashing or insulting the girls, we are just stating what we don't like so no need to become so defensive. The band is not perfect; we've just come to terms to love them despite the things we don't like about them.

PS: I can't see myself insulting any of the girls despite their flaws. Come on, I didn't spend 3 years in SH and lots of money with their merchandise just to complain about the band lol :D I should've backed out from the very start if I disliked Tomomi's voice that much; there are so much other things about SCANDAL to love.

@topic: Same with the posters above, it seems that the band has been playing the same setlist throughout these "Festival" lives. Although it seems so boring for us, the fans who watched every single performances through youtube, I don't think it's the same case with the live audience. I bet not every single SCANDAL fan in Japan has seen all of their lives this Summer, right? :PThough I also wish to see them perform other songs, especially Hoshi no Furu Yoru ni. They had a blast with it during Osaka-jo!

Is there something about SCANDAL that you don't like? - Page 6 Haruka10
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Mainstream Artist
Mainstream Artist
I feel I should point out that any criticism I may have made, or probably would ever make in the future, is not intended as any sort of personal criticism against the girls. The band Scandal is more than just the four of them, and to an extent it exists outside of them (since we know, for example, that some of their personal tastes don't quite match up with what they play in the band).  "Scandal" is the entire team, including the managers, promoters, songwriters, producers, record label, etc. and we don't even know how much power the girls have in the decision-making process.

So I can only speak for myself, but when I talk about the band doing things I wish they wouldn't, or not doing things I wish they would, I'm assuming the girls are not actually making those decisions (especially because at this point I think they know what their fans want better than their record label probably does). I probably didn't make that clear in my recent posts here.

I think that in this and other threads, it seems like people are starting to get a little bent out of shape at criticism of the band because they think it's criticism of the girls personally. In my case, I'm criticizing the decisions that I actually think are not serving the girls well in the long run, so it's the opposite. I want them to do well, I am a huge fan of all of them personally, and I think they've proven over and over that they're all extremely talented in many ways. If I'm ever disappointed, it's when I see them being asked to do something that I feel like is going to cost them fans eventually or make it harder to attract new ones (beyond people who just buy one single because they like that one song).

Anyway, that's pretty much all I've got to say on any of this. I do think part of being a fan of a band means wanting great things for that band, so criticizing things you feel are getting in the way of that is actually a natural part of fandom. It grows from wanting the best both for and from them.

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International Performer
International Performer
Af8! wrote:I have to agree that it is boring to watch the same songs over and over again, which goes back the fact that doesn't play their old songs. They definitely don't play most of their BABY ACTION era songs, and they play a few BEST SCANDAL era songs. But they really stick to their newer songs lately, and although they're all great, they need to show fans their older stuff. It's good that they're finally playing album songs like Kill the Virgin. It means that they may start playing other album only songs, like Koe, Rising Star, and Right Here. That is something I don't like, when a band begins to stick to a specific set list. It's nice to see new stuff, but it can't be new anymore if you use it too much. 

Revive the old songs, SCANDAL! Or, at least integrate them into your set list for lives. With that kind of mix, it'll make for a great live.
My friend ever told me about this matter. It's not like they didn't want to play their old song and just stick to specific set list, but it's because the contract and decision from the "certain important people" that "forced" them to play "certain" set list. Just like Spacecadet-san said, the girls didn't make their decision of their own.You know, it's more like "business play" of the company. The company didn't really care about the "fans desire"....They just think how to get profit as much as possible from their "artist". There are high possibility that if they make "certain show or certain set list", they can make more profit than the "other show or set list", and he told me (my friend) that "this play" is not only for SCANDAL, but for the other artist, especially "the popular artist". I don't know if he really told me the truth, though........

Is there something about SCANDAL that you don't like? - Page 6 Rvx4lg
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Shiroten Performer
Shiroten Performer
Mr.Aries wrote:
Af8! wrote:I have to agree that it is boring to watch the same songs over and over again, which goes back the fact that doesn't play their old songs. They definitely don't play most of their BABY ACTION era songs, and they play a few BEST SCANDAL era songs. But they really stick to their newer songs lately, and although they're all great, they need to show fans their older stuff. It's good that they're finally playing album songs like Kill the Virgin. It means that they may start playing other album only songs, like Koe, Rising Star, and Right Here. That is something I don't like, when a band begins to stick to a specific set list. It's nice to see new stuff, but it can't be new anymore if you use it too much. 

Revive the old songs, SCANDAL! Or, at least integrate them into your set list for lives. With that kind of mix, it'll make for a great live.
My friend ever told me about this matter. It's not like they didn't want to play their old song and just stick to specific set list, but it's because the contract that "forced" them to play "certain" set list. You know, it's more like "business play" of the company. The company didn't really care about the "fans desire"....They just think how to get profit as much as possible from their "artist". There are high possibility that if they make "certain show or certain set list", they can make more profit than the "other show or set list", and he told me (my friend) that "this play" is not only for SCANDAL, but for the other artist, especially "the popular artist". I don't know if he really told me the truth, though........
I see your friend's point, but that kind of doesn't make sense to me. How do you make money off of songs? Especially at an event that the band is only participating in. The fans don't know what songs the girls are going to play before they play them, so they can't make money off of the songs...but maybe that's a business type-thing. I remember reading somewhere that the girls have a voice in all their business matters (maybe that was only pertaining to the albums, but I'm sure that it also had to do with the set list...someone correct if I'm wrong.) 

Anyways, even if it has to do with money, I think that the girls need to try and change it up. They could lose fans that way. It's not guaranteed, but it's a possibility, and the profits could go down. But, I don't know much, so...if anything isn't correct, let me know.

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